GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

Well when you get in to the plot it's hard to call him innocent. That's the luxury of the viewer.

I mean if we saw this story on the news; Black man murders white family and employees. Claims family abducted him so that a blind white man could possess his body and that they have done this to other black ppl.

Who would believe it? :lol: Not even black ppl would back that.
I might be late but did yall read about/see the original/alternate ending?

That would've been something else.

Saw the alternate ending and am glad they didn't go with it for the final cut.
Peele said he changed it based on current events and how ppl were reacting to the multiple shootings.

Basically the original ending was the more realistic outcome.

I completely get that. When I saw the film, the alternate ending is what I thought was going to happen.
Can I link to the alternate ending? It's not hard to find, it's on Dailymotion/Youtube. Probably not. Either way, yea the black hero making it out is much better than this.
Can I link to the alternate ending? It's not hard to find, it's on Dailymotion/Youtube. Probably not. Either way, yea the black hero making it out is much better than this.
I thoroughly enjoyed the alt ending. When he cuts off his homeboy and tells him "I stopped it" and left it at that it was too real. That whole ending was def sad so I can see why he went with the other ending
I liked the movie, but it was too predictable. You could pretty much point out what every character's role was.
Well, I don't think Peele was going for "unpredictable". I mean, the plot summary and the trailers pretty much told us everything. :lol:

The main focus was about the message.
I liked the movie, but it was too predictable. You could pretty much point out what every character's role was.
At what point did you predict that white ppl were body snatching black ppl?

Cuz I came into the movie only knowing it was a scary movie. I tend to dislike the majority of scary/horror flicks. And this scared the **** out of me. I knew something was up did not see a "sunken place" coming.
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I liked the movie, but it was too predictable. You could pretty much point out what every character's role was.
At what point did you predict that white ppl were body snatching black ppl?

Cuz I came into the movie only knowing it was a scary movie. I tend to dislike the majority of scary/horror flicks. And this scared the **** out of me. I knew something was up did not see a "sunken place" coming.

As soon as dude met Georgina :lol:
Well, I don't think Peele was going for "unpredictable". I mean, the plot summary and the trailers pretty much told us everything. :lol:

The main focus was about the message.

I agree, this is true... so do you think they should've kept the alternate ending?

To start some controversy and somewhat open the eyes of the audience?
Just watched this...[emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji][emoji]128077[/emoji][emoji]127998[/emoji] In my opinion the original ending was better than the alternate.
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Finally gave it a watch and read through this thread because I knew y'all would probably have theorized some connections and references I missed/didn't give enough consideration to. Didn't let me down; y'all or the movie.

Definitely going to grab this on Blu-Ray soon and despite only liking 2-3 of the sketches on his show and having no interest in son prior to this, I'll be keeping a close eye on what Peele does from here on out (outside of his show and **** like that still :lol:)
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Copped it on Blu-Ray. Really dope film. I don't know if I would call it a horror film, maybe a comedy/thriller? I just love how the film ***** on White liberals who think they're exempt from being racist because they voted for Obama. The goofy hipsters gentrifying NYC and their parents- this movie is about them.

Glad he didn't use the alternate ending.

Peele is in that Childish Gambino category for me. I never cared for Gambino's music but I *** with Atlanta heavy. Never cared for Key and Peele but Get Out is incredible.
Copped it on Blu-Ray. Really dope film. I don't know if I would call it a horror film, maybe a comedy/thriller? I just love how the film ***** on White liberals who think they're exempt from being racist because they voted for Obama. The goofy hipsters gentrifying NYC and their parents- this movie is about them.

Glad he didn't use the alternate ending.

Peele is in that Childish Gambino category for me. I never cared for Gambino's music but I *** with Atlanta heavy. Never cared for Key and Peele but Get Out is incredible.

It's already out on Blu Ray? It flopped that bad?
It's already out on Blu Ray? It flopped that bad?

The movie had a budget of $4.5 mill and grossed over $240 mill- it is very far from a flop. It also received a ton of critical acclaim. I don't know why it's out on DVD/BR so quickly but all that means is more money.
Copped it on Blu-Ray. Really dope film. I don't know if I would call it a horror film, maybe a comedy/thriller? I just love how the film ***** on White liberals who think they're exempt from being racist because they voted for Obama. The goofy hipsters gentrifying NYC and their parents- this movie is about them.

Glad he didn't use the alternate ending.

Peele is in that Childish Gambino category for me. I never cared for Gambino's music but I *** with Atlanta heavy. Never cared for Key and Peele but Get Out is incredible.
It's already out on Blu Ray? It flopped that bad?
Yup 100 mill plus huge flop
Movie was far from a flop...its just THEY wanted to surpress it out of the theaters
Anyway they could because it portrayed certain race of people as pure evil
Untrustworthy and perverted. Meanwhile history has already painted this oh so accurate
Image of such people.
Why shun a movie when history has shown an even darker more sinister depiction of said race????
Nice try America
It's already out on Blu Ray? It flopped that bad?

Flopped? Where have you been man???
This movie exceeded all expectations theatrically and made a grip of money in the process.

NEVERRRR said it was flop.... I watched it and enjoyed the movie, when it came out in theatres.

I just never knew it was already out on DVD/Blu Ray.

I remember watching it in March... just looked it up, and it was released in May.
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NEVERRRR said it was flop.... I watched it and enjoyed the movie, when it came out in theatres.

I just never knew it was already out on DVD/Blu Ray.

I remember watching it in March... just looked it up, and it was released in May.

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