FutureMD being banned appreciation thread

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I have no idea what he did to catch the banhammer and Im still not really sure if hes permabanned or just suspended ? :nerd:

but for now...

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things have gotten worse if you ask me. from that in depth thread analyzing the 'ideal' girth/width/length/curvature/ shape of the human penis to that despicable ****** thread going like 15 pages deep

i would much rather have that futuremd dude going on n on about religion than this crap

things have gotten worse if you ask me. from that in depth thread analyzing the 'ideal' girth/width/length/curvature/ shape of the human penis to that despicable ****** thread going like 15 pages deep

i would much rather have that futuremd dude going on n on about religion than this crap

Actually I think Future wouldve had a long to say in the ****** thread. Just people people are saying "eww thats gross" doesn't mean its not a meaningful conservation.
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Future did make some good points and contributions to the site but he could really get out of control with the post whoring in certain threads.
I'd rather he be here than you, OP. While his style and technique caused some frustrations, problems, and didn't seem conducive to healthy debate, at least he provided the forum with some well-thought out arguments and stances at times.

You just troll and take a contrarian stance in threads to be different.
Not that it matters(Future, Anton, Mark, DC American, Steezy) were all put on ignore, but I'm glad he is banned, Dude had an objective post about EVERYTHING. You like apples, he says you don't have to like apples, you should understand that apples arent the only fruit, oranges are factually better than apples, you eating apples is common behavior among weak minded people.
Not that it matters(Future, Anton, Mark, DC American, Steezy) were all put on ignore, but I'm glad he is banned, Dude had an objective post about EVERYTHING. You like apples, he says you don't have to like apples, you should understand that apples arent the only fruit, oranges are factually better than apples, you eating apples is common behavior among weak minded people.
"Not that it matters".... but you're stating it anyway.

Makes a lot of sense.
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Not that it matters(Future, Anton, Mark, DC American, Steezy) were all put on ignore, but I'm glad he is banned, Dude had an objective post about EVERYTHING. You like apples, he says you don't have to like apples, you should understand that apples arent the only fruit, oranges are factually better than apples, you eating apples is common behavior among weak minded people.
Spot on. I don't understand how people consider his rants "strong minded" or "contributed good debates".
Not that it matters(Future, Anton, Mark, DC American, Steezy) were all put on ignore, but I'm glad he is banned, Dude had an objective post about EVERYTHING. You like apples, he says you don't have to like apples, you should understand that apples arent the only fruit, oranges are factually better than apples, you eating apples is common behavior among weak minded people.

This is a pretty interesting group of people, we should make a buddy comedy. Working on the script as we speak, KSteezy's wife can make a cameo appearance.
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