Gifted Black Student Told ‘******* Don’t Belong’ In Class, School Bans Her Parents For Complaining

Jan 11, 2013

 When an Indiana sixth-grader received racist threats in class, her school did nothing. When her parents complained, administrators banned them from the school.

NyZeria Neely is the only black student in her high-ability class at Concord Intermediate School, in a school where just 10%  of students and 2%  of school staff are black. She felt lost and alone when she found herself the target of racist threats.

First, she was called a “******” by a girl in her class. When the family reported the incident, the school took no action.

Three weeks later, she opened her locker to find a threatening letter. According to the Elkhart Truth, the letter warned NyZeria “Watch your back.”

Days later, she received a second note, which read:

“******* don’t belong!!!”

NyZeria wasn’t sure whether to report the incident or crumple up the note. She worried the school would ignore her concerns like they had three weeks before. But she decided the offense was too great to ignore, took a photo of the note and showed it to school principal Chad Stamm. She hoped he would respond differently this time. But once again, her concerns were dismissed.

“He told me not to worry because it’s just words,” NyZeria said. “But it’s more than words. I felt that it was offensive — very offensive.”

The initial response of the school’s Superintendent Wayne Stubbs was more promising. He disagreed with the principal, saying the letter unacceptable and promised it would be treated as a serious security threat.

But the only action taken by the school district in response was to issue an automated alert to parents that harassment would not be tolerated.

Needless to say, NyZeria’s parents were not satisfied.

“They have taken it lightly,” said  her mother, Gina Neely. “It’s too severe of a case to ignore something like this. They don’t want to hear me.”

Carrying a handmade poster reading “STOP BULLYING OUR CHILDREN”, the parents arrived at the school to confront administrators. Instead of addressing their concerns, school administrators called in the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department to issue a no-trespass order against the parents.

While racist bullies in the school have faced no consequences for their threatening behavior, the school has taken draconian actions against the concerned parents of their target.

The Neely family have now pulled NyZeria and her three siblings from class as they have no faith their children will be safe while the school shirks its duty of care. The family are calling for a public apology from school officials and are considering filing an independent report with the sheriff’s office.
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Honestly all these news lately are disgusting. Why can't everyone be normal to 1 another and not hate each other because of skin color. Its so pathetic and I am ashamed of white people.. (I am white)

People say oh the economy, the president, the jobs bla bla bla make this country worse.

The only thing making this country worse is this dumb racism. It has to stop
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Racists have been unusually bold for awhile now, and not just in the South. Guess they feel a win since Obama will be out of office soon so they can "take back [their] country"
Hate is such a surreal, confusing thing. It takes so much more effort to go out of your way to hate someone and disrupt their lives than it does to place that mental stock in your own self improvement, happiness and well-being. I'll never understand the psychology of it man, it's like a mental deficiency to me, and people like that should be evaluated.
First, she was called a “******” by a girl in her class. When the family reported the incident, the school took no action.

:wow: :smh:

Um, seems like they may have a lawsuit on their hands. Unbelievable.
Me just being Hispanic in Texas this would happen to me mostly from the teachers. They would hate that I would score high grades and treat me different then the rest of the class. One Hispanic and one African American in all my GT classes. The only colored person was my best friend and we both came from the projects. Hate that people can ruin a kids future just because.
Hate is such a surreal, confusing thing. It takes so much more effort to go out of your way to hate someone and disrupt their lives than it does to place that mental stock in your own self improvement, happiness and well-being. I'll never understand the psychology of it man, it's like a mental deficiency to me, and people like that should be evaluated.
they dont have to place any mental stock into their self improvement, happiness and well-being

so many take prescriptions, to think theyre ok

then they spend all their idle time hating black people

and dont think actively teaching racism to their young behind closed doors, while talking rhetoric isnt their biggest secret
Take the superintendent and principal out back and end them.

Wouldn't be mad if the racist children got it too, racist home environment, racist town, racist state, they can't be saved.
First, she was called a “******” by a girl in her class. When the family reported the incident, the school took no action.

Um, seems like they may have a lawsuit on their hands. Unbelievable.
That's seriously disgusting 
. I hope the family does do something though if they continue showing that kind of lack of care/respect.
Not surprising. Kids are cruel. I would transfer her and keep it moving.
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Not surprising. Kids are cruel. I would transfer her and keep it moving.

And then have it happen at another school?

Granted after the lawsuit (which the family absolutely needs to file) she would be treated even more unfairly by the school and leaving might be the best option
Not surprising. Kids are cruel. I would transfer her and keep it moving.
I'd transfer her too but I definitely wouldn't just keep it moving. If not for me then for the other children of color who may be potential victims. The ineptitude of that school's staff and complete lack of concern when shown evidence of threats reveals a callous disregard for the safety of minority students and there's no way I'd just take my child and leave knowing that I could take their ***** with me and save someone else a lot of trouble.

How in the world do u hate an entire race??? Again hate the person that got over on you (or did u some type of wrong) but not the entire race alone
Obviously she's just looking for an excuse for special treatment.

Kids being kids, nothing more than words. Family is obviously blowing things way out of proportion.

I think the principal handled things as well as he could given the information we've seen.

/sarcasm. Paging blco and oneil!
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Obviously she's just looking for an excuse for special treatment.

Kids being kids, nothing more than words. Family is obviously blowing things way out of proportion.

I think the principal handled things as well as he could given the information we've seen.

/sarcasm. Paging blco and oneil!

Edit: You got me :lol:
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Sounds like a microscope of American society, blacks treated ubfairly, nothing get done to change it
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