Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Didn't he explicitly say he's going to terminate their famlies though?

Either way. I'm just shocked this guy is still around.

Maybe they interpolated the text in the manifesto? I recall reading that there are multiple versions of the text. [theory]imagine they vilified him on purpose to make him seem like a crazed lunatic?[/theory] Who knows how crooked the LAPD really is...we really don't know anything though. The only thing im certain of is that they will TOS this dude, no question.
supposedly dude was going to off somebody in thousand oaks, i walked by the police station where i live here in oxnard (T.O is like 15 minutes away) and parking lot was full of swat trucks and cops walking around with ARs and shotguns, this situation is mad crazy, especially with the drone coming in to play
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Those ladies that were shot are getting a brand new truck, courtesy of the LAPD. :lol:
Hopefully this dude just offs himself soon, and they find his body frozen in big bear with his Richard in his mouth.
Those ladies that were shot are getting a brand new truck, courtesy of the LAPD.
A new truck! Totally worth getting shot for
Those ladies that were shot are getting a brand new truck, courtesy of the LAPD. :lol:
Hope they didn't sign the papers for the new truck, wouldn't put it past them to slip a release of liability form in there.
Hopefully this dude just offs himself soon, and they find his body frozen in big bear with his Richard in his mouth.

So what now gives you license to make comments like this? Don't you think you are becoming what you have so vehemently despised of in this thread?
Hopefully this dude just offs himself soon, and they find his body frozen in big bear with his Richard in his mouth.
So what now gives you license to make comments like this? Don't you think you are becoming what you have so vehemently despised of in this thread?
You gotta realize you're dealing with Club here.  This is the kind of **** he does.  Ultimately, the rustling of jimmies is the primary goal.  
Was just in Northridge, CA earlier today and I can confirm the heavy police presence. I counted at least four helicopters. One huge blacked out one just hovering and three just roaming. On the way back home I also saw what looked like a train of FBI vehicles zooming in the opposite direction, straight outta GTA. It was crazy. Even if it was a fake tip, I'm surprised with all the resources the government has, that they still haven't found him. It's already been said, but I can support the cause, but the execution is what I have a problem with. But then again, how does one tackle such situation without any violence?
I cant get down with killing police. Some of these guys are young guys that just started...21,22 year olds that have a young family, maybe a 1-2 year old baby..that MAYBE wanna be a good police officer and has nothing to do with the lunatic's firing. Some of you guys are SICK.

The problem is that the newly minted cop or any police officer under 30 is going to bring woe unto his community. If this new officer gets killed at the age of 25 instead of 35, that means 10 less years of violence and intimidation for which ever community this man would have policed.

New officers have been taught to have an adverserial relationship with the communities that they police. They do very little in terms of protecting the lives and property of ordinary citizens. Instead of working a beat and keeping lives and property of working class people safe, the policeman would rather spend 300 man hours spying on some who sells drugs so he can convict him of a victimless crime and allow an assistant DA to claim that he stopped a "king pin" and thus the assistant DA gets promoted or elected as the new DA and the police man gets a quid pro quo promotion. The cops would rather hand out traffic tickets and collect the massive fines that come with them rather than stop vandalism, public intoxication and even rape because policing the streets is not lucrative. If there is not money or political juice to be gained, they do not bother anymore.

The police are bandits and overly proud and arrogant bandits at that. They really think that they incur some extraordinary risk when they harrass and spy on fellow ctizens and they feel that they are constrained when citizens question their shoot first ask questions later mentality. When they face an actual threat like Mr. Dorner they become even more cowardly and trigger happy. They like to have all of the outward visual trapping of an elite military force but when confronted with a small fraction of the risked that confronts real soldiers in real wars, the policeman shows none of the professional and self discipline and restraint shown by true soldiers.

Law enforcement is also now widely overpaid, they make six figures and produce zero wealth or value to tax payers, aside from the very rich. Aside from other cops and their immediate family, they view anyone who is not rich as less than human and as an enemy of the state. As a result of this dynamic, the only non cops with whom they get to know are the very privileged members of the community who make high six figures and more. The state sanctioned thug concludes that getting paid 400,000k harrassing motorists is not enough money and or LAPD or CHP officer feels that his 30 junkets to Las Vegas are just not enough, he needs 40 such trips and a new fleet of ATVs. In addition to all that, they expect to be just as lavishly compensated when they retire at around age 50 and the much lower paid tax payer, who himself has no such pension plan, is on the hook to finance the cop's lavish pension plan.

The police are also at the vanguard of the militarization of our society and politics. The more automatic weapons and military vehicles they get the less safe they feel and the more they imagine threats. The more tax payer funded military toys they get the more they expand their SWAT teams and the more they imagine serving some tweaker hick a narcotics warrant will look like D-day. The police are the manifestation of an out of control and out of touch ruling class.

They despise the Constitution and they fell that the Bill of Rights is something that hampers them "in the field." They have appropriated military terminology to further create a need to disregard civil rights and liberties. Suspects have become "detainees," a word that used to only mean hostile Islamists captured in Afghanistan now means you if you j walk. They always have a desire to lock up more people, for longer amounts of time and well a smalle rand smller burden of proof. They torture suspects when every they think they can get away with it. This means that they will be as sadistic and capricious as the political process will allow.

The police are, as an institution, tranforming into an analouge of various Third World paramilitaries or members of some Junta's "interior ministry." Harrassment, torture, murder, kidnapping, extortion, tax farming and runaway bellicostity are things that they provide in abundance and a desire to help the very communities that they are tasked with policing is not even considered anymore. Christopher Dorner is simply a monster that contemporary law enforcement created, he is only note worthy because he has gone rouge. If he were an officer in good standing and merely killed two relatives of non cops, he would be given desk duty and his actions would have been justified by the police chief and the political establishment.
So what now gives you license to make comments like this? Don't you think you are becoming what you have so vehemently despised of in this thread?
well to begin with this is becoming a nuisance to us living in southern california, his "crusade" has only made things worst for us minorities and law enforcement.

they can use this as an excuse for whatever, i mean cmon they shot 2 ladies, and in the end gave the family a truck..an effin truck.

this just needs to end, this is just another psycho, with a vendetta against the people that did what was right, and fired his crazy *** off the force.

if this isnt a clear indicator this man isnt right in his head then i dont know what is.

he has deep psychological issues and that stupid "manifesto" is just to make his revenge seem justified.
The hero worship of a dude that is a police officer by dudes who hate the police. Who killed 2 innocent people but its ok because he hates the police but the LAPD is evil because they shot at innocent people but didn't kill them.

People are fun.
The Joker:

Do I really look like a guy with a plan? You know what I am? I'm a dog chasing cars. I wouldn't know what to do with one if I caught it. You know, I just... do things. The mob has plans, the cops have plans, Gordon's got plans. You know, they're schemers. Schemers trying to control their little worlds. I'm not a schemer. I try to show the schemers how pathetic their attempts to control things really are. So, when I say... Ah, come here.
When I say that you and your girlfriend was nothing personal, you know that I'm telling the truth. It's the schemers that put you where you are. You were a schemer, you had plans, and look where that got you. I just did what I do best. I took your little plan and I turned it on itself. Look what I did to this city with a few drums of gas and a couple of bullets. Hmmm? You know... You know what I've noticed? Nobody panics when things go "according to plan." Even if the plan is horrifying! If, tomorrow, I tell the press that, like, a gang banger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will be blown up, nobody panics, because it's all "part of the plan." But when I say that one little old mayor will die, well then everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy. Upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I'm an agent of chaos. Oh, and you know the thing about chaos? It's fair!
If he were an officer in good standing and merely killed two relatives of non cops, he would be given desk duty and his actions would have been justified by the police chief and the political establishment.

The whole post was on point, but this particular sentence is probably the most noteworthy argument in the entire thread.

On another note, when police can beat a man half to death on camera and walk, there is no hope for change. This incident will, when resolved, fall out of the realm of America's attention span. It will be business as usual, if not worse.
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