Fedex delivery guy - not a single damn.....

Originally Posted by whyte1der05five

Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by JJ1223

You are a punk and do not deserve to even have the right to earn income. I hope you get fired on Christmas.
You hope I get fired, well I hope your house burns down.
I make minimum wage so I can care less what happens.

And youll always make minimum wage with that attitude.

Stop it, you don't know me broski, and try to pull the "Well based off that one statement." nonsense on me, I've said stupider things my life but yet I'm the only making something at themselves in my family.

You act like I'm planning on working retail my whole life, retail isn't a job, I've been in and out of jobs since I was 15, Sears is the only company to pay me minimum wage. 
Originally Posted by ErickM713

You act like I'm planning on working retail my whole life, retail isn't a job, I've been in and out of jobs since I was 15, Sears is the only company to pay me minimum wage. 

If you don't like them paying you minimum wage, then why don't you leave? There are lots of people out there who would love a job regardless of the pay.

And why do you say they are the "only company to pay me minimum wage" like you are too good to work for minimum wage? How much do you think you should be getting paid? 40 an hour?
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by ErickM713

You act like I'm planning on working retail my whole life, retail isn't a job, I've been in and out of jobs since I was 15, Sears is the only company to pay me minimum wage. 

If you don't like them paying you minimum wage, then why don't you leave? There are lots of people out there who would love a job regardless of the pay.

And why do you say they are the "only company to pay me minimum wage" like you are too good to work for minimum wage? How much do you think you should be getting paid? 40 an hour?
I already gave up my position to one of the seasonals, school starting in January so I can't work the hours I work in Sears since it's not very flexible, also try leaving your job and try to look for a new right now.
Why do you jump to assumptions?
I don't think I'm too good for anything, I just never got paid hourly, I got paid for the amount of work I did in my past jobs and I'd still make more in a week than what I do in 2 weeks at Sears.
Originally Posted by ErickM713

I already gave up my position to one of the seasonals, school starting in January so I can't work the hours I work in Sears since it's not very flexible, also try leaving your job and try to look for a new right now.
Why do you jump to assumptions?
I don't think I'm too good for anything, I just never got paid hourly, I got paid for the amount of work I did in my past jobs and I'd still make more in a week than what I do in 2 weeks at Sears.

I was just trying to say that there's a lot of people who want/need a job right now regardless of the pay/conditions... you might not like it but you should still appreciate it and do it to the best of your ability. What could go wrong if you do your job as best as you can?

I assumed that because that's how you came across. How Sears is the only place to pay you minimum wage in your life and the
at the end... whatever if you didn't mean to come across like that, I misunderstood.

Even if you don't give out the broken merchandise, why break it in the first place? Just clock in, clock out... I don't see the point of purposely doing a job poorly unless you were making it easier for yourself, which breaking stuff isn't.
Originally Posted by scshift

Originally Posted by ErickM713

I already gave up my position to one of the seasonals, school starting in January so I can't work the hours I work in Sears since it's not very flexible, also try leaving your job and try to look for a new right now.
Why do you jump to assumptions?
I don't think I'm too good for anything, I just never got paid hourly, I got paid for the amount of work I did in my past jobs and I'd still make more in a week than what I do in 2 weeks at Sears.

I was just trying to say that there's a lot of people who want/need a job right now regardless of the pay/conditions... you might not like it but you should still appreciate it and do it to the best of your ability. What could go wrong if you do your job as best as you can?

I assumed that because that's how you came across. How Sears is the only place to pay you minimum wage in your life and the
at the end... whatever if you didn't mean to come across like that, I misunderstood.

Even if you don't give out the broken merchandise, why break it in the first place? Just clock in, clock out... I don't see the point of purposely doing a job poorly unless you were making it easier for yourself, which breaking stuff isn't.

It was a simple misunderstanding on both of our ends, mostly mines, I shouldn't have added the emotioncon at the end of that.
Funny thing is in my first 3 months of employment I actually gave 110%, up until I realized that I wasn't going anywhere in Sears after talking to 4 people in my department who have been there 3+ years and still make minimum wage, I didn't stop being a good employee, my supervisor knows I'm reliable when it comes to scheduling, if she needs someone to come in she'll call me, if she needs someone to stay 3 more hours I won't turn her down. I do appreciate the fact that I have a job because I see how hard it is to get one today, I got called back from 2 places the same exact day I got hired at Sears, sure I regret turning them down now but imagine if I would've turned down Sears as soon she told me I was only gonna get paid $7.25? It may sound weird but if I wouldn't have accepted the job at Sears I thought it was gonna trigger a strange turn of events where NEITHER of the other 2 jobs would've hired me and I would've been unemployed and broke 

As for breaking the merchandise, like I said I've said stupid things and done stupid things.

Breaking merchandise is one of the stupid things, why? It's a question that answers itself, it gonna come back and bite me in the @#% one day, will I like it? No, but what goes around comes around right?
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by ErickM713

You think that's bad.
You don't wanna know how we unload trucks at sears.

We've used customer mattresses as punching bags, if tv's are stacked 9 high...better hope yours isn't on top because that stacks going down, and occasionally play baseball with boxes.

If it's still on the truck we're not held liable until it comes out.

You are a punk and do not deserve to even have the right to earn income. I hope you get fired on Christmas.
You hope I get fired, well I hope your house burns down, not very nice to wish things on people now is it?
I make minimum wage, Sears is a *#!@%! company, work for them for a month and you'll see how bad it is.
You really think we give out broken merchandise?
Some of the dudes do, but if really have no heart you'll give someone who spent their hard earned money on a tv that's broken.

It's morals. 
Immature %%$ response.
Morals? You shouldn't even be allowed to use that word.
You got dudes with the most insignificant jobs on the planet trying to exploit the little power they do have. Pathetic is a gross understatement.
Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Damn, I thought UPS was bad...I was gonna update my thread with my latest horror story of how they shipped my package back and forth between New York and Canada for 3 days straight (I live in Cali) but then I saw the Fedex video and also saw this:


Paris twice tho? that delivery is mAKING NMORE MOVES THEN i EVER HAVE
Originally Posted by ErickM713

Originally Posted by JJ1223

Originally Posted by ErickM713

You think that's bad.
You don't wanna know how we unload trucks at sears.

We've used customer mattresses as punching bags, if tv's are stacked 9 high...better hope yours isn't on top because that stacks going down, and occasionally play baseball with boxes.

If it's still on the truck we're not held liable until it comes out.

You are a punk and do not deserve to even have the right to earn income. I hope you get fired on Christmas.
You hope I get fired, well I hope your house burns down, not very nice to wish things on people now is it?
I make minimum wage, Sears is a *#!@%! company, work for them for a month and you'll see how bad it is.
You really think we give out broken merchandise?
Some of the dudes do, but if really have no heart you'll give someone who spent their hard earned money on a tv that's broken.

It's morals. 

Apparently I didn't make myself clear;
You are a punk and do not deserve to even have the right to earn income. I hope you get fired on Christmas.

You really want to throw around the word "morals" with the statements you've made in this thread?  Just because you work a %*+!@! job doesn't give you the right to %!@% with other peoples property.  Grow up.
Originally Posted by dyyhard

computer monitor delivery on cam. the guy's monitor was broken when he opened it so he had to return/exchange it.

It prob broke well before he delivered the pkg or they opened it up n broke it just to cause a case or whine. These pkgs get tossed around 24/7 once its dropped off. I would have said if this vid didn't go viral that dude would not get fired/suspended or nothing unless he had a letter or two but since it did, dude got suspended. 
Originally Posted by dmbrhs

Originally Posted by K2theAblaM

Guy needs to get fired ASAP. There's no excuse for that, I'm glad it was caught on tape.
FedEx drivers aren't FedEx employees. It's up to the private contractor. That's why that company is a joke. UPS is far superior.
 the hell are you talking about? that's fedex express not ground. they are employees, ground has contractors and some owners do their own delivering sometimes. ask next time instead of making up stuff 
. go back to 1997, UPS is very grateful fedex is in existence. they need each other and only thing better with ups is union/higher courier pay. their service sucks and is slower
Someone sent me a jam/jar set via UPS (why, I don't know...)

It was on my doorstep today. Jam was opened and the jar was shattered.

Originally Posted by PharelFor3

Originally Posted by nawlinsjunkie

Damn, I thought UPS was bad...I was gonna update my thread with my latest horror story of how they shipped my package back and forth between New York and Canada for 3 days straight (I live in Cali) but then I saw the Fedex video and also saw this:


Paris twice tho? that delivery is mAKING NMORE MOVES THEN i EVER HAVE

I like how the package was so close to the Netherlands TWICE...and still got sent to Memphis
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