Girl Burns Kitten Alive In Oven As "Practical Joke"

May 3, 2009
Lets send her boxes of pizza, craigslist ladies and anything else dumb enough. Ew and she's so ugly.
[h1]Cheyenne Cherry, teen accused of burning cat in oven, was busted in 2008 in armed dog-napping[/h1]
BY Matthew Lysiak, Caitlin Millat Alison Gendar and Larry Mcshane

Updated Saturday, June 6th 2009, 9:12 AM

via Myspace
Cheyenne Cherry

Goldfield for News
Johan Castro's teacup Yorkie.

[h2]Related News[/h2] [h3]Articles[/h3]
The teen accused in a Bronx kitty killing was busted last year in the armeddog-napping of a teacup Yorkie, police said.

Cheyenne Cherry's boyfriend snatched the pooch from a woman in aBronx park last June after holding a BB gun to her forehead, police said.

Days later, Cherry, 17, had the nerve to send friends to show up with the dog when a $500 reward was posted, the pooch's owner said. "She'sevil," Johan Castro, 23, said.

Despite her June 2008 arrest for larceny and extortion, along with two other busts, Cherry was released without bail after being charged with letting afriend's kitten die inside a 200-degree oven.

"They wonder why this little girl doesn't learn right from wrong," Castro said. "If she's willing to kill a cat and steal my dog,what else will she do? She thinks she can beat the system."

Cherry said little Tiger Lily was killed during "a practical joke" - the same excuse she gave for shoving a gun in the robbery victim's facelast year, cops said.

"It was just a joke," Cherry said after her arrest for robbing a man of his iPod at gunpoint. She pleaded guilty to robbery and got five years probation.

Cherry also had a 2007 arrest for smacking a girl in the head with jewelry, police said.

Cherry, now charged with aggravated cruelty to animals, arson, burglary and criminal mischief, is a dog owner who loves pets, her brother insisted.

"My sister is no cat killer," said David Cherry. "Cheyenne is not an animal hater. She has a little Yorkie that she loves."

In a cruel twist to the case, a Brooklyn retiree who shares a last name withCherry is getting threats after someone mistakenly listed her number on a Web posting about the cat slaying.

"They're all saying, 'You'll burn in hell,' 'Who the hell do you think you are?'" Bernadette Cherry, 72, said of the 75 calls from cat lovers.

[email protected]
I would put her in the oven. 100% serious. I would probably laugh watching it too.
Originally Posted by M16

I would put her in the oven. 100% serious. I would probably laugh watching it too.
and i'd be right next to you with a camcorder recording that !%*+
, real talk, i hate people like you...

she killed a cat, so in turn, you're advocating someone kill her?

you DO know

humans>cats, right?

a cat is an animal.....what she did was cruel, but at the end of the's an animal...


you advocating someone take her life.....over an animal...

, you PETA types need to interact with humans more often.....
its the fact that someone ahs the capacity to watch something with feelings suffer and die like that ... she deserves to suffer and die like the cat
Originally Posted by eNPHAN

, real talk, i hate people like you...

she killed a cat, so in turn, you're advocating someone kill her?

you DO know

humans>cats, right?

a cat is an animal.....what she did was cruel, but at the end of the's an animal...


you advocating someone take her life.....over an animal...

, you PETA types need to interact with humans more often.....

Originally Posted by eNPHAN

, you PETA typed need to interact with humans more often......


she's certainly guilty, cruel, and unsual but let's be serious...kill her? psht.
Peta types?

I felt that Vick shouldn't have been sent to jail over killing a few dogs, hell i don't even like dogs
I've eaten pork, beef, and chicken all my life
If I could afford mink coats I'd cop like 20 of them
gator skin shoes and all that

But people who %@%@ with cats just piss me off

oh and cats>humans
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