Friday Morning what are you doing up my good sir? VOL. CHECK IN

Haven't been able to go to the gym or go out since I was sick....I'm not used to doing nothing, I'm not tired at all.
Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Haven't been able to go to the gym or go out since I was sick....I'm not used to doing nothing, I'm not tired at all.
I know how you feel, man. I was out sick for the first week of '09. Ruined my winter break as I planned on training twice as hard. It wasdriving me nuts not being able to do anything. Just stayed home and watched TV.
i can't sleep a lot on my mind
drinking pepsi probably isn't helping either
also going through random replies in the PYP
I'm watching Common and Gorilla Zoe perform "tonight" at the club
Originally Posted by LilJRDN

Knocking out some homework...

^ what I sould be doing
No class tomorrow and on work till 1:30

Plan for tomorrow
good looks crank, forgot about that
getting some new albums, trying to find a cheap ps2 so i can be playing tekken instead of sitting here on nt. took a nap after pointlessly going to school at830 for one hour of class
now im satuck here unable to sleep
Originally Posted by wj4

Originally Posted by Joseph Camel Jr

Haven't been able to go to the gym or go out since I was sick....I'm not used to doing nothing, I'm not tired at all.
I know how you feel, man. I was out sick for the first week of '09. Ruined my winter break as I planned on training twice as hard. It was driving me nuts not being able to do anything. Just stayed home and watched TV.

WOW, me three! I got the flu i guess it was the flu, first week of 09, then it was to damn cold in Atlanta to go running for another two weeks, so now imtrying to lose these extra fat pounds I put on.
Originally Posted by Crank Lucas

Originally Posted by OkieDoqui

No excuse, just putting stuff on my laptop. Tomorrow morning gotta drop my car off the get an estimate, try to get a Rockband 2 bundle off my hands, and try to make some money while im off school and work.
hey I'll take a guitar off your hands
Nah only sellin it as a bundle. Only $130 too.
studying for my AP bio final tomorrow
been studying for about 6 hours straight trying to learn a semester's worth of information
A lot of stuff on my mind. Good and bad stuff.
Sometimes I really don't know me. Sometimes it seems like other people know me better than me.

OKAY.. I was up 'studying' for statistics. I was actually in a friend's room talking and being lectured by her. Now I'm going to sleep..midterm at 9 in the morning.
Its like 330am on the west coast and I can't fall asleep, so I'm listening to coast to coast and surfing NT while laying in bed hoping I fall asleepsoon.

Kinda sucks because I have to be at work at 9am.
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