Final Fantasy XIII- 3/9/10-- Are you purchasing?

Oct 31, 2004
I've beaten every FF title (with the exception of the online entry and FF XII which I couldn't get into) and know the first FF title on a console is usually something special (ie FF VII, FF X).  I think XIII will be in the league of FFVI, FFVII and FFX--- a few of the very best, imo.

The visuals I've seen in the trailers online look incredible in HD but we all know the greatness of a FF comes down to game play.

I have exactly one PS3 game (MGS4) as I don't find much time to game, although I will be getting this one.

29 minutes of footage, the opening is quite breathtaking:
uncharted was the last game I copped and before that was either fallout so I only play a game or 2 a year but FF is always a must in my book.
I haven't had a game system since ps1

I bought a ps3 and pre ordered this game

haven't played a ff game since ff9 (goat)

I'm going to be amazed by the graphics no doubt

I'm hoping the gameplay keeps up
i also second the fact that i couldnt get into FFXII that much, but XIII will be a DEFINITE pick-up.

ive been a huge final fantasy fan my entire life
I haven't gotten into RPG's since its been mainly online stuff lately (last one was X).

I'll be interested in buying those though. I need more info.
RPGs haven't been what they used to be, ever since the PSX days. PS2 had a handful of good titles, though. I will be purchasing this. I was even thinking of going as far as purchasing a FFXIII PS3 console. I've played every FF as well, and beaten damn there most of em except X, X-2 and XII. But yeah... pretty excited to see what SE brings to the table. I've been playing FFXI for years, so I've been waiting for this, and FFXIV especially as well.
Originally Posted by Club29

i also second the fact that i couldnt get into FFXII that much, but XIII will be a DEFINITE pick-up.

ive been a huge final fantasy fan my entire life
Was it the battle system of XII you didn't care for? I just didn't care for it all. It was such a departure from ATB that I couldn't get used to it.
Will pick up most def. I beat them all except for I-III, XII, and X-2. I enjoyed XII, got near the end and started to level grind and do the sidequests. School and work got me busy and I left off and could just never pick it back up. Everytime I fire it up, I am completely lost on what's going on.
Looks very pleasing to the eyes, but I don't have a nextgen system
.  But I will cop that new Pokemon game
Man...I don't even have time in my life to dedicate myself to something that takes 50 plus hours to complete...
Originally Posted by AceBoogie

The took exploring cities, now its just straight-forward
I read the reason for the lack of towns is due to the fact rendering them in HD is ridiculously difficult---which is the same reason FF VII hasn't been remade yet.
I'll pass for now, I still have Dragon Age waiting to be played. Been stuck on that MW2 for a while.
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