Getting cursed out by your parents unappreciation

Jun 11, 2008

but nah i lost a $900 money order and my mom is
real talk my dad just called me and asks me what im doing, tells me to goto bed earlier and not to go out cause cops are out looking for drunks.

I say im not going out anyway, he repeats go bed earlier like 5 times cause he knows i goto bed late.

I say in a hostile tone "I know" and he just hangs up.
I get this from my mom like once a week.

But damn #+*++, what the %*@+ is wrong with you mother !*!%#$ !?
I remember when I lost $20 when I was little goin to the bodega.

I was scared as hell, I thought my moms was goin to kill me.
its funny when your parents speak broken english and try to curse you out. when i was a teenager i used to piss them off on purpose then make fun of them whenthey tried to curse me out

even now when i go visit my moms i pick a fight with her jus so i can make fun of her broken english cursing
silent treatment is worse. When your parents look at you at r about to yell, then all of a sudden they catch themselves and shake their head. Then walk off andleave u feeling like a waste of life.
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