For $250 MILLION dollars would you take steroids???....... 37% of people say NO on

I would do awful things for $250 Million. So would most people.

I would definitely take roids.
Give me a multimillion dollar contract and I'd do it. Set me up with someone who knows how to properly design a cycle and I'd do it.
Originally Posted by MJDaLegend

Only people that should say no is those that already have the millions. That should be around 2~5%.
I was going to say, if 37% said no, 36% are lying and the other 1% are already millionaires.
no questions asked, i'd do it. Hell I would do it if it meant I got a minimun salary MLB or NFL job.
So after taxes, manager fees, publicist fees, and agent fees you ahve about 60 million left. Prob depends how long I'd have to take it for. But I spoke toa few doctors at my job on how athletes do it so that a lot of the negative side-effects are nearly non-existent. These guys found ways to minimize their longterm body damage.
These ESPN daily poll are some of the lamest things I've ever seen

But anyway, they were just sayin on the radio if Rodriguez plays out his current contract and also breaks the HR record he will be paid $450 mil for his career
Ya sign me up for that juice
Look at this new poll....

37% of people saying they are "VERY DISTURBED" that A-Rod took roids


What a bunch of idiots.
Yeah, what a joke. Somebody offers you a $250 MILLION dollar contract and you are going to say, no thanks? You've got to be kidding me.

Staying clean (which nobody else is doing) vs. Securing your finances for the rest of your life? Hmm.....
You have to look at your health, though. It's already enough things wrong with me... Do I really want to mess things up that much worse?
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