EXPLOSION @ Boston Marathon

LOL. That uncle don't play. Bet if these kids lived with him  they'd be done with school, married and working a good job.

Belt never fails.

What a great American
agreed, watching his interview made me so proud to be an american. seems like an all-around great guy.
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For my law people....

What now?...this goes to court...how do they assign a defense lawyer for him?...how does any lawyer take up a case like this?...or does this even follow the regular procedures of a trial?
For my law people....

What now?...this goes to court...how do they assign a defense lawyer for him?...how does any lawyer take up a case like this?...or does this even follow the regular procedures of a trial?

Who could seriously defend dude. Good point. :smh:
For my law people....

What now?...this goes to court...how do they assign a defense lawyer for him?...how does any lawyer take up a case like this?...or does this even follow the regular procedures of a trial?

I imagine many defense lawyers would love this job. Great publicity for them.
Chased for 24hrs and no final big bang at the end??? :smh:

Goes to play COD....

Hahaha just kidding. Good job to the officers that were involved in capturing this coward.

Boston will sleep better tonight
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The defense (public defender of course) is going to set it up that his older brother forced him/brainwashed him.
For my law people....

What now?...this goes to court...how do they assign a defense lawyer for him?...how does any lawyer take up a case like this?...or does this even follow the regular procedures of a trial?

You're best bet is to try and get the sentence shortened by claiming that he was just a pawn of his older brother (and possibly father).
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