Free Advice vol. Got About an Hour to Kill


Jan 2, 2012
Alright, so feel free to ask me anything and everything and I will try my best to help you out.
How do I get this girl I see every now and then get give me a alittle of her time. Shes about 2-3 inches taller than me and whenever I see her she is has headphones in her ears, surrounded by her friends or I'am I a rush to class.

I just wanna know if she has a man or not and can I hang with her.

Maybe smang?
What's more important, health or wealth?

Does wealth allow one to be healthier or does health allow one to pursue more wealth?

Is wealth strictly measured in dollar signs? If not can a poor man be wealthier than a man with billions?
I dont want advice from someone with a NM avy

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How do I get this girl I see every now and then get give me a alittle of her time. Shes about 2-3 inches taller than me and whenever I see her she is has headphones in her ears, surrounded by her friends or I'am I a rush to class.

I just wanna know if she has a man or not and can I hang with her.

Maybe smang?

Be late to class one day and say "hey, I'm running a little late so I can't really talk too long but do you wanna grab a coffee or something? Here's my number, let me know either way".

What's more important, health or wealth?

Does wealth allow one to be healthier or does health allow one to pursue more wealth?

Is wealth strictly measured in dollar signs? If not can a poor man be wealthier than a man with billions?

I measure wealth by happiness. No amount of money will ever make me laugh the way my nephew does when he hops around the house yelling "ribbit, ribbit, ribbit". What's a billion dollars if your not happy? Feel me?
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
How come its always Kobe and Lebron?
How come people don't say "Lebron and Kobe"
Why is Kobe ahead of Lebron when the 2 are mentioned ?
so i broke my arm in a car accident where i was the passenger. Should I get a lawyer and try to get all my expenses paid off? im in extreme pain constantly....
I need a new computer since mine is running super slow and its 6 years old.
But i haven't had a ps3 for about 8 months now (yellow light of death).  I have an ipad and i am on a work computer a lot.  I just need something to download music on which i can't do on my work comp or my ipad (at least and tranfer to my phone/ipod to listen in the car)

Do i just hold out on a laptop maybe until windows 8 and buy a ps3.  Or buy a laptop now and wait on ps3
Why every one hate on NY?

To answer your first question, skin.

I hate NY because I love Reggie.

How come its always Kobe and Lebron?
How come people don't say "Lebron and Kobe"
Why is Kobe ahead of Lebron when the 2 are mentioned ?

K comes before L in the alphabet

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And because kobe > _____________

What up Dan
Why is Jadakiss as hard as it gets?

Non much bro! I see you doing big things with the site!
(we still need to work something out for that AM Kobe pack, not yet tho)

Maybe he was watching some p0rn???

so i broke my arm in a car accident where i was the passenger. Should I get a lawyer and try to get all my expenses paid off? im in extreme pain constantly....

Only if the lawyer owns a pair of fire red iii's
I need a new computer since mine is running super slow and its 6 years old.
But i haven't had a ps3 for about 8 months now (yellow light of death). I have an ipad and i am on a work computer a lot. I just need something to download music on which i can't do on my work comp or my ipad (at least and tranfer to my phone/ipod to listen in the car)
Do i just hold out on a laptop maybe until windows 8 and buy a ps3. Or buy a laptop now and wait on ps3

I've had my Laptop since '07 so I know what you mean! I'm assuming since it's pretty old it didn't come with a large HD? If that's the case, relieve some of the pressure with an external HD. Back everything up and restore you laptop to factory settings. Should be all good.

ps4 is getting ready to drop, so I'd just hold off until then. If you can't, then call 1-800-345-SONY and they'll get you a refurb for about $150.

Is it true that if you don't use it, you lose it?

47% of the time, yes.
I need advice on how to go about solving this:

An object 5.0cm high is placed 15 cm in front of a diverging lens that has a focal length of – 4.0 cm. Describe by calculation the location, nature (real or virtual and upright or inverted), and size of the image for this location. Confirm your result by sketching the three primary rays for diverging lenses.
If a car is traveling at 80mph how long does it take to drive 80 miles?

An hour, right?

Get at me about those size 12 brons if you still need them tho.

An object 5.0cm high is placed 15 cm in front of a diverging lens that has a focal length of – 4.0 cm. Describe by calculation the location, nature (real or virtual and upright or inverted), and size of the image for this location. Confirm your result by sketching the three primary rays for diverging lenses.

Not helping you with your homework playboy. Reported.

Do you believe in the phrase : Everything happens for a reason?


You learn more from a loss than you do a win.  

Are you doing this just to get your post count up?

Even we you try to help, mofo's gotta throw salt at you.
Originally Posted by kickstart

I need advice on how to go about solving this:

An object 5.0cm high is placed 15 cm in front of a diverging lens that has a focal length of – 4.0 cm. Describe by calculation the location, nature (real or virtual and upright or inverted), and size of the image for this location. Confirm your result by sketching the three primary rays for diverging lenses.
o = 15 cm
f = 4 cm

i = ?

1/o + 1/i = 1/f

solve for i, however, make sure u plug in -4 for f since its a diverging lens.

diverging lens always have a negative f. they're also always virtual, upright, and demagnified.

as for height. 

M = Hi/Ho = -i/o
^ If I were from NY, I'd probably feel the same way too.

Anyway, my job here is done people. If anyone else wants to continue the work, be my guest. Otherwise, mods feel free to lock this one up.

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