Food Fights: Anyone ever been in one?

Apr 16, 2007
I just saw one on television and have never been in one. I think that's a good thing. If you have been, what was it like?
i had a food fight in elementary school.
it was fun until they started suspending people and made people clean up.good days though.
i had a major food fight at my house with my father and sister when i was little.
hahah ive never been in one. but ive always wanted to be the kid that makes it official by saying.."FOOOOODD FIGHHHTT!"
pimp.gif lunch in hs we used to take a water bottle and use it to carve a piece out of an apple that stuck into the bottle then we would shout FIRE!!! andsmack the bottle and the apple chunk would fly out...and a few times a food fight would follow
There was one today. Its HSA week. So the lunch was overcrowded.
Early in the lunch someone threw something/(bounced off the fan and hit the ground.[FAIL] Later a gatorade bottle flew into our aisle. It was a wrap. Foodstarted to fly. People were hiding in the lunch lines and getting pushed out by the lunch ladies. Most of the cafeteria (including me) was trying to get out.(At least 600+ trying to run out through 2 doors. While people are hiding and throwing food. [so they dint get caught] Picture it.)
Originally Posted by rafiki zeeki

hahah ive never been in one. but ive always wanted to be the kid that makes it official by saying.."FOOOOODD FIGHHHTT!"

I've been in one, started off with a pack of ketchup then a half filled milk
.. it's Fun
dudes in middle school would just take some yogurt or whatever and fling it aimlessly across the lunchroom with a spoon, or pitch some pizza crust at someonesface.
the all time greatest though was throwing a bottle of fruitopia down the hallwhile it was so packed you could not move side to side. dudes were taking out 10 people with one bottle.
I was in the lunchroom with my boy and there was a basketball game that night (he is on the team) so he was dressed up in slacks, dress shoes & dresspants. well the lights got cut off to the lunchroom and someone hurled an open chocolate milk across the room and it landed on my boys lap and exploded allover him. lunch ladies opened a door to let some light in and it was a wrap. I was
then when
when I saw his clothes
Originally Posted by BoredONE1

There was one today. Its HSA week. So the lunch was overcrowded.
Early in the lunch someone threw something/(bounced off the fan and hit the ground.[FAIL] Later a gatorade bottle flew into our aisle. It was a wrap. Food started to fly. People were hiding in the lunch lines and getting pushed out by the lunch ladies. Most of the cafeteria (including me) was trying to get out. (At least 600+ trying to run out through 2 doors. While people are hiding and throwing food. [so they dint get caught] Picture it.)

This happens at least twice a month at my school.
these always ended up in huge fights in high school..hah....they'd get so bad, food wasnt the only thing tossed.....books, chairs, garbage cans would bethrown too...crazy..
Originally Posted by rafiki zeeki

hahah ive never been in one. but ive always wanted to be the kid that makes it official by saying.."FOOOOODD FIGHHHTT!"

Yeah me too.

My old HS had a food fight like 3 years ago and they put the school on lockdown.
We had atleast one every year I was in HS. I remember one of them, the monitoring principal got ETHERED. Dudes were throwin bottles with tops off at him n!%++. At my school, ppl would blow airhorns n !%++ to signal food fights lol. And usually there were planned, like ppl new a foodfight was goin down that day,so everyone would skip and go to all the lunches untill it finally happened. Everytime i heard that airhorn go off, i just walked off to the side of thecafeteria and watched from a distance. I wasnt finna get powerade or gravy on my white tee

20+ person fights are better tho, im talkin all out brawls n !%++ where they gotta bring the cops in. The food fights were for underclassmen.
Freshmen year in College. Funniest thing I ever witnessed, I was actually leaving the Cafe, when I witnessed what appeared to be a batch of grapes fly across.I guess group think kicked in after that, grown*!$!+ students lost their natural minds. Once in middle school as well.
my 8th grade year and senior year in highschool ended in a food fight
skeemin on one in college
haha i was a new kid at my new middle school.. and i was sitting by myself at the lunch table when a food fight started... i didnt know what to do so i juststayed in my seat and prayed for the best. made a lot of friends cause they thought i was a brave dude

got in one freshmen year in high school. my friend ignited it by putting a chocolate bar into my newly purchased gatorade. i then proceeded to pour the drinkon the friend and then all hell broke loose. the teacher who was on lunch duty made us move the table and clean up everything under the table which was anabsolute mess. there was just a huge empty spot in the cafeteria while were cleaning up like some
janitors. we got escorted out of the cafeteria and the entire cafeteriagave us the "oooooooooooooooooooooooooooo" treatment as we headed to the principal's office. me and my friend took all the blame and got 5 daysof i.s.s.
i oddly look at it as one of the highlights of my high schoolcareer.
i still remember mine from middle school. I saw a bowl of turkey rice soup in mid air landing on this girl
she was blownnn to the max.

Little debbies were like bullets, so many were used.....haha the good old days.

i was in 7th grade and it was started by the 8th graders on the last day of school (also last day of our school being in that building, we moved somewhere elsethe following year) lasted a good 5-7 minutes but felt long...some teachers tried to stop it but they gave up quick and i remember a classmate fastballedan apple at a teacher and it just missed her...some of my friends ran away not wanting 2 get dirty
but i stuck it out without getting hit and managing tohit a couple girls with opened milk cartons
. Needless to say, our principal was furious and the 5th grade teacher made all her students help the janitorsclean it up...

good times...
If you go to/went to a Urban high school you better have been in one.

hahah I still remeber one dude OD'd and was throwing chairs and this special ed kid flipped over a table.
Originally Posted by Air Bonilla 23

haha i was a new kid at my new middle school.. and i was sitting by myself at the lunch table when a food fight started... i didnt know what to do so i just stayed in my seat and prayed for the best. made a lot of friends cause they thought i was a brave dude

yo is ya first name diego?
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