Gettin the Girls - A Comprehensive Guide (LONG READ)

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Asking a girl out on a date after a 2 min convo= 80% fail rate.

ill keep that in mind
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Asking a girl out on a date after a 2 min convo= 80% fail rate.

ill keep that in mind

It can be done, just gotta be jestful right off the bat while keeping context of the scenario at hand. Daytime game is much more difficult.
I ain't no lothario because I can't do it haha, but at jams... It can be done, 3-5 minutes flat.
I can be done but you are better off asking for her number. Asking her on a date right away comes off to strong and thirsty. Ask for her number first and giveher a call the next day or something, make her feel "Comfortable" and the chances of her turning down your date are lower.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

I can be done but you are better off asking for her number. Asking her on a date right away comes off to strong and thirsty. Ask for her number first and give her a call the next day or something, make her feel "Comfortable" and the chances of her turning down your date are lower.

Originally Posted by NothinAfter

you my dude and all

your game>>>75% of this board

but about the waiting 2 days thing

i use to do that in high school

now i hate waiting... i just get to the point ...feel me??

if we both feeling each other on some s#^t

why would i wait 2 days to hit her up

if we at a club, and im trying to smash that night

i am not waiting 2 days at all, I will text her that night and get in them buns
I agree, that 2 days thing is pointless. Hit her up whenever you feel like it. If its that same day than cool, if its 3 days later than cool
Originally Posted by chokeonsmoke

i tried gettin at this filipino chick at the jolibees order here it goes i pull up order some food with my boy and she a cutie, so i grub and i decide to get at her, i drive back in and order 2 pies shes like "is that all" i say " are you gunna be at the window" "yea" im like coo so pull up and i tell her shes preatty and if i could take her out sometime and she shoots me down she like no! but deep down i know she wanted it
so i leave my number on a receipt and tell her to call me if she changes her aint that hard fellas take chances and see where it takes you.

You got the game all twisted brah. Never compliment a woman you don't know on her looks. Your giving her way too much value, women like mysterious guys whodon't appear to be all about looks. Just chop it up and have a regular chill convo and she will think "wow he isn't like all the other lame guyswho just tell me I'm pretty". Once you feel like she is really feeling you then you can go for the number. Remember you don't need her number you just want it, confidence is the key.
If she tells you to call her sometime, PLEASE wait AT LEAST 2 days. AT LEAST.

Not even...

more like 24 hours fam....jawns ive talked to said if it takes you more than 2 days to call, youre NOT gonna be remembered/connect

i believe it...i met a few that i waited like 3 days to hit up...STRAIGHT up didnt remember me
Originally Posted by reeeem0

If she tells you to call her sometime, PLEASE wait AT LEAST 2 days. AT LEAST.

Not even...

more like 24 hours fam....jawns ive talked to said if it takes you more than 2 days to call, youre NOT gonna be remembered/connect

i believe it...i met a few that i waited like 3 days to hit up...STRAIGHT up didnt remember me

First of all, you guys shouldn't even be trying to get females' numbers anyway. Women will give a man the digits for a myriad of reasons (tired ofbeing harrassed, sympathy, bets, jokes, etc.). Its not always because they're genuinely interested. I've seen females give out the number, then rightafter he walks away they say something like, "I don't know why I just did that..." Furthermore, they already know if they're going to giveyou any play from the first few moments of meeting you. What you need to do is give your number to the woman. If she's really interested,she'll call. Plus, you need to tell her when to call you. If she calls exactly when you tell her to, that means she's really feeling you.

That's the thing, you have to be chosen. There are no secret potions or magic spells to the game. You can use all the lines youwant 'til you're blue in the face--if she doesn't choose up, you're not getting anywhere. Like I said, she already knows if she wants you fromthe jump. Playas, quit spinning your wheels. Have an aura about yourself, step to her, put your bid in, and give her your number. And then if she calls,great. If not, keep it pushing. Rejection is a part of the game. The more shots you take, the more you miss...People waste too much time on trying to getone. The time you waste on one that isn't really cooperating can be better spent elsewhere....

what if you don't ask for her number when yall first meet. but you get home and she found you on FB. then you send her a message with your # saying you enjoyed talking to her that day. and she never writes back? :'(

Man, I don't even know where to begin with this one. FB stalking, FTL. If you don't have the confidence to put your bid in face-to-face, youshouldn't even deal with it. She thinks you're a spineless coward who can't step to her, that's why she never writes back bro. I'm nottrying to clown, I'm just saying. Females like that confidence. You don't have to be arrogant, but at least have some self-worth bro! That's oneof the downfalls to advances in technology. Dudes swag be on one hundred thousand, trillion when hiding behind a screen name, text msg, or email. But wegotta get back to the basics--spitting live and the flesh.

I'll be back in here later. There's some interesting stuff going on up in here
the easiest thing to say and its probably already been said, im just to lazy to go through 7 pages is don't be afraid to take a L.

everyones taken their share of L's with the women just some handle and learn from theirs differently then others.

if your you and a girls not feeling you for you then eff that broad and move on to the next one simple as that. if you take care of yourself and got a decentpersonality the women will come.
Originally Posted by chetti mon

Originally Posted by reeeem0

If she tells you to call her sometime, PLEASE wait AT LEAST 2 days. AT LEAST.

Not even...

more like 24 hours fam....jawns ive talked to said if it takes you more than 2 days to call, youre NOT gonna be remembered/connect

i believe it...i met a few that i waited like 3 days to hit up...STRAIGHT up didnt remember me

First of all, you guys shouldn't even be trying to get females' numbers anyway. Women will give a man the digits for a myriad of reasons (tired of being harrassed, sympathy, bets, jokes, etc.). Its not always because they're genuinely interested. I've seen females give out the number, then right after he walks away they say something like, "I don't know why I just did that..." Furthermore, they already know if they're going to give you any play from the first few moments of meeting you. What you need to do is give your number to the woman. If she's really interested, she'll call. Plus, you need to tell her when to call you. If she calls exactly when you tell her to, that means she's really feeling you.

That's the thing, you have to be chosen. There are no secret potions or magic spells to the game. You can use all the lines you want 'til you're blue in the face--if she doesn't choose up, you're not getting anywhere. Like I said, she already knows if she wants you from the jump. Playas, quit spinning your wheels. Have an aura about yourself, step to her, put your bid in, and give her your number. And then if she calls, great. If not, keep it pushing. Rejection is a part of the game. The more shots you take, the more you miss...People waste too much time on trying to get one. The time you waste on one that isn't really cooperating can be better spent elsewhere....

what if you don't ask for her number when yall first meet. but you get home and she found you on FB. then you send her a message with your # saying you enjoyed talking to her that day. and she never writes back? :'(

Man, I don't even know where to begin with this one. FB stalking, FTL. If you don't have the confidence to put your bid in face-to-face, you shouldn't even deal with it. She thinks you're a spineless coward who can't step to her, that's why she never writes back bro. I'm not trying to clown, I'm just saying. Females like that confidence. You don't have to be arrogant, but at least have some self-worth bro! That's one of the downfalls to advances in technology. Dudes swag be on one hundred thousand, trillion when hiding behind a screen name, text msg, or email. But we gotta get back to the basics--spitting live and the flesh.

I'll be back in here later. There's some interesting stuff going on up in here

Do this and the chances of you getting laid areslim to none. 1 out of 20 girls will probably call you back.
Originally Posted by Chicagos Finest 23

Originally Posted by chetti mon

Originally Posted by reeeem0

If she tells you to call her sometime, PLEASE wait AT LEAST 2 days. AT LEAST.

Not even...

more like 24 hours fam....jawns ive talked to said if it takes you more than 2 days to call, youre NOT gonna be remembered/connect

i believe it...i met a few that i waited like 3 days to hit up...STRAIGHT up didnt remember me

First of all, you guys shouldn't even be trying to get females' numbers anyway. Women will give a man the digits for a myriad of reasons (tired of being harrassed, sympathy, bets, jokes, etc.). Its not always because they're genuinely interested. I've seen females give out the number, then right after he walks away they say something like, "I don't know why I just did that..." Furthermore, they already know if they're going to give you any play from the first few moments of meeting you. What you need to do is give your number to the woman. If she's really interested, she'll call. Plus, you need to tell her when to call you. If she calls exactly when you tell her to, that means she's really feeling you.

That's the thing, you have to be chosen. There are no secret potions or magic spells to the game. You can use all the lines you want 'til you're blue in the face--if she doesn't choose up, you're not getting anywhere. Like I said, she already knows if she wants you from the jump. Playas, quit spinning your wheels. Have an aura about yourself, step to her, put your bid in, and give her your number. And then if she calls, great. If not, keep it pushing. Rejection is a part of the game. The more shots you take, the more you miss...People waste too much time on trying to get one. The time you waste on one that isn't really cooperating can be better spent elsewhere....

what if you don't ask for her number when yall first meet. but you get home and she found you on FB. then you send her a message with your # saying you enjoyed talking to her that day. and she never writes back? :'(

Man, I don't even know where to begin with this one. FB stalking, FTL. If you don't have the confidence to put your bid in face-to-face, you shouldn't even deal with it. She thinks you're a spineless coward who can't step to her, that's why she never writes back bro. I'm not trying to clown, I'm just saying. Females like that confidence. You don't have to be arrogant, but at least have some self-worth bro! That's one of the downfalls to advances in technology. Dudes swag be on one hundred thousand, trillion when hiding behind a screen name, text msg, or email. But we gotta get back to the basics--spitting live and the flesh.

I'll be back in here later. There's some interesting stuff going on up in here

Do this and the chances of you getting laid are slim to none. 1 out of 20 girls will probably call you back.

It all depends on how much time you have on your hands, playa. It takes the guess work out of it for me. SMH @ dudes who endlessly pursue a woman whoisn't feeling them from the jump, but she chose to give him the digits for an ego boost or whatever. Cats be brown-nosing ad infinitum trying to come upon some trim. If a woman is feeling you and you give her your number, she will call. Why wouldn't she?

And I'm not saying under any circumstances that you should never, take a woman's number either. That's the thing...there are no concrete rulesthat apply to any and all situations. Like I said before, the game isn't complex. It should be very simple. Anyway, I think its ok to exchangenumbers. But oftentimes, you just getting the chick's digits is no indication of genuine interest, esp. in a club setting...

There's plenty of factors that come into play--even regional differences in the dating arena. You can't step to females in the Chi like you'd stepto one in LA, and vice versa. Tailor your game to the situation. But hey, at the end of the day, do what works for you. But all the waiting 2 days to call,or not getting the digits then going on FB to look her up and send her a message stuff is a no-go.
I'm gonna let you guys in on my little trick to picking up women in the bar/club.

It probably has a 80% success rate, but even when it doesn't work you don't take the L.

Basically if you see a girl walking by you and you're posted up in a playful way put up your arm or leg as barrier and say something like

"Sorry you need a special pass to get past this point" This line will straight scramble a girls brains. They think they're hot *%@% andthey're not allowed past this point? They also like to be challenged, they don't want the simp yes-man, they want a dude that'll set rules for themright off the bat.

The reactions I've gotten from case scenario: girl says "i got the pass" and will kiss you on the cheek or make out with you

mid-level exception: she'll chat with you and all you gotta do is be yourself at this point, make her laugh and then act like you've got places to goand get her number before you leave.

not quite the L: sometimes you get idiot girls who don't get it and say "you're so immature" or they'll just straight ignore and try towalk through your put up leg/arm...For these girls all you need to say is "Oh nevermind, crazies and uglies get a pass" - and some girl will eventurn around and start to talk to you if you say that.
yeah that 2-3 days thing is hit or miss.

and I generally like to "exchange" numbers rather than just get the digits.
Originally Posted by Fantastic4our

yeah that 2-3 days thing is hit or miss.

and I generally like to "exchange" numbers rather than just get the digits.

If the girl is truly interested in you she will remember you.
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