Fat or Obese NTers. Why?

I just find it comical that it seems so inappropriate/rude/condescending to not even make fun of fat people, but simply tell them that they should lose weight, something that at the end of the day (with genes/habits/excuses aside) IS CONTROLLABLE. But it's okay to rip on short dudes or ugly dudes who really can't do much about their inherited problems. 
Also, just finished year 2 of med school, and seriously: fat people you need to get into shape if you wanna live a healthy life. Common sense really but sooo many diseases we covered were made worse / caused by being overweight or obese
I just find it comical that it seems so inappropriate/rude/condescending to not even make fun of fat people, but simply tell them that they should lose weight, something that at the end of the day (with genes/habits/excuses aside) IS CONTROLLABLE. But it's okay to rip on short dudes or ugly dudes who really can't do much about their inherited problems. 
Also, just finished year 2 of med school, and seriously: fat people you need to get into shape if you wanna live a healthy life. Common sense really but sooo many diseases we covered were made worse / caused by being overweight or obese
Being skinny/fit is great 
.... Six pack

A year and a half ago I started gaining weight and until I got back down to my current weight I didn't actually realize how bad it was. You see yourself everyday, so it's hard to see changes in your body. You really can't get on someone for not realizing their weight might be going up a bit.

Went from 189 to 160.

Prom pictures from a week ago. Yeah I'm 18...

(on the right in both pictures)

Being skinny/fit is great 
.... Six pack

A year and a half ago I started gaining weight and until I got back down to my current weight I didn't actually realize how bad it was. You see yourself everyday, so it's hard to see changes in your body. You really can't get on someone for not realizing their weight might be going up a bit.

Went from 189 to 160.

Prom pictures from a week ago. Yeah I'm 18...

(on the right in both pictures)

I was 235 two months ago. I'm between 215 and 220 these days.

Motivation was looking at my face swell up.

I was gettin mad chubby. On top of that, I wanted to join the Air Force, and they told me at my height, 6'4", the most I could weigh was 220lbs. So I started running and eating healthy.

You NEED to EDUCATE YOURSELF on what eating helthy is for your own body. Everyones body has different requirements that need to be met in order to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

If you want a good place to start, go to bodybuilding.com and hit their forums as if it were Niketalk. Mingle with them dudes and read up like you're trying to find info on that new Nike release you have been waiting on!
You'll slowly begin to be educated and find out how to shake that weight and get in shape. And that's just a start... It's a lifestyle.
I was 235 two months ago. I'm between 215 and 220 these days.

Motivation was looking at my face swell up.

I was gettin mad chubby. On top of that, I wanted to join the Air Force, and they told me at my height, 6'4", the most I could weigh was 220lbs. So I started running and eating healthy.

You NEED to EDUCATE YOURSELF on what eating helthy is for your own body. Everyones body has different requirements that need to be met in order to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

If you want a good place to start, go to bodybuilding.com and hit their forums as if it were Niketalk. Mingle with them dudes and read up like you're trying to find info on that new Nike release you have been waiting on!
You'll slowly begin to be educated and find out how to shake that weight and get in shape. And that's just a start... It's a lifestyle.
I just can't believe some of the hate in here for overweight people..If you're skinny then I guess congrats to you, but if you're skinny and hatin' on fat people then you need to worry less about their weight and worry more about your soul..Im probably one of them people yall make fun of for breathing heavy when I walk up stairs or sweating when you see me walking around the mall..But I got news for you, I don't do those things because Im fat..I do those things because the pain takes my breath away and makes me sweat..So before you judge someone who is fat/overweight why don't you stop and think about all the things wrong with you that the person behind you is making fun of..Damn what has the world come to?..smh
I just can't believe some of the hate in here for overweight people..If you're skinny then I guess congrats to you, but if you're skinny and hatin' on fat people then you need to worry less about their weight and worry more about your soul..Im probably one of them people yall make fun of for breathing heavy when I walk up stairs or sweating when you see me walking around the mall..But I got news for you, I don't do those things because Im fat..I do those things because the pain takes my breath away and makes me sweat..So before you judge someone who is fat/overweight why don't you stop and think about all the things wrong with you that the person behind you is making fun of..Damn what has the world come to?..smh
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I was 235 two months ago. I'm between 215 and 220 these days.

Motivation was looking at my face swell up.

I was gettin mad chubby. On top of that, I wanted to join the Air Force, and they told me at my height, 6'4", the most I could weigh was 220lbs. So I started running and eating healthy.

You NEED to EDUCATE YOURSELF on what eating helthy is for your own body. Everyones body has different requirements that need to be met in order to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

If you want a good place to start, go to bodybuilding.com and hit their forums as if it were Niketalk. Mingle with them dudes and read up like you're trying to find info on that new Nike release you have been waiting on!
You'll slowly begin to be educated and find out how to shake that weight and get in shape. And that's just a start... It's a lifestyle.
I agree with you on a lot of points, but I have to add that it's important to differentiate between HEALTHY eating and eating to lose/maintain/gain weight. And obviously eating healthy leads to loss of weight, but one thing you notice on BB forums for example, as well as lots of other places is the way they eat (via tons of supplements and other %%** like that, too few carbs, too many proteins) will seriously damage your body in the long run. Anyways, just wanted to make a point to be careful and strike a balance between the two.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

I was 235 two months ago. I'm between 215 and 220 these days.

Motivation was looking at my face swell up.

I was gettin mad chubby. On top of that, I wanted to join the Air Force, and they told me at my height, 6'4", the most I could weigh was 220lbs. So I started running and eating healthy.

You NEED to EDUCATE YOURSELF on what eating helthy is for your own body. Everyones body has different requirements that need to be met in order to lose, maintain, or gain weight.

If you want a good place to start, go to bodybuilding.com and hit their forums as if it were Niketalk. Mingle with them dudes and read up like you're trying to find info on that new Nike release you have been waiting on!
You'll slowly begin to be educated and find out how to shake that weight and get in shape. And that's just a start... It's a lifestyle.
I agree with you on a lot of points, but I have to add that it's important to differentiate between HEALTHY eating and eating to lose/maintain/gain weight. And obviously eating healthy leads to loss of weight, but one thing you notice on BB forums for example, as well as lots of other places is the way they eat (via tons of supplements and other %%** like that, too few carbs, too many proteins) will seriously damage your body in the long run. Anyways, just wanted to make a point to be careful and strike a balance between the two.
If I started getting fat I would do everything to keep it off, whatever it took.
I know that for some people though it really just doesn't work, I know people that exercise all the time and just don't get slimmer
If I started getting fat I would do everything to keep it off, whatever it took.
I know that for some people though it really just doesn't work, I know people that exercise all the time and just don't get slimmer
Originally Posted by casekicks

I just can't believe some of the hate in here for overweight people..If you're skinny then I guess congrats to you, but if you're skinny and hatin' on fat people then you need to worry less about their weight and worry more about your soul..Im probably one of them people yall make fun of for breathing heavy when I walk up stairs or sweating when you see me walking around the mall..But I got news for you, I don't do those things because Im fat..I do those things because the pain takes my breath away and makes me sweat..So before you judge someone who is fat/overweight why don't you stop and think about all the things wrong with you that the person behind you is making fun of..Damn what has the world come to?..smh

Damn... So what causes the pain?
Originally Posted by casekicks

I just can't believe some of the hate in here for overweight people..If you're skinny then I guess congrats to you, but if you're skinny and hatin' on fat people then you need to worry less about their weight and worry more about your soul..Im probably one of them people yall make fun of for breathing heavy when I walk up stairs or sweating when you see me walking around the mall..But I got news for you, I don't do those things because Im fat..I do those things because the pain takes my breath away and makes me sweat..So before you judge someone who is fat/overweight why don't you stop and think about all the things wrong with you that the person behind you is making fun of..Damn what has the world come to?..smh

Damn... So what causes the pain?
I used to obese and after losing 100+ lbs I'd get kinda mad @ fat/obese people in my head if they're *****in about they want to lose weight all the time but never really get to it. That was before now I don't really care...

I used to tell people I felt fine being fat/obese but really though I'd be crying to myself every once in awhile because life @++@%%! sucked.
I used to obese and after losing 100+ lbs I'd get kinda mad @ fat/obese people in my head if they're *****in about they want to lose weight all the time but never really get to it. That was before now I don't really care...

I used to tell people I felt fine being fat/obese but really though I'd be crying to myself every once in awhile because life @++@%%! sucked.
Originally Posted by ATLien Seeko

Originally Posted by casekicks

I just can't believe some of the hate in here for overweight people..If you're skinny then I guess congrats to you, but if you're skinny and hatin' on fat people then you need to worry less about their weight and worry more about your soul..Im probably one of them people yall make fun of for breathing heavy when I walk up stairs or sweating when you see me walking around the mall..But I got news for you, I don't do those things because Im fat..I do those things because the pain takes my breath away and makes me sweat..So before you judge someone who is fat/overweight why don't you stop and think about all the things wrong with you that the person behind you is making fun of..Damn what has the world come to?..smh

Damn... So what causes the pain?

The pain comes from having my L4/L5 disc removed during one surgery..The second surgery they fused my spine in the same location..The third surgery was to remove the bone stimulator and clean up major scar tissue..As a result I have spinal stenosis, arthritis in my spine, degenerative disc disease (which basically means the discs above and below the fusion get weak to the point they herniate and have to be removed), permanent nerve damage to the sciatic nerve (which causes weakness in my left leg, so I limp which leads to) misalignment of my pelvis, and some other things that I can't think of right now..I had my first surgery at 24, the 2nd at 25, and the 3rd at 26..Im 33 and have a 3yr. old son that I worry about being able to be a good dad to because Im so physically limited and a wife that gets cheated out of doing fun things because her husband is in too much pain to do them..So for me to read all this hate for fat people, which I am one of, just really pushes my buttons..But I'll go to bed tonight and thank God for everything I have and pray for those that choose to make fun of fat people..
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