Get ready for that #$$!%$## from another big company: NIKE RAISING PRICES ON EVERYTHING.

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

every major corp in america is doing the same thing. when %$!! really hiuts the fan tho, nikes will be one of the easier things to forget about.


Have you noticed that them Sweet Tea cups at Mcdonalds are mad thin(they went from Styrofoam to cheap plastic) and the sandwiches are getting  smaller too. But on another note i really think a price hike of 35 bucks is way to much. Didnt the foams go up from 190 to 200 this year.
Originally Posted by 160jordansdeep

Didn't read anything you posted because I was stuck staring at your avy.  Please change it so I can read your post, I'm very interested but damn, just can't take my eyes off lol
Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

Welcome to the real world...Niketalk...

I know that most of you live in Internet fantasyland...but, are mad about this?

The cost of everything is going up globally...raw materials, specifically cotton and leather as well as the fuel that it takes to transport finished goods (among other things) continues to rise...

Why is any of this a surprise to anyone?

Nike isn't the only one that is raising prices...everything from athletic footwear and apparel to food will be going haven't been paying attention if you think otherwise...


But Nike's been on this "inflation before INFLATION" raising of prices for years now. And when it finally gets announced as them needing to do it, it should come as a surprise. I mentioned in an earlier post, Look at the past 5 years. They've gone up in price over the past five years like crazy. Do other companies do that?

Imagine Mcdonalds for a moment. Value meal in 2004 was $5. In 2006, just 25 cents more. Now it's maybe at $ 6.25.
If Nike was Mcdonalds, they wouldve had a 2006 price of $5.50. Now it would probably be $7... A whole 75 cents more than it really needs to be.. But guess what, they'll be raising their prices some more.

Of course it's economics and all that jazz. Looking deeper, they went past that 2011 inflation mark in 2009. Now two years later, they want sympathy for doing what others are doing as well?
Originally Posted by AIR J XIII

when you've got kids ready to give you their all over their money that will bend over and accept whatever you give them, why not take advantage.

Let's keep it real, this is nothing new. The BS start at JB the second half of 2003, and little by little they've been cutting quality and rasing prices, seeing how far they can go.

As long as all of these so called "sneakerheads" keep taking it and coming up with reasons to justify what Nike is doing, IT WILL CONTINUE.
Originally Posted by WallyHopp

Originally Posted by jmadidas2001

Welcome to the real world...Niketalk...

I know that most of you live in Internet fantasyland...but, are mad about this?

The cost of everything is going up globally...raw materials, specifically cotton and leather as well as the fuel that it takes to transport finished goods (among other things) continues to rise...

Why is any of this a surprise to anyone?

Nike isn't the only one that is raising prices...everything from athletic footwear and apparel to food will be going haven't been paying attention if you think otherwise...


But Nike's been on this "inflation before INFLATION" raising of prices for years now. And when it finally gets announced as them needing to do it, it should come as a surprise. I mentioned in an earlier post, Look at the past 5 years. They've gone up in price over the past five years like crazy. Do other companies do that?

Imagine Mcdonalds for a moment. Value meal in 2004 was $5. In 2006, just 25 cents more. Now it's maybe at $ 6.25.
If Nike was Mcdonalds, they wouldve had a 2006 price of $5.50. Now it would probably be $7... A whole 75 cents more than it really needs to be.. But guess what, they'll be raising their prices some more.

Of course it's economics and all that jazz. Looking deeper, they went past that 2011 inflation mark in 2009. Now two years later, they want sympathy for doing what others are doing as well?
Certainly not true...raw materials have been going up for years...again, specifically leather and cotton...and, BTW...switching to man-made materials for shoes and clothes won't solve the problem either because the prices of those products are going up as well as the demand increases because of people switching away from cotton and leather to save costs...the price of oil is going to effect everything from polyester to transportation costs to get said product to the consumer...

And, yes...all companies have done that and all companies will continue to do are on NIKETALK...thus, people will complain about Nike prices rising...if this were WALMART-TALK...people would be complaining about the price of Frosted Flakes and Mini Wheats...

Search PRICE OF COTTON, PRICE OF FOOD, PRICE OF OIL, PRICE OF many of those searches return "prices going down? "  Everything is going up...Remember...Nike is a future's based company...they are planning MINIMUM 18-months into the future when it comes to raw materials, if not more...prices will be higher STILL in 2013 than they are right now...

Honestly...wholesalers and retails do not like to raise prices JUST BECAUSE, customers generally don't respond favorably to that...this is coming from necessity for 98% of the price increases...Jordan Retro's like the XI excluded, the $50 price increase there was because they COULD and not because they HAD TO...

We are just going to have to deal with higher prices for's a fact of life...

JM, I guess I'm glad other companies aren't like Nike. Raising prices for years because they COULD, and now when they HAVE TO, they still punish the consumers? Other companies would get laughed at for these sort of tactics. I guess whatever works, works. I can't knock the hustle. What I'm ultimately getting at is the greed factor. Sure raw material costs have gone up but even in the best of times, Nike saw fit to take advantage of situations and go on the rise HIGHER than what other competitors and companies were doing, like my Mcdonald's example. Some of their stuff is already above 2011 inflation levels, yet when a press release and news stories come out, they want to be given a free pass to be lumped in like other companies who are raising prices?? They are not like other companies. I just want that distinction to be made.
Nike quality gets worse every year
Nike keeps raising prices
Nike keeps oversaturating the market

Nike is such a model company. Thank you Nike, you are the standard for miillions of companies in the world.
Ill be hanging out at the oylets more often I guess. I hardly dver pay retail anyway. Still a bad move. If profits are low, stop releasing all those horrible, lame sneakers. Cut off the fat nike. Some of your kicks dont even sell at outlets.
i dont really care if nike raise their prices. I scam footlockers and eastbay to get free shoes any ways! so im good.....
This is getting crazy their not the only one that the rise in prices is affecting.
We have to buy gas and have other expenses too.
if the COSTS go up, in order to maintain MARGINS, PRICES must go up. it's that simple. Don't simply complain about prices, speak loudly with your wallets and do not buy. The consumer/market dictates what happens in the price and quantity demanded continum. People are very short sighted when they chalk it all up to Nike being greedy. Get out of the little-man mentality and realize that Nike answers to the shareholders, and yes, you can be one too. NKE is the stock symbol, build wealth and start to think past buying tees and sneakers. (yes I know this is a sneaker forum, but i think a lot of the complaining is misguided)
*apologies for the double post

if the COSTS go up, in order to maintain MARGINS, PRICES must go up. it's that simple. Don't simply complain about prices, speak loudly with your wallets and do not buy. The consumer/market dictates what happens in the price and quantity demanded continum. People are very short sighted when they chalk it all up to Nike being greedy. Get out of the little-man mentality and realize that Nike answers to the shareholders, and yes, you can be one too. NKE is the stock symbol, build wealth and start to think past buying tees and sneakers. (yes I know this is a sneaker forum, but i think a lot of the complaining is misguided)
Originally Posted by dubchester

To me, this is a lame excuse to jump on the economic-crisis bandwagon. Notice the article references rising costs of "cotton, oil and transportation" for the major reasons to raise their prices. Anyone who has worked in finance or has ever owned their own company knows that labor (aka workers) are the #1 expense to a company's PNL. How come they don't cite rising labor costs as the reason for raising prices? That's because they have no intention of paying those poor taiwanese and chinese workers another cent more than they are already. They already get slave-like pay, but I guess the Jordan's/Nike's we'll be paying more for going forward will never make it to these poor folks...ever. SMH!!

Labor (read: Manufacturing) won't be on Nike's P&L since Nike does not own the factories that make the product.  

I'm fairly certain I'll see the AM 90 and AF1 low hit $100 next year after retailing for $79.99 as recently as 07.

Anyways, of all the boards where a price increase shouldn't matter it would be NikeTalk.  How many people on here actually pay retail for non-limited sneakers anyway.  20-30-50% off even at the inflated price is still loads cheaper than what average joe is paying for those same shoes at Niketown, FTL, inc.  

Grocery Shoppers clip coupons, sneakerheads use F&F, VIP, Winners Circle, etc.  Stop making it seem like doomsday.  And if it's too high, don't buy.  Same thing about people whining about JB Quality, Nike Air on retros, small bubbles on 95s, reseller prices online.  Biggest voice you have is when your wallet speaks.
Originally Posted by phreshdude

i dont really care if nike raise their prices. I scam footlockers and eastbay to get free shoes any ways! so im good.....


Nike some bums
How many times does it have to be said that NikeTalk is in no way,shape or form affiliated with Nike itself?
So why would you be surprised that folks aren't too happy about a price increase on subpar product?
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