FX's ATLANTA (Starring Donald Glover) S4 Final episode

Just finished the first season and I love it.

It's crazy how much Van looks like my ex gf though 
Man I don't know who I'm crushing over more...Van or bank teller bae from Insecure

Bank teller bae got them cheeks tho :pimp:
Why did he do that? :lol:

Came off looking stupid. Nobody there knows who he is. Maybe he'll get a role for the next season though :lol:
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Glover snagged that Best Actor in a Comedy award that same night 

Him and that mustache though 

Wonder if this was before or after Keith hopped on stage...
Idk what the significance of a Golden Globe is but everyone is fired up. Congrats to him man.

I hope that crappy album doesn't win a Grammy though. Something has to give so this guy can rap again.
show is soo fya and captures the a scope of the modern black perspective so well, im surprised that other groups get and enjoy it.
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