GET OUT -- New horror film about black man meeting white gf's parents. Looks creepy.

It waa in theaters longer than most a week or two before it came out om blu ray it was still at the theatres over here.
It's already out on Blu Ray? It flopped that bad?

The movie had a budget of $4.5 mill and grossed over $240 mill- it is very far from a flop. It also received a ton of critical acclaim. I don't know why it's out on DVD/BR so quickly but all that means is more money.

Movie was far from a flop...its just THEY wanted to surpress it out of the theaters
Anyway they could because it portrayed certain race of people as pure evil
Untrustworthy and perverted. Meanwhile history has already painted this oh so accurate
Image of such people.
Why shun a movie when history has shown an even darker more sinister depiction of said race????
Nice try America

This. THEY want it gone.
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I've never seen a movie be so successful and those people act like they never heard of it or it doesn't exist :lol: why they mad?
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90 days after releasing in the theaters is pretty much the standard for movies. Came out on 2/24 in theaters, DVD/ Blu-Ray came out on 5/23.
I liked the movie, but it was too predictable. You could pretty much point out what every character's role was.
At what point did you predict that white ppl were body snatching black ppl?

Cuz I came into the movie only knowing it was a scary movie. I tend to dislike the majority of scary/horror flicks. And this scared the **** out of me. I knew something was up did not see a "sunken place" coming.

As soon as dude met Georgina :lol:
:lol: I don't believe this.
I've never seen a movie be so successful and those people act like they never heard of it or it doesn't exist :lol: why they mad?

This :lol: they tried latching onto any other movie that came out around that time and acted like this one didn't happen

Watching it for the second time now, and it's a great movie once again. Because if all the stuff posted in here way back, I was looking for every little thing :lol:
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they tried latching onto any other movie that came out around that time and acted like this one didn't happen

Watching it for the second time now, and it's a great movie once again. Because if all the stuff posted in here way back, I was looking for every little thing
My white co workers wont speak a word of it....and they LOVE horror suspense movies
This :lol: they tried latching onto any other movie that came out around that time and acted like this one didn't happen

Watching it for the second time now, and it's a great movie once again. Because if all the stuff posted in here way back, I was looking for every little thing :lol:
My white co workers wont speak a word of it....and they LOVE horror suspense movies

I have yet to meet a white person that's seen this movie.

Me: hey did you see Get out Yet?

Them: no, what's it about?

Me: a black gu--- *gets cut off mid sentence*

Them: I can't wait for the new THOR movie!!

:rofl: :rofl:
This :lol: they tried latching onto any other movie that came out around that time and acted like this one didn't happen

Watching it for the second time now, and it's a great movie once again. Because if all the stuff posted in here way back, I was looking for every little thing :lol:
My white co workers wont speak a word of it....and they LOVE horror suspense movies

I have yet to meet a white person that's seen this movie.

Me: hey did you see Get out Yet?

Them: no, what's it about?

Me: a black gu--- *gets cut off mid sentence*

Them: I can't wait for the new THOR movie!!

:rofl: :rofl:

The accuracy

I think this opened the same weekend as Logan or it was fairly close

Those people were raving about Logan (granted it was a good movie) but they were treating Get Out as some TV special that they never heard of :rofl:
Logan and Get Out Blu-Ray's dropped the same day too. Maybe the Black family in Logan was a metaphor for what Logan did to Get Out? #tinfoilsquad
Yeah, none of my white coworkers have heard of it either. Well one....but he's like the "B.E.T movie token white guy" starter pack. So I don't count him.
saw this movie and I thoroughly enjoyed it.

This is 1 of those films you can watch a couple of times and notice subtle things each time.

Good flick for sure. Many layers in this 1.
Complete opposite for me. Here in NYC, the only people I know who've seen it and raved about it ARE white people. And most black folk I know in NYC, the "stay woke" crowd, they found it corny.

I finally watched it on-demand last night and thought it was legit - more of a thriller than a horror movie though. Only criticism I have is that I wish Peele went with the original ending, which would have grounded the storyline a bit more and highlighted more reality around the blacks vs police climate.

You wanna call it a horror movie? End with him being falsely arrested and imprisoned. Guarantee that'll scare the !@#$ out of every ninja who sees the movie but also give white people a black person's POV of what it's like, in that moment, when you're innocent but police run up on you and automatically label you guilty.
Only thing I didn't really like about the movie was the ending, but it didn't really detract from the overall picture.
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