speaking of the name ryan remember ryankmd wanted to be a mod for years.

i remember one of the first blogs i use to read on the regular was jumpman247s.
Originally Posted by blondsoccerplyr

After being literally obsessed with NT for three or four years, I just kinda got over it.

I think the fact that 98% of NTers despised me kinda helped.

I once remember thinking to myself about 5 years ago "hey, this guy isnt a complete moron. suprising."

so that should do something for ya
Originally Posted by CIDMAN911

Originally Posted by jbeezie

Originally Posted by mvengeance

where's our infamous background? TheGlv

I heard he got a nice job in the music business as 1/3 of the 'Parental Advisory' sticker.

if i get this jab at GLV am i an OG?
been here since 05

what i cant unterstand is how people who have been here for a few months have 2x the posts than me
December 29th 2009 will mark 7 years since my join date.

Time really does fly. I was 14 when I joined. I never though about it like that. I'm 21 now and still on NT.
Originally Posted by calibeebee

been here since 06 i think. Back in the ezboard days.

yea when i first joined you couldn't even type in your browzer to pull the page up. it was some pub38/ezboard/8***** etc.
NguyenPowderIX, perhaps you may have recognized?

If not then he goes by NiPxD now.
Originally Posted by jbeezie

what ever happened to Pusha T?

And Mossyman

We made that MS Paint thread about dude and he probably offed himself.

And is JJs Home still around?
I need the compiliation of ALL the paint shots...i remember someone put them all in one piece. Too bad i didnt save it and now everytime i seethem they're all individual
I been lurkin since 2000 made the transition from nikepark, didnt join till 2006. I don't post as u can see just browse. But still an OG

but what's the point of this post?

if you're an o.g. then you remember everyone always asking me what the girl in my very first avy was swallowing

it was one of them little milk treat drink things with the foil cap

like an asian quarter water
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