GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

Now I'm wondering if it was a set up to get me to say something he could run to HR with. Dude clearly doesn't like me. :lol:

And yeah she is corny. She tried to tell me she was creole and Native American one time. I said nah...

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Bruh, the funny thing about white people crying racism is this, if it is in fact prejudice (can't be racism since black people have no control over the lives of white people), where and who did the black people learn these actions from?
Bruh... why did this chick I know text me this morning asking if I've seen Get Out and then proceed to tell me it was racist? This is a black female dating a white dude who I was gonna dirty Mack on at one point, but left it alone because I work with her corny *** bf.

So dude didn't go with her because he said the movie was racist off rip. Old girl proceeds to go on a rant and I just emoji responded for the most part. :smh: I'm amazed how these females get with a white dude and immediately forget who they are. As much as I've heard the term "negro bed wench" thrown around, I'm surprised to know one.

But then you have dudes that won't consider a black woman that I consider just as lost. This Mexicana I'm talking to was surprised I've dated plenty of black women before her when she asked me. Her ex (black dude) refused to, so I guess she was used to that lame behavior. Wtf is going on out here?

It would take everything in my power not to go OFF on that chick. Good call on that HR stuff. Don't wanna be pulling a @onewearz :lol: :lol:
She's not worth me getting emotional over. I hardly even do that for a female I'm with. Just thought it was weird and corny. She thinks she's "woke" too which is the dumbest part of all.
The grandparents having sex to breed black children just made my brain explode.
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Bruh... why did this chick I know text me this morning asking if I've seen Get Out and then proceed to tell me it was racist? This is a black female dating a white dude who I was gonna dirty Mack on at one point, but left it alone because I work with her corny *** bf.

So dude didn't go with her because he said the movie was racist off rip. Old girl proceeds to go on a rant and I just emoji responded for the most part.
I'm amazed how these females get with a white dude and immediately forget who they are. As much as I've heard the term "negro bed wench" thrown around, I'm surprised to know one.

But then you have dudes that won't consider a black woman that I consider just as lost. This Mexicana I'm talking to was surprised I've dated plenty of black women before her when she asked me. Her ex (black dude) refused to, so I guess she was used to that lame behavior. Wtf is going on out here?
she in the sunken place bruh
Man, think about Georgina in the sunken place watching herself about to die when they were in the car right before it crash helpess. Ish is said.
Man, Stacey the type to get flashed and then start lookin for spoons and teacups her damn self, no savin her.
You just gotta treat Stacey like the white girl she is and **** her out
man some of yall really think that racism is only racism if its systematic? sheesh. holy bro-science batman.

anyway. STILL at a 99% last i checked. if anyone tells u this movie is racist, they must feel guilty about something deep down. the movie hinges on using hypnotism and brain surgery to live forever and to keep the optimum body by only preying on black people. if within all of that... all u saw is ****** is out to get the black man... theres a problem lol.

definitely want to see the deleted scenes/directors cut/alt endings. im sure theyre all awesome.
Man what is this tales from the hood ? :smh:

:lol: :lol: yoooooo :rofl:

I'm kind of upset they didn't have a sex scene in that movie. I'd pay an extra $10 to see Chris blow Georgina's back out. Knock the white grandma out of her
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