For Trade Factory "B" DS Size 10 Olympic 7

Nov 16, 2007
Reaction score
General Guidelines Shipping and Payment - If you are looking for me to ship shoes out to you. Depending on where you are located. Shipping prices are flexible. I take the following forms of payment: PayPal (verified and confirmed), Money Order and Concealed cash (at your own risk). Also, I only ship with insurance if agreed upon prior to shipping. If shipped without insurance, shoes are no longer my responsibility once shipped and tracking is provided.

Footwear Condition - Everyone has their own interpretation of the rating system for DS, VNDS, NDS, Worn etc. Please be sure you are comfortable with the shoes before you buy. I'm always willing to send more pics. Sales and trades are final.

References - With all the scammers around these days, deal with confidence. My references from prior transactions can be found on my profile page under the comments section: Over 10 pages of positive feedback.

Trades looking for are, in Factory "B" as well, to make it fair:
- size 11 DS Olympic 6
- size 11 DS Olympic 7
- size 11 DS Playoff 12
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