Fat or Obese NTers. Why?

at the unwarranted hate for my fat NTers. Dudes is mad a fat dude probably smashed their mom/girl/sister/daughter

but yo at least try a diet if you dont want to try exercise you dont want to lose the weight
good luck setting a good example for a healthy lifestyle for your children
at the unwarranted hate for my fat NTers. Dudes is mad a fat dude probably smashed their mom/girl/sister/daughter

but yo at least try a diet if you dont want to try exercise you dont want to lose the weight
good luck setting a good example for a healthy lifestyle for your children
I've always been big. At this point its completely my fault that I am still large. I fluctuate between 280 to 315, and I am about 6'4''. The fluctuating is due to the fact that when i diet, i lose weight easily since i eat so bad. I hate almost all green vegetables, its hard for me to force myself to eat them. Once I start losing it, it goes well, then i just get tired of being on a diet and it starts all over again. I am just lazy, but I hate how unhealthy I am. I have vowed to change, since I am getting too old for this now.
I've always been big. At this point its completely my fault that I am still large. I fluctuate between 280 to 315, and I am about 6'4''. The fluctuating is due to the fact that when i diet, i lose weight easily since i eat so bad. I hate almost all green vegetables, its hard for me to force myself to eat them. Once I start losing it, it goes well, then i just get tired of being on a diet and it starts all over again. I am just lazy, but I hate how unhealthy I am. I have vowed to change, since I am getting too old for this now.
I used to be, senior year of high school i weighed in at 245. Four years later i'm now at 145-150. Decided to lose the weight and its the best decision i've ever made. Watched my diet, completely cut out sodas and junk food and played basketball almost everyday. I lost the weight almost two years ago and i've kept up with my diet and keep the weight off.
I used to be, senior year of high school i weighed in at 245. Four years later i'm now at 145-150. Decided to lose the weight and its the best decision i've ever made. Watched my diet, completely cut out sodas and junk food and played basketball almost everyday. I lost the weight almost two years ago and i've kept up with my diet and keep the weight off.
Originally Posted by DaBulls23

I've always been big. At this point its completely my fault that I am still large. I fluctuate between 280 to 315, and I am about 6'4''. The fluctuating is due to the fact that when i diet, i lose weight easily since i eat so bad. I hate almost all green vegetables, its hard for me to force myself to eat them. Once I start losing it, it goes well, then i just get tired of being on a diet and it starts all over again. I am just lazy, but I hate how unhealthy I am. I have vowed to change, since I am getting too old for this now.
cut of anything fried or covered in grease which is easy as hell and you should be fine. one step at a time bro.
Originally Posted by DaBulls23

I've always been big. At this point its completely my fault that I am still large. I fluctuate between 280 to 315, and I am about 6'4''. The fluctuating is due to the fact that when i diet, i lose weight easily since i eat so bad. I hate almost all green vegetables, its hard for me to force myself to eat them. Once I start losing it, it goes well, then i just get tired of being on a diet and it starts all over again. I am just lazy, but I hate how unhealthy I am. I have vowed to change, since I am getting too old for this now.
cut of anything fried or covered in grease which is easy as hell and you should be fine. one step at a time bro.
I got about 15 extra pounds. I drink too much and don't eat right, but I work out so that's why I'm not huge or anything. I'm pretty muscular so most people don't even notice it, but my stomach is mad flabby.

Eating healthy is possible, I always break down after a week or two.
I got about 15 extra pounds. I drink too much and don't eat right, but I work out so that's why I'm not huge or anything. I'm pretty muscular so most people don't even notice it, but my stomach is mad flabby.

Eating healthy is possible, I always break down after a week or two.
Originally Posted by casekicks

I'm fat, but theres really not much I can do about it..After 3 back surgeries my life completely changed..It's extremely painful for me to walk any amount of time over 15-20 minutes..And on top of a fused spine I have moderate nerve damage in my leg, moderate to severe arthritis in my spine, and my pelvis doesnt stay aligned due to a pretty noticable limp caused by the nerve thing..So I stay at around 245 lbs., but I 6' so I wear it decent..I'm actually very happy that I have been able to maintain my weight over the past 6-7 years..So I guess theres my lame excuse for being fat..
Wow man, that's serious.  Sorry to hear you've gone through all that and it's understandable that it's difficult to lose weight with your situation, it's not a lame excuse.

I'm not judging and I hope it's not presumptuous but do you eat well?  Have you tried to diet in a healthy sense, not that fad diet, no carbs, whatever?  It's just a guess but one would think that despite pain that you'll unfortunately feel regardless after going through all that, it might be lessened if you were to lose weight, might put less stress on your body.  Even 6' 200 lbs still can be pretty average, 245 is a lot of weight for that height.

Also, what about swimming?  It's such a good workout and maybe that's possible since walking is painful.  I'm just of the opinion that people should try to get exercise not just for weight purposes but more importantly for their cardiovascular health along with eating well.  Once again, I don't want to make assumptions that you don't eat well since you say you've maintained that weight.

Good luck though.
Originally Posted by casekicks

I'm fat, but theres really not much I can do about it..After 3 back surgeries my life completely changed..It's extremely painful for me to walk any amount of time over 15-20 minutes..And on top of a fused spine I have moderate nerve damage in my leg, moderate to severe arthritis in my spine, and my pelvis doesnt stay aligned due to a pretty noticable limp caused by the nerve thing..So I stay at around 245 lbs., but I 6' so I wear it decent..I'm actually very happy that I have been able to maintain my weight over the past 6-7 years..So I guess theres my lame excuse for being fat..
Wow man, that's serious.  Sorry to hear you've gone through all that and it's understandable that it's difficult to lose weight with your situation, it's not a lame excuse.

I'm not judging and I hope it's not presumptuous but do you eat well?  Have you tried to diet in a healthy sense, not that fad diet, no carbs, whatever?  It's just a guess but one would think that despite pain that you'll unfortunately feel regardless after going through all that, it might be lessened if you were to lose weight, might put less stress on your body.  Even 6' 200 lbs still can be pretty average, 245 is a lot of weight for that height.

Also, what about swimming?  It's such a good workout and maybe that's possible since walking is painful.  I'm just of the opinion that people should try to get exercise not just for weight purposes but more importantly for their cardiovascular health along with eating well.  Once again, I don't want to make assumptions that you don't eat well since you say you've maintained that weight.

Good luck though.
I've always been very lean but the college life style has taken its toll.

The past year I've noticed a slight rotundness in my midsection that's particularly noticeable right after I eat a meal.

I can still see my six pack in the right lighting conditions but damn it sucks seeing your body change.
I've always been very lean but the college life style has taken its toll.

The past year I've noticed a slight rotundness in my midsection that's particularly noticeable right after I eat a meal.

I can still see my six pack in the right lighting conditions but damn it sucks seeing your body change.
Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by casekicks

I'm fat, but theres really not much I can do about it..After 3 back surgeries my life completely changed..It's extremely painful for me to walk any amount of time over 15-20 minutes..And on top of a fused spine I have moderate nerve damage in my leg, moderate to severe arthritis in my spine, and my pelvis doesnt stay aligned due to a pretty noticable limp caused by the nerve thing..So I stay at around 245 lbs., but I 6' so I wear it decent..I'm actually very happy that I have been able to maintain my weight over the past 6-7 years..So I guess theres my lame excuse for being fat..
Wow man, that's serious.  Sorry to hear you've gone through all that and it's understandable that it's difficult to lose weight with your situation, it's not a lame excuse.

I'm not judging and I hope it's not presumptuous but do you eat well?  Have you tried to diet in a healthy sense, not that fad diet, no carbs, whatever?  It's just a guess but one would think that despite pain that you'll unfortunately feel regardless after going through all that, it might be lessened if you were to lose weight, might put less stress on your body.  Even 6' 200 lbs still can be pretty average, 245 is a lot of weight for that height.

Also, what about swimming?  It's such a good workout and maybe that's possible since walking is painful.  I'm just of the opinion that people should try to get exercise not just for weight purposes but more importantly for their cardiovascular health along with eating well.  Once again, I don't want to make assumptions that you don't eat well since you say you've maintained that weight.

Good luck though.
I actually got down to about 215 after I got divorced from my ex, but for some reason I have less pain now than I did at the lower weight..And Im sure I could drop a couple pounds if I ate a little better, but to be honest I don't too bad right now so Im not gonna deny myself an occasional unhealthy meal from time to time..And the only thing that sucks about swimming is the twisting thats involved..It doesnt so much hurt when Im swimming, it's the pain I feel for the next 2-3 days afterwards..To be honest Im actually scared to do any exercises because I have bulging discs above and below L4-L5 where the fusion is..I have degenerative disc disease now so I get exremely nervous about doing alot of things because Im truly one slip and fall away from being on a surgeon's table..But thank you for the nice words, its appreciated

Originally Posted by ScarsOrScabs

Originally Posted by casekicks

I'm fat, but theres really not much I can do about it..After 3 back surgeries my life completely changed..It's extremely painful for me to walk any amount of time over 15-20 minutes..And on top of a fused spine I have moderate nerve damage in my leg, moderate to severe arthritis in my spine, and my pelvis doesnt stay aligned due to a pretty noticable limp caused by the nerve thing..So I stay at around 245 lbs., but I 6' so I wear it decent..I'm actually very happy that I have been able to maintain my weight over the past 6-7 years..So I guess theres my lame excuse for being fat..
Wow man, that's serious.  Sorry to hear you've gone through all that and it's understandable that it's difficult to lose weight with your situation, it's not a lame excuse.

I'm not judging and I hope it's not presumptuous but do you eat well?  Have you tried to diet in a healthy sense, not that fad diet, no carbs, whatever?  It's just a guess but one would think that despite pain that you'll unfortunately feel regardless after going through all that, it might be lessened if you were to lose weight, might put less stress on your body.  Even 6' 200 lbs still can be pretty average, 245 is a lot of weight for that height.

Also, what about swimming?  It's such a good workout and maybe that's possible since walking is painful.  I'm just of the opinion that people should try to get exercise not just for weight purposes but more importantly for their cardiovascular health along with eating well.  Once again, I don't want to make assumptions that you don't eat well since you say you've maintained that weight.

Good luck though.
I actually got down to about 215 after I got divorced from my ex, but for some reason I have less pain now than I did at the lower weight..And Im sure I could drop a couple pounds if I ate a little better, but to be honest I don't too bad right now so Im not gonna deny myself an occasional unhealthy meal from time to time..And the only thing that sucks about swimming is the twisting thats involved..It doesnt so much hurt when Im swimming, it's the pain I feel for the next 2-3 days afterwards..To be honest Im actually scared to do any exercises because I have bulging discs above and below L4-L5 where the fusion is..I have degenerative disc disease now so I get exremely nervous about doing alot of things because Im truly one slip and fall away from being on a surgeon's table..But thank you for the nice words, its appreciated

I always wondered how obese people let themeselves go. dont you see the physical difference in the mirror and how its progressing. stop being lazy you were not born fat. and no its not your thyroid or metabolism, JUST WATCH YOUR DAM CALORIE INTAKE
I always wondered how obese people let themeselves go. dont you see the physical difference in the mirror and how its progressing. stop being lazy you were not born fat. and no its not your thyroid or metabolism, JUST WATCH YOUR DAM CALORIE INTAKE
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