Girl problem, please give me your insight

you set yourself up for the L by not having a private folder for the pics of the ex .. stupid
If she's acting like this and its only been a few months can you imagine what its going to be like a few months down the road???
She has some major insecurity issues my man. Not only that, she seems to be very disrespectful to you. Since it only has been 6 months, I can honestly tell youit's only gonna get worse from here. You have to cut that girl off right now if you care about what's best for you.
Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

no disrespect fam, but u need to grow some balls and play THE MAN'S role. based on what u said, it is obvious that SHE is the dominant force in this relationship and SHE wears the pants.

apparently u've allowed her to treat u this way and conduct herself in this manner so obviously she doesn't see anything wrong with the way she treats u. this is now normal and acceptable behavior in her mind when she gets upsaet b/c u didn't set the perameters from the jump like u were supposed to.

the dead giveaway is when u said she called back and asked if U were done having an attitude.
although all women will usually TRY this reverse psychology, once u let her know what time it really is that will come to a screeching halt... UNLESS it is apparent that u are the WEAKER of the 2 (see: pushover) and she will continue with this kind of behavior.

becaue she KNOWS that u are easily manipulated.

i was essentially raised by my older sister. she is where i got all my game from. i had the advantage of growing up seeing the type of evil, manipulative things women will do to men, IF WE ALLOW THEM TO. they LOVE to get in our heads.

one thing to remember though, regardless of what they may tell u, A REAL WOMAN DOES NOT RESPECT A MAN THAT IS A PUSHOVER. women want to be dominated and told what to do. they want to know their man has everything under control and can take care of everything.

take it for what it's worth fam, but the bottom line is YOU HAVE ALLOWED THINGS TO GET THIS FAR, PERIOD.

this...we dont want to be dominated...its not the same thing...
man you did all you can do....time to move on...

OMG i offered advice without asking for pics
Originally Posted by shortydoowopp

Originally Posted by CharmCityKid

no disrespect fam, but u need to grow some balls and play THE MAN'S role. based on what u said, it is obvious that SHE is the dominant force in this relationship and SHE wears the pants.

apparently u've allowed her to treat u this way and conduct herself in this manner so obviously she doesn't see anything wrong with the way she treats u. this is now normal and acceptable behavior in her mind when she gets upsaet b/c u didn't set the perameters from the jump like u were supposed to.

the dead giveaway is when u said she called back and asked if U were done having an attitude.
although all women will usually TRY this reverse psychology, once u let her know what time it really is that will come to a screeching halt... UNLESS it is apparent that u are the WEAKER of the 2 (see: pushover) and she will continue with this kind of behavior.

becaue she KNOWS that u are easily manipulated.

i was essentially raised by my older sister. she is where i got all my game from. i had the advantage of growing up seeing the type of evil, manipulative things women will do to men, IF WE ALLOW THEM TO. they LOVE to get in our heads.

one thing to remember though, regardless of what they may tell u, A REAL WOMAN DOES NOT RESPECT A MAN THAT IS A PUSHOVER. women want to be dominated and told what to do. they want to know their man has everything under control and can take care of everything.

take it for what it's worth fam, but the bottom line is YOU HAVE ALLOWED THINGS TO GET THIS FAR, PERIOD.

this...we dont want to be dominated...its not the same thing...

This. I have never been controlled by any man.

My husband has never dominated me and if he even tried to his %@* would be gone.
You're lame for tolerating that.

You didn't set a precedent so you might as well dead it now. She's insecure as hell and is looking for a object to take it out on. In general,femalesare insecure as f--- and need attention/validation.

You're mad lame though. Shoulda kicked her to the curb. Step your options game up. You aint gotta sleep with em but if your girl knows you'll put upwith that, she knows you're gonna put up with way worse.
Originally Posted by Sir Rob A Lot

Originally Posted by JayADiCt92

tell her to curve trick.
real talk. you sound like a good dude......and you did way more than what the average man would do to accommodate the girl's insecurities (passwords, numbers, etc). If she still buggin, tell her to curve.
You're lame for tolerating that.

You didn't set a precedent so you might as well dead it now. She's insecure as hell and is looking for a object to take it out on. In general,femalesare insecure as f--- and need attention/validation.

You're mad lame though. Shoulda kicked her to the curb. Step your options game up. You aint gotta sleep with em but if your girl knows you'll put upwith that, she knows you're gonna put up with way worse.
if you continue down this road, you most likely die a young man due to heart problems...

get away...more than 2-3 billion girls, who can treat you just shouldn't want to settle down @ an early age.

Well, her past kind of justifies her actions but I know how you feel because it reminds me, scarily, of my girl -.-... Just don't lie, and if she stilldoesn't trust you then do what the first reply of this post said.
Tell her stop being paranoid. It will die down after awhile, because every dude on here know their girl once upon a time accuses them.
Dump her its never going to stop(accusations, she's insecure), and stop lying to your girl. It almost ways come back to haunt you. Besides, there was nogood reason for you to lie anyay.
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