Free Gaza!!!

Very touchy subject, rather not get into it. Everyone has their own opinion, but in the end of the day i think we all want peace. I'm Jewish, but if worse comes to worse, you know what side i'm taking.
Wait a second.  Seriously.  The big issues aren't even debatable (and they're not debatable amongst serious intellectuals that research the topic).  The fact that anyone would want to debate indicates his/her ignorance.

Bottom line:

A two state settlement is probably the only viable solution.  That means that both sides must make concessions.  The Palestinians (including Hamas) have made huge concessions in the past; Israel is the rejectionist in the case of peace.

Israel must stop violating international law; stop terrorizing the Palestinians; stop strangulating Palestinian culture and economy; and adhere to the agreement outlined in UN Resolution 242.  The main issues need to be settled: separation wall, right of return, Jerusalem, settlements.

This will never happen unless the United States government demands that Israel change and pulls "aid." 

This will never happen unless the U.S. public becomes informed on the topic and votes accordingly. 

Seriously.  This is an ethnic cleansing happening right in front of our eyes.  I hate to say it, but the situation ironically reminds me of Nazi Germany (except no systematic murders - they roll in with tanks and stage it as a "battle" like they did in late 2008.) I think many would agree. 
Israel can't both use U.N. to justify its existence by saying how the nation was built upon U.N.'s support, but at the same time flat out violate U.N. law in the West Bank and build ILLEGAL settlements.
All I can say is wow... And to think, it took the entire world's attention to get them to stop using white phosphorous against civilians.  When I was reading about how that stuff works in TIME this morning I could only picture the state of fear Israel's enemies are in.
I wish both Arabs, Jews and North Americans could be more objective when analyzing this conflict. You have some Arabs who think that this is a one sided conflict with the big bad Israelis oppressing the poor, helpless Palestinians. Then you have Jews who think the Israeli government has the right to defend the state of Israel by any means necessary (which includes violating basic human rights). Then you have North Americans who support Israel unequivocally regardless of circumstances.

The one thing that Arabs and Israelis share is that they are both victims of poor decision making by their governments. The Arab world did not have the foresight to realize that Israel were here to stay. It was not until 1979 that Egypt figured this out. Jordan figured this out in 1994. The Arab League finally offered to accept Israel in 2002. Syria have recently begun efforts to try to improve their relationship with Israel. The Arab world's reluctance to accept Israel has resulted in 60+ years of suffering for Arabs from Egypt to Palestine to Jordan to Lebanon to Syria, etc. The Palestinian people have not only suffered due to poor decision making by their Arab brothers, but also due to poor decision making by the Palestinian 'government' as well. The reluctance of Palestinian leaders to accept a two state solution in the past will continue to haunt the Palestinians every single day for the rest of history. With every passing day, Israel is growing and so are their settlements. Returning back to the 1967 borders is now out of the question and the best the Palestinians can now hope for is getting as much land as possible back in return.

The Israeli people have also suffered due to poor decision making by the Israeli government. The Israeli government had been arrogant after their 1967 victory but came a bit back down to earth after they were surprised in 1973. While 1973 was not a catastrophe for Israel in any sense, it once again reminded Israel that the Arabs would not back down without fighting. The problem is that since returning Sinai back to Egypt in 1979, the Israeli government has made few concessions. Instead, they've tried to ignore the Arab world completely and have tried to maintain/increase the amount of land under their control as much as possible. The result has been a deeper desire to see Israel destroyed by the nations that surround Israel. They not only have to worry about their traditional enemies but newer enemies have emerged out of countries such as Lebanon and Iran. Israelis can not live 'normal' lives because the country is always at risk of being attacked. How happy can you be living in a country where safety is your primary concern every single day? The Israeli government are obviously in the position of power here with little incentive to offer the Palestinians their land back. The Palestinians are too weak to pose a real threat to Israel and so life continues. The Palestinians suffer, the Arab/Muslim world continues to hate Israel, Israel continue on with their policy of trying to accumulate as much land as possible, Israelis live in a state of fear because their government are too powerful to compromise.
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