GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

White supremacy connecting to the Harlins story? Reaching, if anything it's the fact that the owners (asians) may have been held up or had people stealing in the past. It's a predominantly African American area so of course just by demographics alone, statistics would show that if something like this were to happen it would be by a African American (not judging races, strictly just saying more African American people in that region so more things happening involving African Americans would happen).

I get the idea that Asian Americans are framed differently, but there's good and bad involved with those stereotypes. To say that they as a whole, buy into White Supremecy would be idiotic. There was point in time, hell even now, that Asian owned businesses and individuals were being targeted by African Americans and other criminals just because they were seen as unconfrontational and submissive.
Some asians, I'd agree. But there's some groups of people in every race that some could argue that support white supremacy (yes, even blacks - Ben Carson, David Clarke, etc. - not my opinion, just various articles online). Just bringing up the discussion on what his thoughts were in regards to placing an Asian in that spot (and Yes I know what he said in regards to it).

I'm not uncomfortable with the thoughts about racism being called out and I understand how people feel that go through it being a minority as well.

And yes, it was a completely different time. You cannot compare the mid 1900's, the 90's and now and say that things haven't changed at all. Granted, things are still not perfect, but it's not the "same exact ****" as today.
I posted an article a while back that had a good take on why he was there and just like you are saying it's only some that's why there was only one Asian man there. To show a case that it's not necessarily a majority thing but that there are enough that do feel this way or buy into white supremacy or the inferiority of black people that they needed to represented but not overwhelmingly so.
To soul searchin to say it was a long time ago is false. It's 2017 and black people are still being mistreated by Asian people when they patron their stores or whatever. Older generation? The older generation been around for 30-40 years doing the same stuff.
To soul searchin to say it was a long time ago is false. It's 2017 and black people are still being mistreated by Asian people when they patron their stores or whatever. Older generation? The older generation been around for 30-40 years doing the same stuff.

So what do you say about the Asian people getting mistreated by the blacks? Blacks target Asian businesses and people because the are seen as "easy targets".
Watched again last night...

First thing I peeped was when the dad was showing him around the house.

And they walked into the kitchen and he said "we like to keep a small piece of mom around " and the black maid was just standing there staring as soon as they walked in.

So many things make sense the second time around
Son was still salty about losing 80 years ago and was probably jelly his whole life

Basically imagine driving a hoopty for years and then getting a Lambo
y'all gotta chill with this idiotic "older generation" crap lol a racist is a racist and all generations have em.

Think you're misinterpreting things. All races/religions/etc. have racist as do all generations, but the older previous generations have more. At least in a country as young as America.

Negative. In this country black people CAN'T and have NEVER been racist. There simply is no system set up for us to do so even if we wanted to.....which we don't want to by the way.
one of the biggest lies they tell is that racism is equal opportunity

like if everyone can be racist it lessens their racism
Why was the groundskeeper running like that?
he said exercise, but ??
Homie felt like Superman in his new body.

Am I the only one that felt like Grandma & Grandpa stayed up 24/7? It's like the procedure made it so they didn't have to get any sleep. 

Can't wait til the dvd comes out so we can see the deleted scenes & alternate ending.
Why was the groundskeeper running like that?

he said exercise, but ??
Homie felt like Superman in his new body.

Am I the only one that felt like Grandma & Grandpa stayed up 24/7? It's like the procedure made it so they didn't have to get any sleep. 

Can't wait til the dvd comes out so we can see the deleted scenes & alternate ending.

The Grandfather couldn't let that L go. Gotta a black mans body and practiced all night. :lol:
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Why was the groundskeeper running like that?

he said exercise, but ??
Homie felt like Superman in his new body.

Am I the only one that felt like Grandma & Grandpa stayed up 24/7? It's like the procedure made it so they didn't have to get any sleep. 

Can't wait til the dvd comes out so we can see the deleted scenes & alternate ending.

I think everybody was up (outside of rose) to keep Chris from leaving if he tried.
The Grandfather couldn't let that L go. Gotta a black mans body and practiced all night.
yeah practiced all night just to get up in the morning and keep the yard clean. smh

I wonder if grandma was giving that booty up.... would be crazy if grandma and the black chick were fighting for control of the body during those sex sessions.
The Grandfather couldn't let that L go. Gotta a black mans body and practiced all night.
yeah practiced all night just to get up in the morning and keep the yard clean. smh

I wonder if grandma was giving that booty up.... would be crazy if grandma and the black chick were fighting for control of the body during those sex sessions.
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The Grandfather couldn't let that L go. Gotta a black mans body and practiced all night. :lol:
yeah practiced all night just to get up in the morning and keep the yard clean. smh

I wonder if grandma was giving that booty up.... would be crazy if grandma and the black chick were fighting for control of the body during those sex sessions.

You f'ed my head up with that :lol:
yeah practiced all night just to get up in the morning and keep the yard clean. smh

I wonder if grandma was giving that booty up.... would be crazy if grandma and the black chick were fighting for control of the body during those sex sessions.
Well if that family was smart, grandma and grandpa would have cranked out some babies. Grow their own organic black folks.
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The Grandfather couldn't let that L go. Gotta a black mans body and practiced all night. :lol:
yeah practiced all night just to get up in the morning and keep the yard clean. smh

I wonder if grandma was giving that booty up.... would be crazy if grandma and the black chick were fighting for control of the body during those sex sessions.

You f'ed my head up with that :lol:

That's all kinds of Inception :lol:
Bruh... why did this chick I know text me this morning asking if I've seen Get Out and then proceed to tell me it was racist? This is a black female dating a white dude who I was gonna dirty Mack on at one point, but left it alone because I work with her corny *** bf.

So dude didn't go with her because he said the movie was racist off rip. Old girl proceeds to go on a rant and I just emoji responded for the most part. :smh: I'm amazed how these females get with a white dude and immediately forget who they are. As much as I've heard the term "negro bed wench" thrown around, I'm surprised to know one.

But then you have dudes that won't consider a black woman that I consider just as lost. This Mexicana I'm talking to was surprised I've dated plenty of black women before her when she asked me. Her ex (black dude) refused to, so I guess she was used to that lame behavior. Wtf is going on out here?
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