Food For Thought Vol: Hire Mike Vick Fire Blogger

Nov 15, 2008
[h2]Yeah! How about asecond chance for Dan Leone?! Huh, Eagles?![/h2]

Jenice Armstrong raised a really good question in a column at the Philadelphia News today. Remember the guy that the Eagles ridiculously fired after he criticized the team on Facebook for letting Brian Dawkins go?

Well, since the Eagles organization is all about second chances now, how about we bring Dan Leone back into the mix? He didn't even kill any dogs. All he did was criticize the Eagles in a barely literate way. From Armstrong's column:
Didn't he deserve another shot, too?

"For a guy who's committed a crime to get his job making millions, why can't I get my job back making $12 an hour," Leone said when I spoke with him yesterday. "It's like a double standard. 'Cause he can win championships, it's like it's different. I helped the team in other ways."

Unfortunately for Leone, none of the ways he helped the Eagles ever picked up a first down. I think most organizations would admit to having a "Yes, you get more chances if you help us actually win games" double standard.

And there's also this:
Eagles spokeswoman Pamela Browner Crawley said yesterday of Leone, "He was in a leadership position. He understood the rules. Not only did he understand them, but he was responsible for conveying them.

"Since he was let go, he has continued to do what the guidelines say he was not supposed to do. He has, basically, maligned the organization in local, regional and national media."

Well, I guess there is that.

Still, there's got to be something that can be worked out. Maybe the Eagles can bring Leone back, but not in the same position. Maybe he could do something more in line with the theme of redemption and second chances. Like being an official human barrier between animal rights protesters and paying customers. Put him in a Vick jersey, stand him in front of the activists, and make it his job to ensure that they behave appropriately.
I suppose the fat guy probably had a bad history other than the remarks he made on Facebook.

But it is an interesting contrast in the personnel moves they made. Not that the fat guy had any real skill like Vick does.
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