GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

Loved the movie

I'm an idiot because I was more concerned with the main character that I didn't pick up on some things at the end

Do you guys know what the significance of the unplugging of the cell phone? I was thinking maybe to prevent the instances of flash photography, or to cut lines of communication. However, if that's the case why not break the phone or steal it?

They wanted his battery to die. Remember, this story takes place over the course of a weekend. Stealing or breaking the phone wouldn't be smart, it would've created a conflict which could've exposed their plan too soon.
Went to see it again for a 2nd time tonight. This time I brought my girl with me (75% white). She enjoyed it, but threw shade afterwards claiming it was in no way, scary and that it was just gonna make black ppl (myself included) more afraid of white ppl. :smh:. I tried to explain all the gems and realistic social keypoints that hit home for brothas, but obviously, she wasn't getting it. smh.
Honestly, everyone should have figured out everything during the scene of the first night at the parents house. What parents allow their daughter to sleep in the same room as their significant other? Chris smashed too.
TSA dude had to have non scripted lines. He was too real.
I think they might have told him, "you know what? Just say what Black people would say while watching a movie like this" 

How you not recognize Maxine Shaw lol
Anybody notice how Rose's dad was talking about deer after they arrived? Very symbolic to how folks thought/think about black people.
Man this is real life. That's how I felt when he made those comments about the deer
He also threw in a secondary comparison to rats in this part...another analogy racist people used when talking about Black people and immigrants.
So I'm gonna assume Rose, the gf, didn't want the cop seeing her bfs ID because she knew he'd recognize him when he was reported missing?
Gold star for you junior
did not even think of that.
The thing is the family and friends knew of the "business." The town they where from wasn't involved as a whole. So they didn't have the juice to get away with what they were doing. At least that's what it seemed like.
That was the whole point of the party...they were scouting him out to bid on him. Basically, it was a modernized slave auction. It was silent and his pic was up on the board. Everyone was bidding. Notice how his homie said "they had you on display, huh?" He was DEAD on and Chris didn't initially pick up on it. Especially when the lady felt his arm...akin to when they used to go up to slaves and see if they were "healthy"
Brooklyn dude is smashing that old joint [emoji]128128[/emoji]
Dude was basically her husband with his body. His mind controlling the body...
I just dont fully understand why those people wanted to be transplanted to the host body. Its not like the host (Brooklyn guy for ex) took on the personality of the white guy. That Brooklyn dude was supposed to be the elderly ladies husband, but he seemed more loke her "slave" and not her new hubby. I understand the blind guy wanting Chris' body cause he has a good eye for photography but he would lose his eccentricities no?
The tone of this symbolism....Everybody wanna be a *******, but nobody wanna be a *******. He's black, but in their enclave. He was black, and safe....away from the repercussions of being Black. Notice in one scene when he was asked about the black experience and he said "I wouldn't know...I haven't been out of the house much to tell", he wasn't lying 

Went to see it again for a 2nd time tonight. This time I brought my girl with me (75% white). She enjoyed it, but threw shade afterwards claiming it was in no way, scary and that it was just gonna make black ppl (myself included) more afraid of white ppl.
. I tried to explain all the gems and realistic social keypoints that hit home for brothas, but obviously, she wasn't getting it. smh.
Call her Rose, she might get mad, but it might be clear as day 

On another note, I figured out Rose was the wrangler during the scene when they were by the lake. I like how he plays her naivety..It's real. White girls in real life sometimes are that oblivious to the Black experience, particularly the black man (see the ID scene). I like how he plays the duality of it. Could she be that dumb? But she was playing dumb to trap him....Also personally, off rip dude was a idiot. How you meeting parents of a chick you been dating for 4 months? Nah b, gotta crawl before you walk...or that could be another message on how Chris lost his mom and his gf filled that needy void, idk just a thought. The fruit loops and I was crine at that, idk why.

Also, look at how she tried to play Rod while immediately throwing herself at him, hoping he would take the bait and want to smash her. She even tried to plant the seed in the car when they were driving up...
. Which could also parallel the interracial dynamic of adult entertainment and how they play that theme a lot, like the vanilla p is so irresistible....
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Just came back from seeing the movie....It was so good

This movies showed me that white liberals look at black folks the same way white suprematist do
Went to see it again for a 2nd time tonight. This time I brought my girl with me (75% white). She enjoyed it, but threw shade afterwards claiming it was in no way, scary and that it was just gonna make black ppl (myself included) more afraid of white ppl. :smh:. I tried to explain all the gems and realistic social keypoints that hit home for brothas, but obviously, she wasn't getting it. smh.

Dump her :smh:
They wanted his battery to die. Remember, this story takes place over the course of a weekend. Stealing or breaking the phone wouldn't be smart, it would've created a conflict which could've exposed their plan too soon.

I guess I'm looking further into it then I should. Every time he saw it unplugged, he just plugged it back in. Also when they had him in the tied up, his friend keep calling and it rang out before the voicemail picked up. That was why it was so confusing to me
I didn't catch that it was the blind guy who they were going to put in Chris's body...damn

Yeah. That's was creepy knowing the whole time that party was for him.

Imagine the daughters conversation with the parents and her grandma and grandpa when Chris wasn't around.

Chris was like a fly trapped in a jar with holes poked in the top.

These black moms with younger sons about to be on close watch with these white girls. Haha
Went to see it again for a 2nd time tonight. This time I brought my girl with me (75% white). She enjoyed it, but threw shade afterwards claiming it was in no way, scary and that it was just gonna make black ppl (myself included) more afraid of white ppl. :smh:. I tried to explain all the gems and realistic social keypoints that hit home for brothas, but obviously, she wasn't getting it. smh.

I had to look at your profile and check the join date cause your post and SN ratio is outrageous :lol: :rofl:
They wanted his battery to die. Remember, this story takes place over the course of a weekend. Stealing or breaking the phone wouldn't be smart, it would've created a conflict which could've exposed their plan too soon.

I guess I'm looking further into it then I should. Every time he saw it unplugged, he just plugged it back in. Also when they had him in the tied up, his friend keep calling and it rang out before the voicemail picked up. That was why it was so confusing to me

Well doesn't a phone automatically go to voicemail when it's off?
I know the racial dynamic was is full effect throughout the course of this movie but was I not only one viewed it from an aspect of affluence?

I mean generally the affluent culture and lifestyle peeves the hell out of me. It's like they live by a code of care free entitlement that just weirds me out.

For instance in the beginning of the movie when "Logan" felt immediate discomfort being lost in that uppity neighborhood. He knew nothing good would come of this situation if he came off as suspicious. If anyone has ever been turned around while on the other side of the track you know this feeling.

If I were even meeting the parents of a black girl who's family came from distinguished wealth I'd probably feel like I was on trial as well. This sort of reinforced my views that people who come from higher social classes don't, nor try to, genuinely understand the background of those who are not as well off as they are. And if they do it's usually from a highly stereotypical vantage point.

The Armitages and the people of that community overall just had a gravely skewed grip on reality or lack thereof.
I know the racial dynamic was is full effect throughout the course of this movie but was I not only one viewed it from an aspect of affluence?

I mean generally the affluent culture and lifestyle peeves the hell out of me. It's like they live by a code of care free entitlement that just weirds me out.

For instance in the beginning of the movie when "Logan" felt immediate discomfort being lost in that uppity neighborhood. He knew nothing good would come of this situation if he came off as suspicious. If anyone has ever been turned around while on the other side of the track you know this feeling.

If I were even meeting the parents of a black girl who's family came from distinguished wealth I'd probably feel like I was on trial as well. This sort of reinforced my views that people who come from higher social classes don't, nor try to, genuinely understand the background of those who are not as well off as they are. And if they do it's usually from a highly stereotypical vantage point.

The Armitages and the people of that community overall just had a gravely skewed grip on reality or lack thereof.
Wasn't this exact sentiment addressed when the art dealer sat down with Chris outside? Made a fake connection with him to feel comfortable, only to really be plotting on his body...messed up, huh?
I remember entitlement being touched on in the movie but not the scene, also the word privilege was literally said at one point. Weird and out of touch indeed.
beh235 beh235 Good point. The others at the party tried to connect with Chris but it came off as disgenuine and creepy.

The art dealer portrayed himself as an outsider so Chris was easy to let his guard down when opening up to him. A very tactful ploy by the dealer indeed.
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I wonder how Rose decided on Chris. Can't help but think the art dealer was behind it.
I wonder how Rose decided on Chris. Can't help but think the art dealer was behind it.
Random, but not random...He lost his parents. has no siblings....if he was gone, would anybody miss him? This is a VERY important statement about Black Lives Matter...people say it, but do they really mean it? That's what I get out of that with Chris, we don't know much about the other people she brought in. I think in the trailer for the movie, there was a scene where Rod was talking to Chris on the phone while researching the people that were missing and he brings up a point that he found that all the people that went missing had no outside family so it was easy to take them.
On another note, I figured out Rose was the wrangler during the scene when they were by the lake. I like how he plays her naivety..It's real. White girls in real life sometimes are that oblivious to the Black experience, particularly the black man (see the ID scene). I like how he plays the duality of it. Could she be that dumb? But she was playing dumb to trap him....Also personally, off rip dude was a idiot. How you meeting parents of a chick you been dating for 4 months? Nah b, gotta crawl before you walk...or that could be another message on how Chris lost his mom and his gf filled that needy void, idk just a thought. The fruit loops and I was crine at that, idk why.

Also, look at how she tried to play Rod while immediately throwing herself at him, hoping he would take the bait and want to smash her. She even tried to plant the seed in the car when they were driving up...:smh: . Which could also parallel the interracial dynamic of adult entertainment and how they play that theme a lot, like the vanilla p is so irresistible....

This shocked the hell out of me, when the parents asked how long they'd been together and he was talking about 4 months :smh: **** are you even doing there bro?
Random, but not random...He lost his parents. has no siblings....if he was gone, would anybody miss him? This is a VERY important statement about Black Lives Matter...people say it, but do they really mean it? That's what I get out of that with Chris, we don't know much about the other people she brought in. I think in the trailer for the movie, there was a scene where Rod was talking to Chris on the phone while researching the people that were missing and he brings up a point that he found that all the people that went missing had no outside family so it was easy to take them.

True but her next victim was a NCAA prospect. Had that panned out, I'm sure their disappearance would be noticed.

A lot of little things we will probably never get answers to.
Random, but not random...He lost his parents. has no siblings....if he was gone, would anybody miss him? This is a VERY important statement about Black Lives Matter...people say it, but do they really mean it? That's what I get out of that with Chris, we don't know much about the other people she brought in. I think in the trailer for the movie, there was a scene where Rod was talking to Chris on the phone while researching the people that were missing and he brings up a point that he found that all the people that went missing had no outside family so it was easy to take them.

True but her next victim was a NCAA prospect. Had that panned out, I'm sure their disappearance would be noticed.

A lot of little things we will probably never get answers to.
I don't think her next victim was that NCAA prospect, I think she was turned on by big, black men. At least that's how I took it.
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