Full Credit Card Number printed on my statement... illegal?

Nov 20, 2003
I never open my CC statements usually because I deal with it online... but today I decided too. I opened it up and right under where it said full balance, my entire 16 digit CC number was printed right there.. granted, there was no EXP date, but lets say if someone got their hands on it, it wouldnt be too hard to guess the date...

Isnt this illegal? What can/should I do? I tried Google and I saw nothing about statements, only on store receipts..
The entire number? Ive always had it be like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1111 or Random Credit Card Account-1111. This is the first time i've noticed this.
Sometimes it's on there.... gotta look for it.

Also account numbers. I always try to shred them by hand. Or try to get an E-bill (no paper)
It's always on mine.

Like you say though there's no expiry date - or security code - so someone couldn't really use it.
Originally Posted by bjm5295

The entire number? Ive always had it be like XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-1111 or Random Credit Card Account-1111. This is the first time i've noticed this.

this is how I usually see mine, but then again I hardly ever check my paperwork.
i doubt you will be able to sue for anything lol.. but mine only have the last 4 digits
Now when shopping online, it seems like almost every merchant now asks for that 3 digit security code on the back of the card along with the 16 digit+exp
My Bank of America bill displays all the numbers except for the security code and expiration date
i work in a bank and its not illegal. However it always recommended if you are worried to enroll for paperless statement its alot safer.
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