GAS PRICES THREAD: National Average = $2.59!... gas hits lowest point in a month, no summer prices

THANKS: Iraq says $80'reasonable' price for oil...

Saudi king says $75...

Iraqi Oil Minister Hussein al-Shahristani said on Friday that 80 dollars a barrel is a"reasonable" price for oil and that his country would support any OPEC decision to cut output.
"A reasonable price for oil is 80 dollars a barrel,"said Shahristani on arrival in Cairo to attend a consultative meeting by the OPEC cartel to study slumping crude prices.

"We have to make sure that produced oil is used for consumption and not for storing.

"Iraq would support a decision by OPEC to cut output either here or in Algeria," the Iraqi ministeradded.

Organisation of Petroleum Exporting Countries ministers are to meet in Cairo on Saturday amid pressure forproduction cuts to stem heavy oil price losses, which continued to mount on Friday.

Iraq is excluded from the OPEC quota production system. OPEC's official output, excluding Baghdad, stands at27.3 million barrels per day.

World oil prices closed mixed on Friday amid signs the OPEC producers' group would wait until next monthbefore announcing any decision to cut output.

Light sweet crude for delivery in January fell one cent to 54.43 dollarsa barrel on the New York Mercantile Exchange (NYMEX) as trading resumed after markets were shut Thursday for the Thanksgiving holidaybreak.
Damn y'all east coast residents are paying some nice prices forgas. I haven't seen it hit under 2 bucks yet in my area, well only for 87 which I don't use at all. Hope to see the premium drop a tad lower at theleast.
Originally Posted by ggarvinXX3

whats the reason for such low gas??

what that guy up there said but here in baton rouge its like 1.89 in some areas and 2 something in other pars
So much for that spike in oil costs....

Oil prices fall to 3½-yearlows...

Oil prices sank to their lowest level in three-and-a-half years, accumulating more than a $100 drop in less than five months, amid freshconcerns on Tuesday that the Opec oil cartel may not reduce its production level as much as it has promised.

The fall to Tuesday's low of $46.82 a barrel from July's record high of $147.27 has prompted a dramatic drop in wholesale costs foroil products such as petrol and heating oil. In New York, wholesale gasoline prices on Tuesday hit an intraday low just above the psychological $1-a-gallonlevel.
Said it before and will say it again.. Oil dropping and dropping = bad news.... Anyone who thinks this should stay like this is nuts. It's fine if it stayslike this for a couple of months but it needs to go back up a $1.25- 1.50 to a reasonable $3.00-3.35...
They are predicting roughly 20 dollars per barrel by next year. Which is good for the people who have jobs and money. But for the unfortunate who lost his joband has financial problems with his family now. Well...
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