getting a new computer, question about transfering music ?

Aug 7, 2012
on my current computer i have about 8,000 songs & i know some itunes heads on here are the same way, but everything is organized & it took me a long time to do. my question is, when i get a new computer, is there anyway i can transer the music over keeping it completely organized like i have now? also, stupid question, but if i put it on a external HD, & transfer the files that way, will the music transfer over with how i edited it in itunes? or will the file transer over hwo it orginally was when i dl'd it (no artwork, dates, no features, etc)?

ive had the same computer for awhile, so im not sure about the process lol. thanks in advance for any tips.
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I think the data on the tracks will remain the same but if that fails you could always copy the ituneslibrary file.
iTunes has iCloud now. However, the free version only transfers purchases from the iTunes store. However, there is a new version from Apple, it costs $25. It is called iTunes Match, and it is the iCloud for all of your music. So your library will be able to move to the new computer flawlessly with that. Other then that, if you aren't willing to pay the $25, you would have to flash-drive it over to the new computer.
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