George Zimmerman Agrees to Celebrity Boxing Match — Will Fight A Black Person

My dude Dark Man rolled up to the airport in NYC trying to pull people over acting like he was the FBI, in his teens broke out of jail and walked for 10 days in the snow to get home, and you dont think hes got them super crack powers?

DMX is 43 years old, has been on crack for the last 15 years, and has asthma.

Someone needs to pull DMX aside and shake some sense into him because this is embarrassing and win or lose Zimmerman will still get paid, and gain more publicity and notoriety. What's next, a reality show for a killer and his newfound fame?
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I really hope DMX doesn't let us down and puts in work on Zimmerman now that this match is finalized.  Hope DMX doesn't smoke crack before the match. 
I really hope DMX doesn't let us down and puts in work on Zimmerman now that this match is finalized.  Hope DMX doesn't smoke crack before the match. 

DMX is letting "us" down by even agreeing. If he wins and injures dude, it further perpetuates violent aggressive black male stereotypes. And the match is far from finalize, so far they've only agreed on the participants. No venue has been selected, no boxing commission contacted. This could be ended easily.
I hope he DOES partake in the use of the baking soda and powder rock before the fight.

That crackhead strength / defense
Would rather see no one entertain zimmys foolishness and trolling but if anyone was going to fight him id prefer it was game instead of dmx. Hopefully x puts the hands on him though.
Anyone else worried DMX is gonna show up looking like a crackhead and just get that *** whooped :lol:
Supposedly Zimmerman is donating any money made to charity. Like I said, SUPPOSEDLY.

He should donate it to Trayvon's parents or some sort of charity in his name...
DMX is letting "us" down by even agreeing. If he wins and injures dude, it further perpetuates violent aggressive black male stereotypes. And the match is far from finalize, so far they've only agreed on the participants. No venue has been selected, no boxing commission contacted. This could be ended easily.
Not only time will more people not believe zimmerman even more as to what happen that night
Anyone else worried DMX is gonna show up looking like a crackhead and just get that *** whooped
Supposedly Zimmerman is donating any money made to charity. Like I said, SUPPOSEDLY.

He should donate it to Trayvon's parents or some sort of charity in his name...
For what? Travyon attacked zimmerman and he defended himself
I'm not for giving this troll/murderer a second of attention. Even if its to watch him get whooped.
TMZ just reported nothing is official yet. No contract or anything has been signed by either. The fight is dependent on funding and I guess hasn't got the funds yet. Theres also a petition going around to stop the fight.

Im torn......... I don't like the fact that he's being called a "celebrity" and that he's getting more attention but I do want to see him get ****** up. I don't believe DMX is the man to do that though lol. Would rather Game or Kimbo Slice or somebody.
What good does watching him get beat up do?

Shoot him like he shot that child...

...**** DMX and anybody that agrees to be apart of this - unless this is some elaborate ploy to lure Zimmerman to a location and murder him live on TV, this a new low for America.

Kill this man.
wont this set him up for a retrial because he can show his physical prowess
im mean he gained weight for the trial

dmx need to sit down
What good does watching him get beat up do?

Shoot him like he shot that child...

...**** DMX and anybody that agrees to be apart of this - unless this is some elaborate ploy to lure Zimmerman to a location and murder him live on TV, this a new low for America.

Kill this man.

I don't agree with the history and outcome of this whole debacle, but how could u say "kill this man"?

What will killing him do besides prove that he is mortal?
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