FIFA 09...thoughts?

I LOVE the detail they placed on CR7

from his run to the kick, to the leg movement, to the way he takes his deep breaths as he waits for the whistle with his arm shakes
Originally Posted by CincoSeisDos

I LOVE the detail they placed on CR7

from his run to the kick, to the leg movement, to the way he takes his deep breaths as he waits for the whistle with his arm shakes
Word my roommate stays playing as ManU so I always see this fool CRon standing all bow-legged with OD realism.
^he better not be better than in 08 he was OD good, please tell me they toned him down a little bit

but yea FIFA 08 was revolutionary...that, COD4, San Andreas and maybe Madden 2005 back in the day are the only games ive ever played year round before
Originally Posted by bigboi9015

Originally Posted by Omega Shenron

Originally Posted by RockinJs4Lyf

Originally Posted by Sorkoram

[color= rgb(255, 0, 0)]How does this game compare to FIFA 08


it doesnt, o8 is alot better imo!!


i like 09 its better than 08...07 FTMW

07s through balls made the game so easy, once you had that part of the game figured out it was a wrap..... EDIT* 09 +!%@%
I dont play fifa but i watch my freind play it (hes spanish not tryna be racist but hey lol) and he be playin that joint serious lol but 09 looks good to me
havent bought it yet but I cant wait to get my hands on it...i'll be killin dudes on XBL with Inter Milan...Zlatan+Adriano up front=beastmode

and cosign on C Rons...playing w/Man U isnt even fair the way it is
I'm procrastinating on buying it. I hardly play games because of school so I'm not sure if I want to drop $60 just too have it collect dust. Maybe overthe Christmas break.
Fifa 08 was easier imo, I struggled with 09 for a bit and now got the hang of it. Fifa 09 is definetly crack and I like how you can score beyond the box now.
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