Girl problem, please give me your insight

Ok check it, my current girl was snooping around and saw some old naked pics of my ex on my computer which I never took off, she flipped out thinking they wererecently sent and accused me of cheating, etc and I deleted them right in front of her. I told her its not like that and the pics are old so it kind of sizzleddown..So now last weekend she asked me about my ex and I told her she was not my girlfriend, she was just a girl I was messing with..A stupid lie just so shecan stop thinking about this girl...She flipped out again and actually digged into my facebook records and showed where it said we were in a relationship ayear ago lol (crazy). So once again she is going I give her my ex's number (I email me ex on facebook and ask for her number just so mygirlfriend can see it is her number and not anyone else) and I give her the password to my phone account so she can see if my ex number is anywhere on my calllog (which it isn't). That kind of shut her up for a while..

Now yesterday my phone was on vibrate (I dont know how) and she realized it and once again said "why is your phone on vibrate, what are you hiding?" And she just gets cold with me, so I got cold with her (I'm usually talking to her and asking her to chill out, but yesterday I explained I dunno how myphone went on silent and just stopped it there, didnt give her any more attention). She leaves my house cold and dry, gives me a simple goodbye..I ask her tohit me up later and she is like ok (she usually comes back to stay the night). So later she calls and asks me "Are you done having an attitude?"Basically trying to manipulate me into being the one who was upset. I FLIPPED OUT and just told her stop trying to manipulate me, and she is saying how I wasthe one who had an attitude for no reason and that I am a jerk basically trying to make me out to be the one who is wrong. Today is our 6 month aniversarry buthonestly I don't think I can move any further with this girl

She just found out her ex cheated on her and also been in a lot of relationships where she was cheated on but this does not justify her acting like this to mewho is not even cheating on her..(When she gets angry she points in my face, hits my head, and threatens to spit on me) MAD disrespectful stuff. I take intoconsideration she is paranoid so I do things like give her my phone records to ease her mind but I am fed up with this.. What would you guys do in thissituation?
tell her to curve trick.
You are doing too much! My cousin would tell his girl "its on you if you find something that you don't like." Basically he meant stay out my !%%*and if you find something that hurts, its your problem.

Yeh she has been hurt before, but she should not be bringing that baggage into the new relationship. I would suggest you sit her down and let her know that ifshe is insecure, the two of you can't be together. IMO you have gone above and beyond. I would have never given her that much access.

If you are cheating now, it may or may not eventually come to light. As long as you are not disrespecting her, you have no reason to be giving her passwordsand etc.

Also, make sure that she understands all that childish behavior ("hits my head, and threatens to spit on me") will not be tolerated.

These chicks are going to try any guy until they are put in their place. If she can't shape up and stop being so suspicious, you might have to cut herloose.

Oh yeah, happy anny.
You need to lay some rules down man. "Baby listen, if this is going to continue there's a few things that have to go down..." and proceed to tellher that all that getting in your face and threatening to spit stuff is NOT going to fly anymore.

As far as her bugging out because your phone is on vibrate... I don't know what to say about that. I've never seen an insecure woman turn in to anapathetic one. You can try to curb the behavior though by threatening to leave her if this continues.

Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

tell her to curve trick.
real talk. you sound like a good dude......and you did way more than what the average man would do to accommodate the girl's insecurities(passwords, numbers, etc). If she still buggin, tell her to curve.
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

tell her to curve trick.
real talk. you sound like a good dude......and you did way more than what the average man would do to accommodate the girl's insecurities (passwords, numbers, etc). If she still buggin, tell her to curve.

okay, with it said that she has been played with before, and the inference of him being a nice dude. she's probably thinking there is a 1% chance that youmight possibly play her like the rest. be mr.niceguy right now then later abuse her and kick her to the curb. she's not tryna put you in check as bad asyou think she is. she's just trying to put her insecurities aside.
Originally Posted by SpringfieldXD

you gotta let that one go, fam.

she sounds like a handful of drama....
i literally scanned the page, saw 3-4 paragraphs and no pics

this advice sounds on point.
Damn shorty crazy, no way in hell should she be laying her hands on you tho. Your a good dude for putting up with that nonsense, its only been 6 months and Ithink it will only get worse. Her not being able to trust you will get old very fast, bc you will get tried of having to prove yourself.
I know you still got the ex pictures, and hope you didnt REALLY delete them

you never delete pictures like that my friend, you just keep then very hidden, you probably had the %*#% on your desktop like what
you need to cut that ASAP

I had an ex like that, for as good looking as she was, it was not worth fighting EVERYDAY (which all came from her)

one time I literally stopped my car on the side of the road, got out and walked away b/c it was that bad
It baffles me why I don't see any photographs in OP's post.....
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