Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

seriously tho am i invited?
Bruh I'm serious. I drive to SoCal once a month and hit up magic mountain or universal studios or "the alley" my next trip is suppose to be this weekend if something happens it will be pushed to next weekend. I will know if I'm coming this weekend by tomorrow if not then its for sure next. Real talk

I wanna go too :wow:
**** lets all kick it get bottles and just kick it
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aiite cool sounds good. what day? sat or sunday?
probably Saturday I always leave the bay around midnite that Friday get out to SoCal around 5-6 that sat morning. And sat is usually when I'm more hyped to do ****. Sunday I usually just go to the alley get a couple bacon hotdogs but a turtle or two for a relative from those Mexicans and a couple fake purses for my fam
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seriously tho am i invited?
Bruh I'm serious. I drive to SoCal once a month and hit up magic mountain or universal studios or "the alley" my next trip is suppose to be this weekend if something happens it will be pushed to next weekend. I will know if I'm coming this weekend by tomorrow if not then its for sure next. Real talk

I wanna go too :wow:
**** lets all kick it get bottles and just kick it

SoCal Summit! OHLEHDOIT!
"We did not intentionally burn down that cabin," the sheriff said.
yeah, right we have the evidence in the scanner recordings 
yup, i guess you didn't choose

I didn't choose sides between the corrupt cops and Dorner, which is what I've alluded to this ENTIRE thread. I'm on the side of those trying to end the bloodshed. If Dorner dies a horrible death, it's on him.

LAPD should be addressed different?

Yes. Police sworn in to protect and serve who abuse their powers as means to an end should be punished accordingly, whatever that may be.

you crucify a man who spoke out for injustice, now that he does the same injustice as the cops he is now a scumbag?

Crucified him for killing innocent people, not for speaking out for injustice. ¿WHAT PART OF THIS DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND? Holy Christ.

no, you haven't. therefore you do need to live in LA to live the injustice.

You're right. Only Los Angeles natives comprehend injustice and ineptitude within law enforcement and the courts :stoneface:

you don't even live in NYC to make these claims.

Claims???? Diallo, Goetz, Central Park 5, Louima, Diallo were HIGHLY publicized cases of racism and brutality within the department in the 80's and 90's. I don't need to live in NY to be familiar with them. Guess I can't make any "claims" about 9/11 either :lol:

you live in a city where minorities(latin, black, arab, asian, indian, middle eastern) outnumber the majory

I do? That's news to me.

(white aka european, american white)

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:smh: at LAPD being scam artists. $1 million reward for the "capture and conviction", these mother****** had NO intention on capturing much less putting in the time to convict him. Those maids could be diddy boppin right now. :lol:
McMahon denied speculation that officers intentionally set the fire, saying officers first used traditional tear gas to flush the man out. When that didn't work, they decided to use CS gas canisters, which are known in law enforcement parlance as incendiary tear gas. These canisters, filled with more potent gas, have a significantly greater chance of starting a fire.

"We did not intentionally burn down that cabin," the sheriff said.

Shaking my head... how are they going to contradict themselves by saying they didn't intentionally burn down the cabin knowing full well the incendiary tear gas had a greater chance of starting a fire. Damn!
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