Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

No, you don't. You know what the media tells you is going on in China. You'd have to be in China to know what's going on there. That's the point.
cool!  i know what the chinese media is telling me then.  even IN china i may not get the full scope of things, just like here right?  and yet even here, where the media are sometimes nothing more than puppets themselves, somehow the truth always comes out.  there are some reporters and media that are doing their jobs.  back in the day it was a dude riding a horse from town to town and local word of mouth.  now it's on the internet 24/7....the more things change, the more they stay the same.  
my fault i thought it was Riverside. my point is no one really paid attention until the connection was made. if she was really cared about then why wasn't it out there like it is now. no one was crying out for her. that is the point. how come the outlets didn't mention her dad (ex-cop)

these were published on feb 4th (monday)
no mention of her dad

this was posted on next day (tueday)

still no mention. i wonder why

what about these ladies ? they were innocent right ?


they were brutally beaten to death. and you know why they get no air time. because it's all part of plan. that's what you don't see. how come there is no out cry for these ladies? they were just walking down their street, and they have no connection to police family. how come they can't get the same air time?

but all of sudden poor monica, she was killed because a crazy man decided to act because his life was ruined

No DOH! Of course no one paid attention until it involved the cop killer. Isn't that common sense?

The rest of your ramble.. I am not even sure what you're trying to get at.
No, you don't. You know what the media tells you is going on in China. You'd have to be in China to know what's going on there. That's the point.
cool!  i know what the chinese media is telling me then.  even IN china i may not get the full scope of things, just like here right?  and yet even here, where the media are sometimes nothing more than puppets themselves, somehow the truth always comes out.  there are some reporters and media that are doing their jobs.  back in the day it was a dude riding a horse from town to town and local word of mouth.  now it's on the internet 24/7....the more things change, the more they stay the same.  
You really believe that? Really?
No DOH! Of course no one paid attention until it involved the cop killer. Isn't that common sense?

The rest of your ramble.. I am not even sure what you're trying to get at.

so if a cop is involved it sets precedent right ? who cares if other innocent (who don't have direct cop family) people die right? is that what you are saying? man you are a tool


also, where is her dad? if he cared so much about his daughter where is he? why doesn't he come out with a statement? is he hiding something? if someone killed my daughter i sure as hell would be on the look out and talking to the media.
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proof? i watch the news every night. i didn't hear about this story until tueday morning until the cops were shot


It was on KCAL and Fox News at 10 and 11pm. It had that one bald reporter up in Irvine during the night, Al Naipo, or whatever his name is. You're telling me I don't eem know what I seen in the news now?

Do you even live in the SoCal region?
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my point is no one really paid attention until the connection was made. if she was really cared about then why wasn't it out there like it is now.

The same reason victims of serial killers garner more attention than typical 2nd degree homicides. It's now a high profile case. Two innocent murder victims aren't going to receive national attention. Two innocent murder victims in the path of an ex-LAPD/ex-soldier out for vigilante justice will.

Doesn't mean "no one cared" about Quan and her fiancee. They're now just linked to bigger story.

It was on KCAL and Fox News at 10 and 11pm. It had that one bald reporter up in Irvine during the night, Al Naipo, or whatever his name is. You're telling me I don't eem know what I seen in the news now?

Do you even live in the SoCal region?

yes i do. i live in hollywood. born raised here.
so if a cop is involved it sets precedent right ? who cares if other innocent (who don't have direct cop family) people die right? is that what you are saying? man you are a tool

No if a crime involves a celebrity, politician, sports athlete, etc... YES the media is going to cover the story a tad bit more. WHY? Cause society in general are more inclined to watch a news story that is more controversial. Isn't that freaking common sense?

You really think if Smush Parker raped a girl in Colorado, he would garner the same news coverage as compared to Kobe raping a girl? :lol:
Are you even from SoCal ryda? It's pretty big news for the region about two homicides in Irvine if Irvine is ranked one of the SAFEST, if not at least top 5, in the country.
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so where is the dad? randal quan ? is he hiding something? how come no one knows where he is. if that was your daughter, wouldn't you want to clear things? let me guess he doesn't have a reason to be out there
It's not even about conspiracies, genius. Do you know how much goes on behind the scenes that we know nothing about? I guess the CIA and FBI are pretty much useless, huh? Since the truth always comes out and all.
the cia and fbi clandestine activities are all accounted for somewhere and they've been whisteblown on plenty of times.  do you?  if so, then it would stand to reason that the truth indeed, does always eventually come out.  if you don't, then yes...that would count as a conspiracy theory there uh, genius.  
so where is the dad? randal quan ? is he hiding something? how come no one knows where he is. if that was your daughter, wouldn't you want to clear things? let me guess he doesn't have a reason to be out there

Why in the world would the father make a public statement and his face publicized in all the news media. Use your brain a little, why would he endanger himself and his family by doing that?
so where is the dad? randal quan ? is he hiding something? how come no one knows where he is. if that was your daughter, wouldn't you want to clear things? let me guess he doesn't have a reason to be out there
he probably went underground...he doesn't want to be next
Why in the world would the father make a public statement and his face publicized in all the news media. Use your brain a little, why would he endanger himself and his family by doing that?

:lol: so if that was your daughter what would you do ?

and to frank yes i'm from socal.

i'm from hollywood,ca

where you from?
Shooting at every like vehicle. A now million dollar reward....They're really scared of this guy and maybe what he can do/say against them.
Shooting at every like vehicle. A now million dollar reward....They're really scared of this guy and maybe what he can do/say against them.
so where is the dad? randal quan ? is he hiding something? how come no one knows where he is. if that was your daughter, wouldn't you want to clear things? let me guess he doesn't have a reason to be out there

Serious? Is it not feasible that Randy (not Randal; do you even watch/read the news?) is in police protection along with his family and the other named officers and their families? So if someone threatened the President, you expect him to give a public speech?
:lol: so if that was your daughter what would you do ?

Mourn his daughter's death perhaps? Maybe secure the rest of his family? What's with these rhetorical questions...

Not everyone who loses a family member in a horrific manner wants to make a public statement bro.
maybe come out and say he was wrong that he lied. maybe admit that he created this monster ?
so it's a high profile case, we should feel sympathy, but if its a no one, why should not care right ok got it. now i think like you guys
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