Friends wilding out under the influence

Oct 9, 2007
I'm sure plenty of NT'ers can relate. I got a friend from school whos beer muscles get crazy and just straight talking reckless to anyone and everyone after a few.

Last week I brought him around some other close friends of mine since we had nothing to do and long story short he's trying to fight people, talking out loud about stealing stuff, being blatantly disrespectful, etc

He got to the point where he was even %@@% talking meand I was about to lay hands on him. So yeah any tips on dealing with this. I'm at a point where I'm about to either dead him, or really hurt him (no tough guy but it is what it is) I feel like no one has ever really checked him for his drunk nonsense which is why he continues. e.g. "yo what up pussycat" (minus the cat)

Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i remember my first beer

That's so funny last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur
Where you from?   if they have dinosaurs around your way i have to check em out   

but i have a friend who is like this    gets white boy wild when he has liq in his system.     dont dirnk with him

Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by VeintiSiete

i remember my first beer

That's so funny last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur
Originally Posted by ThunderChunk69

Slap him and put it on worldstar.

Those comments will put everything in perspective.
Make sure to record it on a sidekick mid fight and constantly scream, "WORLDSTAR!!!" behind the camera.
Originally Posted by DaG311

Originally Posted by ImReallyDirkNowitzki

Originally Posted by DaG311

That's so funny last time I heard that I laughed so hard I fell off my dinosaur
for those who did not realize, it was from Step Brothers.

I retract my previous GIF.
I don't drink with people that lose themselves due to liquor. I recall one time that my cousin's husband start bugging out from 6 beers. yes, 6 beers..
dude went crazy, disrespecting everyone in the family. everyone tried to calm him down till he start throwing hands, it turned into a brawl in 5 minutes.
he left the party with a bloody face but we brought back home and his wife took care of the rest, he woke up next morning, not remembering a thing.
the family visit him but we don't invite him to the family gatherings/events.
my roommate gets like that when we go out, after like 2 drinks....

being the one with the high tolerance amongst average people means I'm the one babysitting

lol back in my younger days I was the wreckless drunk....not really scrapin but just other wild stuff
How do people get like this...

honestly Ive tried getting this faded but I always feel normal and know exactly what Im saying. Tried blacking out for scientific purposes but nothing.

Maybe cause Im used to being in another state cause of weed usage
when sober, ya might say he can't control it drunk
but after he gets beat up once or twice
he will amaze with his drunken prudence
Or you could just stop hanging out with the dude.

You've got to accentuate the positive. Eliminate the negative.
I was that guy..Until i !*++ around and Learned my lesson.. did some dirty !$@* 2 somebody i care about..neway i found out i only get like this on clear liqor. So I can only drink, henny, remmy, all that. My boys will litterally ban me from vodka..or buy me some percs or zans to have me avoid the clear...
 i just dont drink it...tell ur boy how he gets will sink in..if he dont appreciate your imput F em, u learn later in life your "boys" arnt really ur boys. Did some time Not 1 of my "boys" wrote me saw me or put money on my books, N only hit me up when i was really gettin it...I just hang out wit my brother and 1 or 2 %[email protected] else cut and or not worth my time
I have friends like this, I just don't defend them when they get into fights-my friends have learned not to do stupid sh like this drunk hoping I'd back them up, they know better
You start ignorant fights drunk, you deal with it alone-
I don't know how dudes get worse when they drink, i get better.  I guess if you don't have a personality and a sense of humor, that's what happens.
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