GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

yall really werent paying attention. Rod noticed he knew that guy. he said it was a girl they knew's cousin, the kicker for some other college team. Andre was an athlete too. Not random. Yes her next victim wouldve been the NCAA prospect. Chris himself was a basketball player remember? He said it "mma? noooo. I played basketball"

and on that note. once u realize the party was for him... it makes it ALL the more chilling every question they asked. they were literally scouting him for their husband/wife.

1. "is it true? are they better in bed?" was cuz she wanted to replace her husband with him if it was true
2. chick who felt his arm to see how strong he was, her husband was in a wheelchair... "weak bodied"
3. the woman asking if he played golf, then the husband saying "let me see you swing, here here" cuz if he could play or had good form they woulda bought him
4. the art dealer - obvious
5. the asian "what do u think about..." he was checking to see intelligence and if when he switched it would put him at a disadvantage.

this is also why everyone stopped talking and laughing when he went upstairs. they were all thinking. ANDDDDDDDD remember... it was his girl who said "lets take a walk." she knew they were about to start bidding on him so she kept him by the lake while it went down.

dastardly, sinister b***h
alllll of this

They were down on that lake for ages

"Let's play bingo"

Picked up on it was an auction almost immediately
now I get it. Just saw it last night.

Peele did his thing...I'm surprised
Could be wrong but I think she didn't know. From past experiences, I have had females hit me with the "come to my parents party this weekend so you can meet the family" a few times before. I think she wanted to start the process just didnt know he would be auctioned off that weekend. But like I said, just a theory. 

Also, anyone else think the mom may have hypnotized the family? Look at the way the son stopped abruptly when she said "Jeremy..." when he attempted to wrestle with Chris. I get that she wanted him to stop to not "damage the goods" but he stopped dead in his tracks when she said his name. Also, the father said he was hypnotized before. So why would she stop there? As a black man, I'm proud of this film. Could've went a complete satirical route and it didnt. Just a good hard look at our current societal issues stemming from our past. And I HATED the Key & Peele show lol
You givin' her too much credit, she was in on it from the jump, there's no way THAT moment is the other time she was being sincere. She couldn't lie on the cuff right when TSA dude told her he went to the cops. She was stumblin' over tryna cover up her concern

I thought so too
Get In

Chris takes the role of a new hypnotist after losing his job and being fearful of white people. He takes it upon himseld to manipulate and hypnotize a terrorized white community in his hometown and brings upon them the same terrors he faced. His best friend, Rod realizes what Chris is doing after he notices changes in his behavior and the sudden wealth he has accumulated. After figuring out what happened, Rod utilizes his ties with the TSA and commands a take down that stops Chris in his tracks, all while becoming a new hero that takes Chris' wealth and...

Idk b. :lol:
Ok, I have a question. The white people basically lived through the black people bodies....But the black people spoke for themselves? I was confused about that. Did the host do the talking, moving, etc and have full control over the body?

Also, what happened to the hosts original body?

Why live through someone else? Did it grant immortality? Or they took on someone just for ONE quality they didn't have?
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Get In

Chris takes the role of a new hypnotist after losing his job and being fearful of white people. He takes it upon himseld to manipulate and hypnotize a terrorized white community in his hometown and brings upon them the same terrors he faced. His best friend, Rod realizes what Chris is doing after he notices changes in his behavior and the sudden wealth he has accumulated. After figuring out what happened, Rod utilizes his ties with the TSA and commands a take down that stops Chris in his tracks, all while becoming a new hero that takes Chris' wealth and...

Idk b.
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What was the point of the whole process, anyways? Why live through someone else? Did it grant immortality?
They feel Black people are superior? So to be better than them they become them. I dont know honestly lol. 
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Get In

Chris takes the role of a new hypnotist after losing his job and being fearful of white people. He takes it upon himseld to manipulate and hypnotize a terrorized white community in his hometown and brings upon them the same terrors he faced. His best friend, Rod realizes what Chris is doing after he notices changes in his behavior and the sudden wealth he has accumulated. After figuring out what happened, Rod utilizes his ties with the TSA and commands a take down that stops Chris in his tracks, all while becoming a new hero that takes Chris' wealth and...

Idk b.
Nah fam. Dont want to see my boy Chris as a villain lol
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Nah...must be a writing error between the surgery and hypnosis. Even after the surgery they were still hypnotized. For example...the camera flash. When Chris took a pic of Brooklyn dude he spazzed and I felt that was his way of warning him to leave which is why he had to be re hypnotized. The same camera flash worked on the grandpa at the end remember (snapped him out the hypnosis)... however maybe they felt they were in too deep I've probably said too much.

The art dealer told Chris that he would still be conscious in the body just not able to speak out or control any motor functions. The victims are hypnotized to be in the sunken place while the portion (not the entire brain) that is transferred to the host body contains the consciousness and ability to control the motor functions. So there are two minds occupying one body, but one is the slave and the other is the master. The flash enables the slave mind to break the hypnosis and escape the sunken place. I'll have to rewatch, but was there a bright light when the grandma was serving tea? :nerd:
nvm I got my answer.
What was the point of the whole process, anyways? Why live through someone else? Did it grant immortality?
They feel Black people are superior? So to be better than them they become them. I dont know honestly lol. 
Again...White people wanting to be Black and have the Black experience without the repercussions of being Black
But it seems they had better things going for them, being white, than ONE quality they lacked, which the slave they took had. You would give up 10 qualities for 1? That's where I'm confused.
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What was the point of the whole process, anyways? Why live through someone else? Did it grant immortality?
They feel Black people are superior? So to be better than them they become them. I dont know honestly lol. 
Again...White people wanting to be Black and have the Black experience without the repercussions of being Black
But it seems they had better things going for them, being white, than ONE quality they lacked, which the slave they took had. That's where I'm confused.
Why does it seem confusing? This isn't the first example shown to us that says white people want to be "cool" and be like us. Doesn't matter what they have. Look at the scene with the pictures. One of Rose's boyfriends was a blood. Hell, she even had on a red bandana in the pic. Why on earth would a white girl want to be a part of that? It's cool and she's with the "thug" Black guy...but ultimately in that context she is safe. Why? Because if all else fails, she can say "oh, I don't like this anymore. I'm going back to my rich family and white privilege". That's not a reality for the Black dude. That ONE quality is a desirable one. It's like white people getting upset by the fact that they can't freely use the N word publicly because it's perceived as the "cool" thing. They fight so hard to try to use it.
What was the point of the whole process, anyways? Why live through someone else? Did it grant immortality?
They feel Black people are superior? So to be better than them they become them. I dont know honestly lol. 
Again...White people wanting to be Black and have the Black experience without the repercussions of being Black
But it seems they had better things going for them, being white, than ONE quality they lacked, which the slave they took had. You would give up 10 qualities for 1? That's where I'm confused.
Can't overlook they're moving into a younger body. You can be rich, but what's the point if you're near death?
Why does it seem confusing? This isn't the first example shown to us that says white people want to be "cool" and be like us. Doesn't matter what they have. Look at the scene with the pictures. One of Rose's boyfriends was a blood. Hell, she even had on a red bandana in the pic. Why on earth would a white girl want to be a part of that? It's cool and she's with the "thug" Black guy...but ultimately in that context she is safe. Why? Because if all else fails, she can say "oh, I don't like this anymore. I'm going back to my rich family and white privilege". That's not a reality for the Black dude. That ONE quality is a desirable one. It's like white people getting upset by the fact that they can't freely use the N word publicly because it's perceived as the "cool" thing. They fight so hard to try to use it.

Can't overlook they're moving into a younger body. You can be rich, but what's the point if you're near death?

Word to ol boy in the wheelchair and breathing apparatus

If I remember correctly, wasn't dude with the breathing machine married to the chick that was mirin' Chris HARD? Talking about "is it true what they say about the pipe game??"

Dude prob couldn't give it to her the way she wanted it anymore. That's hilarious to me for some reason :rofl: :rofl:
If I remember correctly, wasn't dude with the breathing machine married to the chick that was mirin' Chris HARD? Talking about "is it true what they say about the pipe game??"

Dude prob couldn't give it to her the way she wanted it anymore. That's hilarious to me for some reason
Yes, yes it was. She was ready for that pipe. Photography dude slashed her dreams. Prob went home that night side eyeing ol cripple fella extra hard
Man y'all going in deep. I'm skimming through the last pages.

If it's been answered then I'll move on but was the significance of the pictures that chris found? Was it proof that they been doing it and those victims are in other houses or were they attempts and only the 3 we see are successful?

And this might be a lot of y'all right now :lol:

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