Fools Wildin Thinking They Doing It Unappreciation Vol Get The @#*+ out

Its not just "a 35-year-old". Its a mother and son.

So as a 14 yr old kid you see your mom get attacked and you doing nothing cuz a parent is suppose to protect their child not the other way around?

The gun question is just dumb. You not living in reality or just unaware of whats going on these days?

Again, gun culture must be new to yall too. You know how man parents take their kids shooting so they knew how to use a gun?
This. And aint no way im gonna let somebody just attack me or my fam. This more than likey wouldnt have been the case, but some people are simply not willing to take the chance that their attacker is gonna leave them alone. He only ran bc bullets rang out. We dont know how far he would have taken the assault. He STARTED the assault so that should be egregious enough.

Sometimes the outcome can be either end up on the news as a murder victim....or a murder suspect. Also, cant expect the police or a citizen to run to your aide. She is a woman being beaten by a man. Her only help is her 14 year old son. Realistically both of them didnt have the physical prowess to defend against the guy.

As far as the murder aspect we have to wait and see the evidence. I personally dont feel like someone turning around and running means there is no longer a threat. If he was down and they tried to keep shooting him, then yea, that don't look good for them.
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