Future jobs won’t support decent living standard

Jan 10, 2010

It's most welcome news that job growth http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...ent-living-standard-report/40917677/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110401/bs_yblog_thelookout/economy-added-216000-jobs-in-march">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...ded-216000-jobs-in-march">seems to be picking up again--even if we'll need http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...ndard-report/40917677/SIG=120s7ligm/*<a href=/krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/01/been-down-so-long/">http://krugman.blogs.nyti...04/01/been-down-so-long/">a whole lot more of it to get back to where we were before the Great Recession.

Still, http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...ent-living-standard-report/40917677/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110309/ts_yblog_thelookout/jobs-returning-but-good-ones-not-so-much">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...ut-good-ones-not-so-much">as we've reported, there's growing evidence that the new jobs, many of which are in sectors like retail, food services, and health care, simply aren't as good--in terms of wages, hours, and seniority--as the ones they're replacing. And a http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...ndard-report/40917677/SIG=112ln30l0/*<a href=/www.wowonline.org/usbest/">http://www.wowonline.org/usbest/">report released today only adds to the concern.

The http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...ndard-report/40917677/SIG=112ln30l0/*<a href=/www.wowonline.org/usbest/">http://www.wowonline.org/usbest/">study, commissioned by the nonprofit group Wider Opportunities for Women, looks at how much income it takes to support a basic standard of living for an American family--and finds that many of the jobs of the future won't pay enough to provide that.

To calculate this "economic security" income, the study's authors certainly didn't assume a lavish lifestyle. They considered basic needs--housing, food, utilities, health care, child-care, and transportation--plus the cost of modest saving for retirement and a small surplus for emergencies. (At at a time when http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...ent-living-standard-report/40917677/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/report-finds-widespread-economic-insecurity">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...read-economic-insecurity">economic "shocks" are increasingly common, that's an essential part of financial security.) They don't factor in some things many of us take for granted, like entertainment or eating out.

The result? To achieve economic security, a single parent with two children needs an income of just over $30,000 a year--nearly twice the federal minimum wage--while a two-income household needs almost $68,000.

The study then finds that, according to Labor Department projections, fewer than 13 percent of jobs to be created by 2018 will meet the economic security threshold for a single parent with two kids. Forty-three percent of those jobs will meet the threshold for a two-income household.

In other words, most of the jobs of the future aren't likely to pay enough to offer the kind of stable, middle-class existence that for much of the 20th century was seen as the American birthright.

"The American Dream of working hard to support your family is being re-written by the growth of low-paying industries and rising expenses," said Joan Kuriansky, WOW's executive director.

Indeed, this seems to be the new reality of the American economic landscape. Gary Burtless, an economist with the Brookings Institution, noted in a statement on the government's jobs numbers that real earnings fell 1.1 percent between October and February--a development he attributed to the still-high unemployment rate, which is eroding workers' bargaining power.

(With a list of school supplies and calculator in hand, Diamond Emory, left, compares prices of erasable markers with her five-year-old son Eric at a Wal-Mart store in Canal Winchester, Ohio.: Kiichiro Sato/AP)


No worries..Obama will fix it

It's most welcome news that job growth http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...ent-living-standard-report/40917677/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110401/bs_yblog_thelookout/economy-added-216000-jobs-in-march">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...ded-216000-jobs-in-march">seems to be picking up again--even if we'll need http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...ndard-report/40917677/SIG=120s7ligm/*<a href=/krugman.blogs.nytimes.com/2011/04/01/been-down-so-long/">http://krugman.blogs.nyti...04/01/been-down-so-long/">a whole lot more of it to get back to where we were before the Great Recession.

Still, http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...ent-living-standard-report/40917677/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/20110309/ts_yblog_thelookout/jobs-returning-but-good-ones-not-so-much">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...ut-good-ones-not-so-much">as we've reported, there's growing evidence that the new jobs, many of which are in sectors like retail, food services, and health care, simply aren't as good--in terms of wages, hours, and seniority--as the ones they're replacing. And a http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...ndard-report/40917677/SIG=112ln30l0/*<a href=/www.wowonline.org/usbest/">http://www.wowonline.org/usbest/">report released today only adds to the concern.

The http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/yb...ndard-report/40917677/SIG=112ln30l0/*<a href=/www.wowonline.org/usbest/">http://www.wowonline.org/usbest/">study, commissioned by the nonprofit group Wider Opportunities for Women, looks at how much income it takes to support a basic standard of living for an American family--and finds that many of the jobs of the future won't pay enough to provide that.

To calculate this "economic security" income, the study's authors certainly didn't assume a lavish lifestyle. They considered basic needs--housing, food, utilities, health care, child-care, and transportation--plus the cost of modest saving for retirement and a small surplus for emergencies. (At at a time when http://us.rd.yahoo.com/dailynews/ne...ent-living-standard-report/40917677/*<a href=/news.yahoo.com/s/yblog_thelookout/report-finds-widespread-economic-insecurity">http://news.yahoo.com/s/y...read-economic-insecurity">economic "shocks" are increasingly common, that's an essential part of financial security.) They don't factor in some things many of us take for granted, like entertainment or eating out.

The result? To achieve economic security, a single parent with two children needs an income of just over $30,000 a year--nearly twice the federal minimum wage--while a two-income household needs almost $68,000.

The study then finds that, according to Labor Department projections, fewer than 13 percent of jobs to be created by 2018 will meet the economic security threshold for a single parent with two kids. Forty-three percent of those jobs will meet the threshold for a two-income household.

In other words, most of the jobs of the future aren't likely to pay enough to offer the kind of stable, middle-class existence that for much of the 20th century was seen as the American birthright.

"The American Dream of working hard to support your family is being re-written by the growth of low-paying industries and rising expenses," said Joan Kuriansky, WOW's executive director.

Indeed, this seems to be the new reality of the American economic landscape. Gary Burtless, an economist with the Brookings Institution, noted in a statement on the government's jobs numbers that real earnings fell 1.1 percent between October and February--a development he attributed to the still-high unemployment rate, which is eroding workers' bargaining power.

(With a list of school supplies and calculator in hand, Diamond Emory, left, compares prices of erasable markers with her five-year-old son Eric at a Wal-Mart store in Canal Winchester, Ohio.: Kiichiro Sato/AP)


No worries..Obama will fix it
Become a waiter then. And she's doing it wrong in the bin looking at the Crayons, she better find the no name brand "equivalent" Great Value Ayons or some $+$+. I make more than that and I still stay with the off brand $+$+. You're only paying for advertising


Made in the same sweatshops by Viatnamese babies
Become a waiter then. And she's doing it wrong in the bin looking at the Crayons, she better find the no name brand "equivalent" Great Value Ayons or some $+$+. I make more than that and I still stay with the off brand $+$+. You're only paying for advertising


Made in the same sweatshops by Viatnamese babies
Originally Posted by Punchline Rapper

Become a waiter then. And she's doing it wrong in the bin looking at the Crayons, she better find the no name brand "equivalent" Great Value Ayons or some $+$+. I make more than that and I still stay with the off brand $+$+. You're only paying for advertising
Made in the same sweatshops by Viatnamese babies

they dont even use most of the stuff anyways
but it seems you need something off the books plus a job to make end meet these days
Originally Posted by Punchline Rapper

Become a waiter then. And she's doing it wrong in the bin looking at the Crayons, she better find the no name brand "equivalent" Great Value Ayons or some $+$+. I make more than that and I still stay with the off brand $+$+. You're only paying for advertising
Made in the same sweatshops by Viatnamese babies

they dont even use most of the stuff anyways
but it seems you need something off the books plus a job to make end meet these days
A single parent with 2 kids means 30,000 aka twice the min wage. I guess the lesson here is don't have kids unless you know you can support them
A single parent with 2 kids means 30,000 aka twice the min wage. I guess the lesson here is don't have kids unless you know you can support them
This country is in decline. The more you go out, the more you see this. The cost of living has risen for years, wages have stayed the same, and the standard of living has declined. Even for some wealthy families (the market collapse/401k bombs were a big reason). According to a Newsweek study/article, USA isn't even top 10 in best places to live. Germany, Sweden, Japan, etc. were all higher.
This country is in decline. The more you go out, the more you see this. The cost of living has risen for years, wages have stayed the same, and the standard of living has declined. Even for some wealthy families (the market collapse/401k bombs were a big reason). According to a Newsweek study/article, USA isn't even top 10 in best places to live. Germany, Sweden, Japan, etc. were all higher.
Originally Posted by finnns2003

This country is in decline. The more you go out, the more you see this. The cost of living has risen for years, wages have stayed the same, and the standard of living has declined. Even for some wealthy families (the market collapse/401k bombs were a big reason). According to a Newsweek study/article, USA isn't even top 10 in best places to live. Germany, Sweden, Japan, etc. were all higher.

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