ex asks you to return gifts...what do you do?

Jul 25, 2000
lets say your ex bought you a ton of jays,then you go through a messy breakup and they ask for the shoes back...what do you do? give them back? or be like%$#@# that,those were gifts.
yea,just confirms my thoughts, its a %%*@ move, but ima just return them to save the headache of arguing. just need to purge this person out of my life.
what size? ill take them?
Hell no... I'm sure you gave her gifts and stuff... They are gifts... she wouldn't even win that case in court...
^^^ This man speaks the truth. Seen some civil cases like that and the plaintiff lost.
you have to understand, this person is a big baby, so id rather just give them their stuff back so they can exit my life right quick. keeping it wuould justlead to a big argument over nothin,and im not tryin to have that anymore.
If you really want her out of your life then give them back. Don't give her reasons to talk to you or come looking for you.
Haha this has happened to me several times. Last time this girl I messed with tried to get the js she bought for me back, I just yelled NOOOOOOO and slammedthe door in her face. Then I hear all my other housemates just start cracking up laughing cuz we were playing video games. Haven't talked to the crazy girlsince. Don't give them back!
Thats immature. Asking for gifts back show how much this person is not ready for a relationship. Sure, she is hurt and she wants to take it out on you, shewants to make you feel what she is feeling. Not nice...for either party. She has nothing to gain and needs to take some time out for herself.

She bought the gifts for you to enjoy, she shouldnt ask for them back. When you buy a gift, youre not thinkinng "oh this was expensive, if we break up imtaking it back"...ok well we might think it sometimes but its not the idea. Gifts are gifts, even in court if you fought to get them back you would losethem. Gift are not considered in a court case.
send her a pair of Obama AF1s n tell her those are limited edition n worth mad money
where does it end though? you give back some shoes.. she sees that as a sign of weakness and then digs deeper. theres no end in sight with those types..
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