Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Just curious but it's ok to judge a majority of police officers for the actions of a minority of them? If we applied this logic to other ethnic or religious groups we'd be horrible people correct?
It's the whole law enforcement culture, though. From random stops/ illegal searches because of skin color to the Thin Blue Line in which officers are expected to have each other's back regardless of the situation.
It's the whole law enforcement culture, though. From random stops/ illegal searches because of skin color to the Thin Blue Line in which officers are expected to have each other's back regardless of the situation.
I understand why you don't like them am just asking what's the difference?
No difference. It is a blanket statement.

Even Dorner himself said that there are officers that are good but we will ignore that.
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You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.
You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.
Probable cause and discrimination go in hand.What if one your colleagues see me in my moms new car just because I'm a young black man in a new car and he stops me searches the car and me.
You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.
Its still just a judgment call. Cop said I was swerving so I got pulled over. Once hes decided that, how do I stop it? How do I tell the officer I was not swerving and that he does not have probable cause.
You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.
i've gotten stopped going to throw the trash in my gated complex..

i've been getting stopped since 18..i dont dress like a thug at all.

i havent had a good experience with cops, one of em shot at me when i was 19 when they raided a house party, we were the oldest ones there..

so they took all four of us in, we were maybe there for 10 mins.

a bunch of kids jumped a wall into some yards i cut around a corner to head towards the front and a old *** sergeant came around the same corner.

i yelled out oh **** with my hands in the air and he fired..he narrowly missed my leg because i jumped just in time.

made us look like we killed a cop and ish..

these feelings just dont come out of thin air..alot of yall dont seem to understand, that there is a world beyond your parents house.

i still have no criminal record.
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I get stopped all the time in my neighborhood when driving my moms old Benz, or my old Lexus, or my bucket when I had it lol

Different story when I drive my sisters jetta tho lol
i've gotten stopped going to throw the trash in my gated complex..

i've been getting stopped since 18..i dont dress like a thug at all.

i havent had a good experience with cops, one of em shot at me when i was 19 when they raided a house party, we were the oldest ones there..

so they took all four of us in, we were maybe there for 10 mins.

a bunch of kids jumped a wall into some yards i cut around a corner to head towards the front and a old *** sergeant came around the same corner.

i yelled out oh **** with my hands in the air and he fired..he narrowly missed my leg because i jumped just in time.

made us look like we killed a cop and ish..

these feelings just dont come out of thin air..alot of yall dont seem to understand, that there is a world beyond your parents house.

i still have no criminal record.
Why do you always post this picture ?

I'm a long time lurker but you've posted this pic over ten times to make yourself look badazz.
You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.

Bruh, I respect you if you're trying to do right, but don't be this ignorant to reality.

Any young black or hispanic male in America can relate to being pulled over for ZERO reason. I've been stopped and searched walking down the street for absolutely nothing.

Maybe you have a code of ethics, but a LOT of cops don't and a lot of ******** goes down.
I'd be curious to know of how many minorities here on NT that have never had bad interactions with police? In spending a lot of time in the DC area and NYC while growing up, I can honestly say that I've never been harassed or anything along those lines.
Bruh, I respect you if you're trying to do right, but don't be this ignorant to reality.

Any young black or hispanic male in America can relate to being pulled over for ZERO reason. I've been stopped and searched walking down the street for absolutely nothing.

Maybe you have a code of ethics, but a LOT of cops don't and a lot of ******** goes down.

I agree with this. I'm not even a minority and I've been pulled over and humiliated, car searched, the whole nine...20 feet from eating dinner at a Pizza joint with a chick. They had "reason to believe" I was using narcotics :lol:

Police abuse of discretion is widespread. They used to bust my boys and I at parties and let us go only if we gave them our weed and liquor. When I was a teen, they'd run my name through their computer when I was just sitting at the corner after playing ball.

You don't even have to be a minority to acknowledge this. But when you're in an urban environment where violence and substance abuse is an epidemic, the police become biased and their discretion reflects that.

There have literally been dozens of studies conducted proving racial profiling exists along I-95.
I'd be curious to know of how many minorities here on NT that have never had bad interactions with police? In spending a lot of time in the DC area and NYC while growing up, I can honestly say that I've never been harassed or anything along those lines.
in la I've never had a bad interaction. I'm middle eastern
I'd be curious to know of how many minorities here on NT that have never had bad interactions with police? In spending a lot of time in the DC area and NYC while growing up, I can honestly say that I've never been harassed or anything along those lines.
As a black dude, I've had bad experiences but, I've also had a couple encounters with cops that did their job and that I respect.

You have to realize that cops are PEOPLE first, and were regular citizens before getting that badge.

I come into contact with good people and ******* everyday.

Oh and saw this in that article...


Tebow, I really wanted to see you take charge of an offense again and the game. You are not a good QB by todays standards, but you are a great football player who knows how to lead a team and WIN. You will be “Tebowing” when you reach your next team. I have faith in you. Get out of that circus they call the Jets and away from the reality TV star, Rex Ryan, and Mark Rapist Sanchez."

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Why do you always post this picture ?

I'm a long time lurker but you've posted this pic over ten times to make yourself look badazz.
because its PROOF, of what i've experienced...this is NT pics or it didnt happen right?

if im really trying to make myself look "badazz" i would've said i shot 3 cops robbed a bank and this is my picture they showed on the news..

im not trying to show im badass, im trying to show that even if you get shot at by the cops with no charges they will try to make you look like a monster or a piece of ****.

if i had been killed or some ish they would've said i was drunk( i took one sip of beer) and charged at the officer with some type of object in my hand..

they interrogated i kid you not 5 mins after it happened, i was still shaking and my ears were ringing.

on the news story the cops spokesperson was saying that i came around the corner with some kind of object and he gestured with hands as if i was holding a damn axe chopping wood.

then he keeps talking and explains but then it was later revealed that wasnt the case, and he said thanks to the police's great training we were able to apprehend the subjects without anyone getting hurt..
You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.
"We're looking for a black male between 25 and 40 years old, and 150-220 lbs..."
You guys speak of random like you're being targeted! There is a thing called probable cause that we must have in order to stop you! In other words stop doing shady things.

Who are you fooling? My wife is a defense/civil rights law attorney, she always gets her defendants charges dropped on the PD's "probable cause", why? Because its full of ****.
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