Games that need a current gen version or an HD remake.

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The Original Ninja Gaiden Trilogy


Given the Bionic Commando treatment, it could be EPIC(LY frustrating! Them ******g eagles!!!)! First game I ever played with cut scenes.

Bushido Blade


I feel like this game was WAYY before its time. If Bushido Blade was to drop for the first time today, it would be ground breaking. Sword play, huge, open, fully interactive stages(running through the bamboo on some real anime ish :hat)

We need I Bushido Blade 3

Zombies Ate My Neighbors


Imma need both, please! A HD makeover of the original and a (dare I say)FPS current gen sequel.
contra, contra 2, contra 3, turtles arcade, turtles 3 and turtles in time all need hd remakes

not that bs new turtles in time either, just graphical updates

plenty of other games too...I'll be back
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I've always thought it'd be awesome if they did a pokemon that was sort of like Grand theft auto style.

Not the shooting and violence obviously, You guys know what i mean!

jet set radio future! this needs to be done ASAP. i got the game when i got my xbox back in 02. it came with it and man was i addicted to that game. skating around spraying graffiti and #%^* with a bomb soundtrack >

capcom vs snk 2. best fighting game ever if you ask me. got it on my ps2. still play it from time to time

this game especially. this is one of the greatest games of all time. passed on it when it came out cause i was like 7 and it was too hard for me but later on when i played it i loved it. theres so much to this game. things to memorize, 4th wall being broken like when psycho mantis reads your memory card. story was amazing too. its a shame it was included in the hd collection. they shoulda taken out peace walker and put in mgs instead.

The remake for Gamecube is pretty good/sufficient.


However I'm also slightly disappointed they didn't include in the HD collection. So much potential..
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I've always thought it'd be awesome if they did a pokemon that was sort of like Grand theft auto style.
Not the shooting and violence obviously, You guys know what i mean!

It's a program type thing I seen that had some pokemon game looking realistic, can't think of the name but that would be very interesting to play.

My game would be downhill domination, it's really fun when you're competing against someone. 8o
Man, some good stuff posted in here. Completely agree with Shenmue and Bushido Blade.

Wouldn't mind parasite eve or grandia either.
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I feel like half the games posted already have HD remakes, :lol.
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