
Apr 7, 2008
I dont know if Im the only person that feels like this but I really hate whenpeople say something is ghetto. I mean thats just straight up demeaning.

Our teacher talkin bout how the headphones for her computer from the 80s are ghetto because theyre old and broken. Spoiled girls in class talkin bout theyscared to go to Boyd Anderson with me to meet some of my dudes because everyone out there is ghetto. People acting like anyone poor cant think for themselvesbecause theyre ghetto. A lady in my neighborhood warning my mom to watch who I hang out with at school because its near the trailerparks, and those people areso ghetto.

Honestly, isn't there a better word for something thats broken and just because someone is poor or lives in the projects doesnt make you any better orsmarter than a single one of them. There aint no reason to be using ghetto to describe anything you dont believe is up to your standards.

When anybody calls anything ghetto it makes me wanna just smack them in the face so dam hard!

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

I dont know if Im the only person that feels like this but I really hate when people say something is ghetto. I mean thats just straight up demeaning.

word it burns me up.
i mean if it IS ghetto, then why can't u say its ghetto.

i feel you tho, when RICH people call EVERY little thing ghetto

then yes, i feel you

like one day i was hustling candy (some kit kats, makin extra money you know =]) and they wanted to cal me ghetto. i was liek what ? ghetto for making money??? ****.... iHustle.
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Spoiled girls in class talkin bout they scared to go to Boyd Anderson with me to meet some of my dudes because everyone out there is ghetto.

Boyd Anderson is HOOD though...
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anythinginvolving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao
Originally Posted by ThizzBaby

like one day i was hustling candy (some kit kats, makin extra money you know =]) and they wanted to cal me ghetto. i was liek what ? ghetto for making money ??? ****.... iHustle.
that is ghetto

but i won't knock you.
CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can bewhite ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can be white ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...

yeah, and I have stressed that to people before, but people are friggin scared of black people round here!

I mean come on, Im pretty sure Boyd Anderson got metal detectors, so its not like youll get shot. When I tried to get this girl to see a drive in movie at theswap shop (a flee market) she said yes but later refused cuz it was in the swap shop and apparently its too ghetto since theres a lot of black people WTH?

Its almost to the point where I get angry even when my friends make references like that or say that I dress ghetto. Yes, I wear tall tees and stuff, but thatdoesnt mean nothing and it dont define me. My teachers always take a double take when I have a new teacher, and ask me if Im sure this is my class like threetimes including "are you sure youre in AP? the regular classes are over there *points" That gets me so dam mad. Just because of the way someone looksdoesnt mean theyre any stupider than anyone else. Im in the top 1% of my dam school takin 5 AP classes this year and they got the nerve to doubt me cuz of afreakin white tee?

I guess people just piss me off. I still wish I was goin to freakin Boyd Anderson instead of bein stuck with these dumb ******** out here in the burbs


I wanna go back home:

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can be white ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...
Aren't white ghettos usually called "white trash"?

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can be white ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...
Aren't white ghettos usually called "white trailer trash"?


Fixed ..

You have a point ....

dendanskesimon it looks to me thatyou are desperate for some bunz - if you don't want to be stuck with that chick in the burbs, what's stopping you? I mean it's obvious that youhave a problem with her way of thinking - so is the reason you are tolerating for now is bunz? Smash and bounce or just bounce period!
I Feel Where you're coming from. My main issue is the fact that many times the people who are saying "________ Is Ghetto" HAVE NEVER LIVED IN THE GHETTO.

As if you being in a car and driving through a major urban area with people who make a lower income makes you the authority on what's ghetto...


_ Guy who isn't a product of my enviroment...
Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can be white ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...

yeah, and I have stressed that to people before, but people are friggin scared of black people round here!

I mean come on, Im pretty sure Boyd Anderson got metal detectors, so its not like youll get shot. When I tried to get this girl to see a drive in movie at the swap shop (a flee market) she said yes but later refused cuz it was in the swap shop and apparently its too ghetto since theres a lot of black people WTH?

Its almost to the point where I get angry even when my friends make references like that or say that I dress ghetto. Yes, I wear tall tees and stuff, but that doesnt mean nothing and it dont define me. My teachers always take a double take when I have a new teacher, and ask me if Im sure this is my class like three times including "are you sure youre in AP? the regular classes are over there *points" That gets me so dam mad. Just because of the way someone looks doesnt mean theyre any stupider than anyone else. Im in the top 1% of my dam school takin 5 AP classes this year and they got the nerve to doubt me cuz of a freakin white tee?

Was she Black?

This bothers me to no end. I remember being in class and white girls would say stuff like, "my pencil doesn't even have an eraser, it's soghetto."
Or, "I'm dressed bummy today, I'm looking ghetto right now." I'm like, you don't look ghetto, you just look like a white girl thatcan't dress.
Don't get the two confused.

It reminds me of the White Rapper Show when John Brown was talking about ghetto revival and BuckShot said, "how are you going to revive the ghetto? What,you bringing back crackheads? You reviving pissy hallways and staircases, what?" John Brown
just sat there looking stupid, not knowing what to say. People just throw the word around without knowing the meaning and using the word out of context,particularly non-Blacks or people in suburban areas. It kills me every time I hear it.

Also, I'm sorry to say but teachers/professors/employers will always judge you based on your appearance, it's apart of life. It happened to me
in high school when I was in advanced/AP classes and it happens to me now in college. Just the other day my professor asked me had I started
on an assignment yet and I said yes. He goes, ''oh, really. I'm shocked." Classes just started, this man doesn't know my work/study habitsyet.
He just assumed I wouldn't do the work because I don't look like the other students in the class, wearing tight polos and chino pants. All of this
just forces me to work harder to prove to these ignorant people that you can excel even while wearing a fitted and SBs.
had a white girl tell me she wont smoke out of blunts because its ghetto and only ghetto ppl smoke em. i was like
whatever and i just rolled up a j.
Originally Posted by elboricua 6

Originally Posted by JRose5

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can be white ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...
Aren't white ghettos usually called "white trailer trash"?


Fixed ..

You have a point ....

dendanskesimon it looks to me that you are desperate for some bunz - if you don't want to be stuck with that chick in the burbs, what's stopping you? I mean it's obvious that you have a problem with her way of thinking - so is the reason you are tolerating for now is bunz? Smash and bounce or just bounce period!
I did bounce haha, it was a lil while back and I just cant tolerate that kind of ignorance yo

Originally Posted by geminifly

Originally Posted by dendanskesimon

Originally Posted by elboricua 6

CtotheJ78 wrote:
Boyd isn't even that much "ghetto" i bet anything involving to much black ppl is ghetto lmao

technically it does not have to be predominately black - a ghetto can be any area that the majority of the ethnicity is the same. In essence there can be white ghettos if that's the minority race in the area ...

yeah, and I have stressed that to people before, but people are friggin scared of black people round here!

I mean come on, Im pretty sure Boyd Anderson got metal detectors, so its not like youll get shot. When I tried to get this girl to see a drive in movie at the swap shop (a flee market) she said yes but later refused cuz it was in the swap shop and apparently its too ghetto since theres a lot of black people WTH?

Its almost to the point where I get angry even when my friends make references like that or say that I dress ghetto. Yes, I wear tall tees and stuff, but that doesnt mean nothing and it dont define me. My teachers always take a double take when I have a new teacher, and ask me if Im sure this is my class like three times including "are you sure youre in AP? the regular classes are over there *points" That gets me so dam mad. Just because of the way someone looks doesnt mean theyre any stupider than anyone else. Im in the top 1% of my dam school takin 5 AP classes this year and they got the nerve to doubt me cuz of a freakin white tee?
Was she Black?

This bothers me to no end. I remember being in class and white girls would say stuff like, "my pencil doesn't even have an eraser, it's so ghetto."
Or, "I'm dressed bummy today, I'm looking ghetto right now." I'm like, you don't look ghetto, you just look like a white girl that can't dress.
Don't get the two confused.

It reminds me of the White Rapper Show when John Brown was talking about ghetto revival and BuckShot said, "how are you going to revive the ghetto? What, you bringing back crackheads? You reviving pissy hallways and staircases, what?" John Brown
just sat there looking stupid, not knowing what to say. People just throw the word around without knowing the meaning and using the word out of context, particularly non-Blacks or people in suburban areas. It kills me every time I hear it.

Also, I'm sorry to say but teachers/professors/employers will always judge you based on your appearance, it's apart of life. It happened to me
in high school when I was in advanced/AP classes and it happens to me now in college. Just the other day my professor asked me had I started
on an assignment yet and I said yes. He goes, ''oh, really. I'm shocked." Classes just started, this man doesn't know my work/study habits yet.
He just assumed I wouldn't do the work because I don't look like the other students in the class, wearing tight polos and chino pants. All of this
just forces me to work harder to prove to these ignorant people that you can excel even while wearing a fitted and SBs.

No the girl was white, dads a lawyer and moms a doctor, that kinda stuff

what you posted is exactly what Im talkin bout, just because something is broke or not perfect does not make it ghetto and they should really figure out whatthe hell the things theyre saying mean! and people judging me based on my basketball shorts, black tee and gold chain is gettin real, old real quick
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