Ex LAPD officer going around killing other cops. WILD STORY

Shaking my head... how are they going to contradict themselves by saying they didn't intentionally burn down the cabin knowing full well the incendiary tear gas had a greater chance of starting a fire. Damn!

Think of it like this. You get a girl pregnant despite using the pullout method. You didn't mean to get her pregnant, there was just a risk that it could happen.
"If you're really trying to kill all those people, if that's really your plan, and you're a great tactician, then you don't tell people," said Jim Clemente, a retired behavioral analyst for the FBI. "You don't tell LAPD in advance so they can put a bunch of bodyguards on people. He went and killed soft targets, innocent citizens, who had nothing to do with him at all. He used those to scare people, and he used those sadistically to harm the LAPD officer he wanted to get at."

I posted this quote because it pretty much sums up how foolish and erroneous Dorner was. All those years of supposed planning and he did a lot of it wrong. Not only have four innocent people not involved in his tirade against the LAPD died at the hands of Dorner, but everyone he had ill will towards in the LAPD are alive. Now his actions will only be a blip on the radar and any attempt to right the wrong of the corrupt was burned down. He lost it and didn't keep his patience and wits. He freaked out and attempted this rampage.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Let this be a lesson of how not to handle these situations. Should be obvious, but after reading some posts in here...It may help someone.
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I posted this quote because it pretty much sums up how foolish and erroneous Dorner was. All those years of supposed planning and he did a lot of it wrong. Not only have four innocent people not involved in his tirade against the LAPD died at the hands of Dorner, but everyone he had ill will towards in the LAPD are alive. Now his actions will only be a blip on the radar and any attempt to right the wrong of the corrupt was burned down. He lost it and didn't keep his patience and wits. He freaked out and attempted this rampage.

The pen is mightier than the sword. Let this be a lesson of how not to handle these situations. Should be obvious, but after reading some posts in here...It may help someone.

Same could be said for school shooters, people attempting suicide, etc. Anytime anyone tells someone they're going to do something like that, it means they're not actually going to do it. They want to be stopped. If he really wanted to create havoc, he'd have kept his mouth shut and gone about his "rampage" quietly.
Jay Electronica just ruffled some feathers 

Why people mad they set the cabin on fire? They should have showed the guy remorse? :lol:

Remorse no but why are the Police allowed to be the judge and jury also? They had the cabin surrounded and didn't want to wait it out.. instead they essentially burned him on a stake. Public execution for the world to see that you don't mess with Law Enforcement and their families.

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Why people mad they set the cabin on fire? They should have showed the guy remorse? :lol:
Uh I don't know? Maybe because they should have done their job in waiting him out and trying to talk him down? Maybe because burning someone alive even in WAR situations is considered inhumane? Or maybe.....just maybe, what makes people the most "mad" is imbiciles like you who just don't seem to get it.

This entire situation is out of the twilight zone, maybe this is proof in the pudding that former military are not exactly the best police officers. War and Policing are not the same in ANY way with the exception that they both carry guns. Can't believe they burned dude on national tv, on some lynch status. Surreal.
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:lol: Dude was shooting at them b. Killed or wounded some of them.

Yall really wanted them to risk more lives? To bring him to "justice". Yall really think dudes is just going to respawn with more XP points? They got families to get home to. Dude chose his fate. Right or wrong.

Im not even sure if they burned it down intentionally but i could understand if they said **** it if he in there burn it down.
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Why people mad they set the cabin on fire? They should have showed the guy remorse?
Uh I don't know? Maybe because they should have done their job in waiting him out and trying to talk him down?
I would have agreed with this IF he didn't kill innocents.

Once he killed that basketball coach and the fiance simply because they were related to a cop, he became just as bad as the dudes at Columbine, VT, Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc. His intentions are irrelevant. They did nothing to him.
I would have agreed with this IF he didn't kill innocents.​

Once he killed that basketball coach and the fiance simply because they were related to a cop, he became just as bad as the dudes at Columbine, VT, Aurora, Sandy Hook, etc. His intentions are irrelevant. They did nothing to him.​
See, here in lies the problem with that, Dorner was out of his mind. The state has no such excuse in this case, or any case for that matter.

We are supposed to be the civil ones, All Dorners death did was cement his original point in the first place. It's especially terrifying for me seeing that you and others seem to justify this behavior of a public execution. The lying of how the fire was an accident, only makes them seem worse, I mean as a rational person you have ask yourself the question why lie?

I mean we gave Saddam a trial, and if anyone didn't deserve a trial- it was that guy.
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Shaking my head... how are they going to contradict themselves by saying they didn't intentionally burn down the cabin knowing full well the incendiary tear gas had a greater chance of starting a fire. Damn!
well, they did use those canisters knowing they'd cause a fire but their intent wasnt to burn him alive he could've came out with his hands up as soon as he saw that canister come in and when they were pleading with him to come out over the loud speaker.

he had plenty of chances to stop this, he brought this on himself.

also all he had to do in his manifesto was mention the injustices and examples of the police abusing their power, not the other nonsense.
Dude was killing officers with no remorse, had a twisted vendetta, and was dangerous in his police and military training. It's not as simple as walking up to him, arresting him, and giving him a trial.

He's holed up in a cabin and they need to assume he's got an advantage on them. Whether it be the simply knowing the layout of the area or going as far as setting up traps. They needed to approach this in a way that didn't spell more officer deaths. If it had to endanger this man, then so be it. Dorner already illustrated what his tactics were, what his intent was.

It doesn't make the officers barbaric or violent or unfair because they didn't give this dude a chance when a squad gave Sadaam a chance in a completely different situation or anything. It's a simple decision faced with the circumstances.
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We are supposed to be the civil ones, All Dorners death did was cement his original point in the first place. It's especially terrifying for me seeing that you and others seem to justify this behavior of a public execution. The lying of how the fire was an accident, only makes them seem worse, I mean as a rational person you have ask yourself the question why lie?

I understand this, and I believe you have a point. As much as I'd love to see retribution come in the form of him suffering for the pain he caused the families of the innocent, I know it's wrong to think that.

The only beef I have with your statement is "all it did was cement his original point." It's kind of backwards for him to proclaim himself as righteous and condemn people, but then immediately turn around and commit immoral acts. He lost all credibility as soon as he chose to behave as bad or worse than those he denounced. He's the ultimate hypocrite. Reminds me of Donnie Brasco in a way.
I understand this, and I believe you have a point. As much as I'd love to see retribution come in the form of him suffering for the pain he caused the families of the innocent, I know it's wrong to think that.

The only beef I have with your statement is "all it did was cement his original point." It's kind of backwards for him to proclaim himself as righteous and condemn people, but then immediately turn around and commit immoral acts. He lost all credibility as soon as he chose to behave as bad or worse than those he denounced. He's the ultimate hypocrite. Reminds me of Donnie Brasco in a way.
No question that what he did was wrong, but I think there is also no question he was nuts. As a brilliant individual- Dorner was more susceptible to his apparent dive into schizophrenia. I am not offering excuses, just trying to offer some context to the overall situation.

Throughout his muddled and incoherent manifesto, the one theme that stood out was the theme that the LAPD thought of themselves not as an extension of the law, but above it. What better way to prove his point than to burn the guy alive on national tv? They did this despite being given the platform to prove themselves better than the accusations he stated. If they would have apprehended him without killing - as their job description indicates, then I would fully endorse the death penalty if convicted.

And to those of you claiming that no further death was the main reason for burning it down, please- stop kidding yourself. Their are numerous ways to disable a person without killing them. Starve him out for goodness sakes, or lynch him whatever's fastest?

Murder is murder, badge or not.
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because fire dept is not allowed to operate while the police are doin theiir thang

Yep. Recall the North Hollywood bank robbery. One of the shooters bled out because paramedics weren't allowed in until the scene was secure. The mother of the shooter sued the city, and was basically laughed out of court.
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