Flourishing marital relationship or flourishing finances

and to play off what Club29 was saying...

unstable finances can destroy even the most stable of marital relationships....
If I had to choose 1... I'd choose a stable marriage.
There's nothing greater than having someone who will always be there for you.
I love my wife!
I'd rather have flourishing finances. I dont want to seriously date again until I'm atleast 24 and financially stable.
Originally Posted by Mangudai954

Originally Posted by MR MONDAY NIIGHT

Rather be broke together than rich alone
Last time I checked women are not adverse to money.
There are plenty of 50 yr old wealthy dudes in my neighborhood with 30 yr old trophy wives and they seem to be happy. maybe it's because they havemistresses on the side?

Marriage is so completely overrated it borders on irrational. Marriage is just a state sanctioned relationship.
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