Fake 1/2 Cent Samples?

Sep 30, 2006
So I went on Craigslist last week and saw A post for a pair of the 1/2 Cents Spark Green. I clicked and saw that the guy was asking for $250, and the onlypicture he had was the picture of the dude holding them:


Me being curious sent him a message asking for more pics, in the back of my mind im saying fake but you never know. A week later from the time I asked to seemore pics, he sends me 2 more. I saw them and made the
face (in order). I say fake, accoring to the second pic but you guys be the judge.


They look off to me. If you are meeting in person you will know instantly once you see them. I met a dude once and had to tell him his shoes were fake...Ithought he was going to fight me.
Originally Posted by fattymagee14

They look off to me. If you are meeting in person you will know instantly once you see them. I met a dude once and had to tell him his shoes were fake...I thought he was going to fight me.
lmao, i know exactly how you feel, ill b upset if i meet someobdy, thinking im getting some money but instead getting a lesson on how my shoes arefake
how can you tell? maybe cus im on my phone but i dont see much of a difference.
Stay away. The first ones posted are legit, but the guy wasn't able to keep them if those are from that same set that had all of the Fall/Winter samplesshown.

Why would he post a larger pic of a legit pair and then send small crappy cell pics of the pair in question.

The shape of the so-called foam upper of the pair he is selling is off. The area around the swoosh comes up to quickly and is really fat surrounding theswoosh.
Originally Posted by tdog91184

Stay away. The first ones posted are legit, but the guy wasn't able to keep them if those are from that same set that had all of the Fall/Winter samples shown.

Why would he post a larger pic of a legit pair and then send small crappy cell pics of the pair in question.

The shape of the so-called foam upper of the pair he is selling is off. The area around the swoosh comes up to quickly and is really fat surrounding the swoosh.
Yea, I knew somethin was fishy when he posted the pic of the guy holding them in his post, he prolly knows himself they not real, and the swooshin the second pic looks like it can kill you if you were stabbed with it.
those laces dont look flat though, they look oval if anything...i guess best bet it to see if such samples, if any, were ever made. they look better than theall black that are out now, if they are legit, imo
Originally Posted by blackcat23mj

those laces dont look flat though, they look oval if anything...i guess best bet it to see if such samples, if any, were ever made. they look better than the all black that are out now, if they are legit, imo
These samples do exist, in fact these are releasing around the holidays of this year
hmmm...I guess I need my eyes checked cause they look good to me. but then, small cell pics are really hard to decipher
does he have the box?? thats a good why to tell if there fake. for $250 they better be in a box.
Originally Posted by soflyrr

does he have the box?? thats a good why to tell if there fake. for $250 they better be in a box.

Actually, that's false. If they are samples, then they wouldn't be in a regularly labeled Nike box, because samples don't come in boxes.
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