Getting older unappreciation post

Jul 7, 2005
i feel so old im turning 20 soon
no more teenage years anyone elsegonna dread their birthday?
i am this year. i turn the big 3-0. Usually i don't care about stuff like this but, when it comes into conversation and people say it to me, i feel likean old man.
Wait till all the teenage girls start throwing themselves at you

then you will feel the curse and the gift
Well i just turned 17 a few months back lovin it, can't wait till im 18 either but then after that i hope it takes forever for my next birthday
We don't stop playing because grow old...
...We grow old because we stop playing


Any help?
Im 22...and loving it... Im starting to attract old-heads now that my facial hair is fully coming in
Originally Posted by DA MATRIX 1

Originally Posted by KayCurrency

Im 22...and loving it... Im starting to attract old-heads now that my facial hair is fully coming in

cuz ur getting older

nah im talkin about 30-35-year-olds....I look young as 18ish
most dudes who are really upset about gettin older are ones that haven't enjoyed their life and regret missing out on certain experiences when they wereyounger.
Originally Posted by nYcHipHopHippo

most dudes who are really upset about gettin older are ones that haven't enjoyed their life and regret missing out on certain experiences when they were younger.

thats 100 percent of everybody we all have regrets
You should enjoy getting older, in your 20's you are only getting better with each passing year.

By endurance in running, my jump shot, my knowledge of the markets and my understanding of life in general have gotten better and better with each year. I am24 now and I am looking forward to where I will be when I am 28, 29, 30. I will be damn near untouchable when it comes to understading the markets if i improveat the same pace I have in these last few years.

When you start dreading birthdays is later on, when you get into your late 30's and beyond, that is when things start to go physically. At 24, the onlything that has slipped with age is my body's ability to recover. You're body is best at recovering from ijury and tough excercize when you are in youlate teens and now in my mid 20's, I do feel like I am a little sorer the next day and I take a little longer to be completely recovered and ready to runagain.
i think it sucks after 21. upto 21 it's a race against time and you want to get there ASAP. after 21, you kinda want it to slow down a little bit...butstill looking to 25 so insurance goes down. after 25...i don't know...i guess you'll no longer be a kid even if you mature late.
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