Fake Jordan being sold at Shoepalace montebello, Ca

You make a million pairs and the QC isn't gonna be there. Seen plenty of legit pairs of these with flaws. One even had the 23 on the left shoe a good inch and half off center.
the ridiculous stupid paranoia with some of you young cats :smh:

Funny part is, I'm not that young and thos pair is the only pair of 11's that I recieved with imperfections...I'm 34 btw...and I believe that if I am paying this much for a shoe ues I expect and demand perfection
Funny part is, I'm not that young and thos pair is the only pair of 11's that I recieved with imperfections...I'm 34 btw...and I believe that if I am paying this much for a shoe ues I expect and demand perfection
plenty of people received pairs with imperfections, but calling them fake when you got them from a legit source is dumb. 
plenty of people received pairs with imperfections, but calling them fake when you got them from a legit source is dumb. 
They can call themselves a "legit source" source all they want, how legit are they when the BBB isn't even backing them up right now
ah, a troll account. ok
Troll account?? I just want the public and for all "TRUE" jordan shoe collectors and anthusists to know the truth, I mean, have you ever heard of footlocker closing one of thier locations for fake shoes?? Don't think so. Shoepalace closed out a store in San Jose for that specific reason. So how's that for trolling? Not too bad right? hahahaha jokes on you for getting fake J's and you just got ripped for your money hahahaha
That's how I know you don't know what you're talking about lol

It's hard to take you seriously if you don't think his statement isn't 150% true. If you're someone who considers themselves collector and have been collecting for more than a couple years, you'd know JB hasn't been pumping out anything high quality for the better part of 10 years. Excluding a few limited/special edition/collab releases.
As for whether or not they're fake vs sloppy craftmanship depends on the rest of the shoe. Believe it or not high quality fakes that come with "real to the touch" carbon fiber won't have flaws like the 23 not being lined up with the ball that's actually one feature they get pretty consistently. Obvious low quality with fake carbon fiber, fake suede/nubuck, and such will have flaws like that. If the 23 is the only thing that's off about the shoes I'd say they're real. Just a sloppy pair.
As for whether or not they're fake vs sloppy craftmanship depends on the rest of the shoe. Believe it or not high quality fakes that come with "real to the touch" carbon fiber won't have flaws like the 23 not being lined up with the ball that's actually one feature they get pretty consistently. Obvious low quality with fake carbon fiber, fake suede/nubuck, and such will have flaws like that. If the 23 is the only thing that's off about the shoes I'd say they're real. Just a sloppy pair.
Yea the ball is not matched up correctly it acually sits above the 23
Yea the ball is not matched up correctly it acually sits above the 23

If that's the only flaw is say you're good as far as authenticity. The old school rules to tell the difference between fake and real 11s like the ball lining up and the jumpman jordan tag on the third spacing don't really hold up anymore because high quality fakes generally don't get those things wrong anymore. What they do get wrong is like shades of color, slight difference in materials, wrong shoe laces/accessories etc. if this was a low quality (the fakes that usually have this error) there would be way more wrong with it than just the 23 placement. I say you're good. But id consider returning them if it bothers you that much.
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