I didn’t do **** in terms of exercise from initial lock down this year until about a month ago. I was super out of shape, so I’ve just been doing a lot of walks. Between 45 minutes - hour, 5 days a week. Starting to feel more in shape, so I plan to start mixing in some weights, sit-ups, push-ups too.
Lots of folks said they have gotten in AND out of shape since we have been out.

It has been a long time, so it makes sense.

Now is the time folks will start gaining weight though (naturally), so just stay on top of it.
Been getting outdoors for exercise for a lot of the “lockdown”. The weather was good for that. Brooklyn parks are good for exercise. One even has weight machines that you sit in and press/pull your body weight.

Tons of bear crawling, sit outs, burpees, mountain climbers, plank jacks etc.

Running and jumping rope here and there. Most of the boxing trainers in NY were available to give you mitts in the park. Masked up.

My indoor rainy day maintenance was 200 push ups/200 rows/200 weighted goblet squat/200 ab variation (2+ 3 with a 40 lb. dumbbell).

A little worried about what happens as cold weather prevents outdoor work. Some boxing gyms are open for work. Hope they stay that way.
In terms of dark chocolate, this is easily the best tasting I've had
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bruh, the only reason you aren’t a pilgrim is because they didn’t have canned food yet and mass production.
Out of the 3 canned foods i've tried this year i've only like 1. didn't even finish the other 2.

Come at me for eating cake for breakfast (lemon pound) & dinner (decadent cocoa) yesterday.
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