GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

They were definitely set on Alpha males for their experiments. Logan aka the Brooklyn dude was probably just a random opportunistic catch.
They were definitely set on Alpha males for their experiments. Logan aka the Brooklyn dude was probably just a random opportunistic catch.
I don't think her next victim was that NCAA prospect, I think she was turned on by big, black men. At least that's how I took it.
yall really werent paying attention. Rod noticed he knew that guy. he said it was a girl they knew's cousin, the kicker for some other college team. Andre was an athlete too. Not random. Yes her next victim wouldve been the NCAA prospect. Chris himself was a basketball player remember? He said it "mma? noooo. I played basketball"
Yeah. That's was creepy knowing the whole time that party was for him.

Imagine the daughters conversation with the parents and her grandma and grandpa when Chris wasn't around.

Chris was like a fly trapped in a jar with holes poked in the top.

These black moms with younger sons about to be on close watch with these white girls. Haha
and on that note. once u realize the party was for him... it makes it ALL the more chilling every question they asked. they were literally scouting him for their husband/wife.

1. "is it true? are they better in bed?" was cuz she wanted to replace her husband with him if it was true

2. chick who felt his arm to see how strong he was, her husband was in a wheelchair... "weak bodied"

3. the woman asking if he played golf, then the husband saying "let me see you swing, here here" cuz if he could play or had good form they woulda bought him

4. the art dealer - obvious

5. the asian "what do u think about..." he was checking to see intelligence and if when he switched it would put him at a disadvantage.

this is also why everyone stopped talking and laughing when he went upstairs. they were all thinking. ANDDDDDDDD remember... it was his girl who said "lets take a walk." she knew they were about to start bidding on him so she kept him by the lake while it went down.

dastardly, sinister b***h
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yall really werent paying attention. Rod noticed he knew that guy. he said it was a girl they knew's cousin, the kicker for some other college team. Andre was an athlete too. Not random. Yes her next victim wouldve been the NCAA prospect. Chris himself was a basketball player remember? He said it "mma? noooo. I played basketball"

and on that note. once u realize the party was for him... it makes it ALL the more chilling every question they asked. they were literally scouting him for their husband/wife.

1. "is it true? are they better in bed?" was cuz she wanted to replace her husband with him if it was true
2. chick who felt his arm to see how strong he was, her husband was in a wheelchair... "weak bodied"
3. the woman asking if he played golf, then the husband saying "let me see you swing, here here" cuz if he could play or had good form they woulda bought him
4. the art dealer - obvious
5. the asian "what do u think about..." he was checking to see intelligence and if when he switched it would put him at a disadvantage.

this is also why everyone stopped talking and laughing when he went upstairs. they were all thinking. ANDDDDDDDD remember... it was his girl who said "lets take a walk." she knew they were about to start bidding on him so she kept him by the lake while it went down.

dastardly, sinister b***h
alllll of this

They were down on that lake for ages

"Let's play bingo"

Picked up on it was an auction almost immediately
Not to mention all these white folk pull up in identical black limos/SUVs looking like a Klan vampire squad :lol:
also earlier when the dad told her it was the "party weekend"

May be a reach but when chris goes upstairs and she says "you left me downstairs all alone "
One question that wasn't answered...Chris has already been conditioned to be in the "sunken place" can that be reversed? It was never addressed. Clearly flashes from a camera can wake the original person up and they snap out of it, but they can go back to being controlled by focusing on the tea cup and the three clangs on the side. Chris wasn't fully switched but conditioning started. Who's to say he's out somewhere and someone does that and he slips back into that state?
One question that wasn't answered...Chris has already been conditioned to be in the "sunken place" can that be reversed? It was never addressed. Clearly flashes from a camera can wake the original person up and they snap out of it, but they can go back to being controlled by focusing on the tea cup and the three clangs on the side. Chris wasn't fully switched but conditioning started. Who's to say he's out somewhere and someone does that and he slips back into that state?

I'm pretty sure he can undo the conditioning given time. It will take hard work and help from others tho.
One question that wasn't answered...Chris has already been conditioned to be in the "sunken place" can that be reversed? It was never addressed. Clearly flashes from a camera can wake the original person up and they snap out of it, but they can go back to being controlled by focusing on the tea cup and the three clangs on the side. Chris wasn't fully switched but conditioning started. Who's to say he's out somewhere and someone does that and he slips back into that state?
I think it has a time limit of sorts. If I remember right when he was in the basement (which the dad said was closed due to black mold) he would get put in that trance and then come to after some time. Just like the first time he woke back up in bed.

I as far as the original host gaining back control would depend a lot on how much of the brain was transplanted but then again, I ain't no brain surgeon
Couple questions. More so opinions I'm trying to gather. 

1.) What do you think will happen to the people that have been transferred? Will Chris expose everything and help them escape? Or will they be trapped forever?

2.) When Rose said "I didnt know that was this weekend" in terms of the auction, was she lying? If she wasnt why would she bring Chris up there? To start the process anyway?

3.) Why did the guest all stop to listen to Chris walking up the stairs?

4.) Haven't seen it posted in here, but did anyone notice that the beginning and end song were in Swahili? They were saying ":Listen to your ancestors...Run away!" 

5.) Why did the grandparents choose to be groundskeepers? Or were they just playing that role for that weekend?

5."Listen to away!"
One question that wasn't answered...Chris has already been conditioned to be in the "sunken place" can that be reversed? It was never addressed. Clearly flashes from a camera can wake the original person up and they snap out of it, but they can go back to being controlled by focusing on the tea cup and the three clangs on the side. Chris wasn't fully switched but conditioning started. Who's to say he's out somewhere and someone does that and he slips back into that state?
I'm pretty sure he can undo the conditioning given time. It will take hard work and help from others tho.
One question that wasn't answered...Chris has already been conditioned to be in the "sunken place" can that be reversed? It was never addressed. Clearly flashes from a camera can wake the original person up and they snap out of it, but they can go back to being controlled by focusing on the tea cup and the three clangs on the side. Chris wasn't fully switched but conditioning started. Who's to say he's out somewhere and someone does that and he slips back into that state?
I think it has a time limit of sorts. If I remember right when he was in the basement (which the dad said was closed due to black mold) he would get put in that trance and then come to after some time. Just like the first time he woke back up in bed.

I as far as the original host gaining back control would depend a lot on how much of the brain was transplanted but then again, I ain't no brain surgeon
But it's still there. She opened up a box that wasn't ever there before. Can it be reversed permanently like it never existed? We still don't know if it can be triggered again by anyone else even if that person is unaware. That hasn't been addressed. He can't forget it, and it seems like it could be part of his subconscious. I know I might be digging a bit on that, just kicking around the idea. 
Couple questions. More so opinions I'm trying to gather. 

1.) What do you think will happen to the people that have been transferred? Will Chris expose everything and help them escape? Or will they be trapped forever?

2.) When Rose said "I didnt know that was this weekend" in terms of the auction, was she lying? If she wasnt why would she bring Chris up there? To start the process anyway?

3.) Why did the guest all stop to listen to Chris walking up the stairs?

4.) Haven't seen it posted in here, but did anyone notice that the beginning and end song were in Swahili? They were saying ":Listen to your ancestors...Run away!" 

5.) Why did the grandparents choose to be groundskeepers? Or were they just playing that role for that weekend?

5."Listen to away!"
These are some bomb points especially #4 cause I would have never looked up a translation

If I was Christ after thinking about it long like that, them cats is lost and honestly trying to convince the police what was going on isn't gonna be a cheap trick so that's too much of a hassle

I think Rose was lying to make Christ seem more comfortable. If neither of them knew it was that weekend then he wouldn't feel like he's being setup but like they both are in the same "What's going on" boat

No clue on #3. They were still feeling him out then

#5 I still feel like they were just enjoying their youthful bodies doing what older people like to do. Housework and yard work
But it's still there. She opened up a box that wasn't ever there before. Can it be reversed permanently like it never existed? We still don't know if it can be triggered again by anyone else even if that person is unaware. That hasn't been addressed. He can't forget it, and it seems like it could be part of his subconscious. I know I might be digging a bit on that, just kicking around the idea. 
It can probably be reversed but somebody would have to know exactly what happened to reverse it (I'd think). I doubt it'd come up again in the future since the trance is induced by an exact sound. Unless somebody can recreate that sound precisely he'll be fine. Gotta remember that we don't use all of our brain and that in that trance she was able to tap into a specific part and get it to associate the exact sound and number of sounds of that spoon hitting the cup so if he doesn't hear it exactly it won't have an effect.
Couple questions. More so opinions I'm trying to gather. 

1.) What do you think will happen to the people that have been transferred? Will Chris expose everything and help them escape? Or will they be trapped forever?

2.) When Rose said "I didnt know that was this weekend" in terms of the auction, was she lying? If she wasnt why would she bring Chris up there? To start the process anyway?

3.) Why did the guest all stop to listen to Chris walking up the stairs?

4.) Haven't seen it posted in here, but did anyone notice that the beginning and end song were in Swahili? They were saying ":Listen to your ancestors...Run away!" 

5.) Why did the grandparents choose to be groundskeepers? Or were they just playing that role for that weekend?

5."Listen to away!"

2. She brought people up there every year that weekend. She was playing dumb. I think this was done to make people think she wasn't in on the process.

3. I think they may have thought he was suspicious.

5. I think they were only playing the role for that weekend.
Saw it yesterday and I loved it. I immediately want to rewatch it once all of the little moments started clicking and piecing together.

His best friend was hilarious, the perfect element of comic relief for the movie. At first I thought there would be more jump scares or things like that, but once the tone set in, I was all about it. The sunken place was terrifying, the first time I saw it I thought it was interesting, but by the last time I was getting anxious.

And even though it was obvious by that point what was going on, the scene where she's looking for the keys and he's panicking, my heart was racing the entire time. The racial and social commentary he was able to address within the context of the movie was brilliant.

I've been a Peele fan, but I honestly didn't think he was capable of this kind of quality. I just can't think of a criticism of the movie. I'm sure on a rewatch a thing or two light creepy up, but I highly doubt it.
Couple questions. More so opinions I'm trying to gather. 

1.) What do you think will happen to the people that have been transferred? Will Chris expose everything and help them escape? Or will they be trapped forever?

2.) When Rose said "I didnt know that was this weekend" in terms of the auction, was she lying? If she wasnt why would she bring Chris up there? To start the process anyway?

3.) Why did the guest all stop to listen to Chris walking up the stairs?

4.) Haven't seen it posted in here, but did anyone notice that the beginning and end song were in Swahili? They were saying ":Listen to your ancestors...Run away!" 

5.) Why did the grandparents choose to be groundskeepers? Or were they just playing that role for that weekend?

5."Listen to away!"

1. The box of photos was left in the burning house. The only slave they have evidence of is dude that got kidnapped in the opening scene.

2. Of course she was lying. I doubt Chris would've gone if it was "come meet my parents AND all of our white neighbors, friends and extended family. Her whole persona was a lie. :lol: Why would that one reaction be an honest one?

3. If you listened to what they were saying before he went upstairs, it was all bs conversation to hide why they were really there. When they felt he was no longer listening, they dropped the act.

4. I wondered what they were saying but didn't think to look up the song. Repped. Is Jordan Peele trying to tell us something? :nerd:

5. They were acting. If they were presented as here are two random black people that live here, are really weird and talk like they're from the 1940s that would've immediately been a red flag. As "help" there's less reason for Chris to interact with them in the family's mind. Some white people don't understand that no matter our social status, most black people don't separate themselves from the "help" mentally because none of us are that far removed from poverty. Even the wealthiest black people in this country are at most five generations from having nothing.
But it's still there. She opened up a box that wasn't ever there before. Can it be reversed permanently like it never existed? We still don't know if it can be triggered again by anyone else even if that person is unaware. That hasn't been addressed. He can't forget it, and it seems like it could be part of his subconscious. I know I might be digging a bit on that, just kicking around the idea. 

Maybe theres gonna be a sequel called Get In when Chris starts doing it to white people. From the ghetto to 8 bedroom houses.
But it's still there. She opened up a box that wasn't ever there before. Can it be reversed permanently like it never existed? We still don't know if it can be triggered again by anyone else even if that person is unaware. That hasn't been addressed. He can't forget it, and it seems like it could be part of his subconscious. I know I might be digging a bit on that, just kicking around the idea. 

Maybe theres gonna be a sequel called Get In when Chris starts doing it to white people. From the ghetto to 8 bedroom houses.
Great film, it should stand alone. Hope it doesn't spawn a bunch of clones like the little girl fear genre.

:lol: forget dude's name, but the one yelling get out; underrated performance. His diction and dedication to it had me dying.
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Great film, it should stand alone. Hope it doesn't spawn a bunch of clones like the little girl fear genre.

There's no way they don't make multiple sequels. If peele doesn't helm it, the studio will roll on without him. There's just too much money to be made. The hype reminds me of how turnt audiences were over the first "Scream" movie. This will turn into a franchise just like that movie did. I also really wish it didn't go that route, but I know there's no way around it.
Great film, it should stand alone. Hope it doesn't spawn a bunch of clones like the little girl fear genre.

:lol: forget dude's name, but the one yelling get out; underrated performance. His diction and dedication to it had me dying.

LeKeith Stanfield
Great film, it should stand alone. Hope it doesn't spawn a bunch of clones like the little girl fear genre.
There's no way they don't make multiple sequels. If peele doesn't helm it, the studio will roll on without him. There's just too much money to be made. The hype reminds me of how turnt audiences were over the first "Scream" movie. This will turn into a franchise just like that movie did. I also really wish it didn't go that route, but I know there's no way around it.
This is the worst possible outcome, you do realize this, right?
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Not sure if the studio can "roll without him" unless they buy the IP from him. With that said, I'm perfectly fine with no sequels. Think we're being conditioned that any remotely good movie should have a sequel these days.
2. She brought people up there every year that weekend. She was playing dumb. I think this was done to make people think she wasn't in on the process.

5. I think they were only playing the role for that weekend.
Could be wrong but I think she didn't know. From past experiences, I have had females hit me with the "come to my parents party this weekend so you can meet the family" a few times before. I think she wanted to start the process just didnt know he would be auctioned off that weekend. But like I said, just a theory. 

I think so too. Chris would've found it a little odd that two black people were walking around the house like they owned it. Which ironically, they did. Hence why they were always cleaning/doing yard work. It was still there house. If you listen to them talk, they did sound like what I assume older white grandparents would though. 
3. If you listened to what they were saying before he went upstairs, it was all bs conversation to hide why they were really there. When they felt he was no longer listening, they dropped the act.
I understand they were acting/playing the role. But what were they listening for? Or were they just observing him?
If I was Christ after thinking about it long like that, them cats is lost and honestly trying to convince the police what was going on isn't gonna be a cheap trick so that's too much of a hassle
There's really no telling how many times they've done it before. Sure you could judge by Rose's pic (in the box and on the wall) but I'm sure they've had a few semi successful attempts from the grandparents heyday. 

Also, anyone else think the mom may have hypnotized the family? Look at the way the son stopped abruptly when she said "Jeremy..." when he attempted to wrestle with Chris. I get that she wanted him to stop to not "damage the goods" but he stopped dead in his tracks when she said his name. Also, the father said he was hypnotized before. So why would she stop there? As a black man, I'm proud of this film. Could've went a complete satirical route and it didnt. Just a good hard look at our current societal issues stemming from our past. And I HATED the Key & Peele show lol
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